about 4 years
ago -
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Hey everyone,
After a month of matchmaking and thousands of matches you've been playing since, the feature has taught us a lot and made us do some updates and improvements over the course of February.
We are pretty happy with how positive the feature has been received and it's great to see how passionate you were around it. We have communicated on our future plans with it such as bringing the squadding into it, allowing you to invite your friends and give your best to grind the ranks, but we are also thinking about how to improve the current state of matchmaking.
Right now, It's been pretty hard for players that are ranked higher than Master 1 to find a match under an hour, even more sometimes.
Today we've decided to apply a soft reset on the ranks allowing everyone to be able to play and grind as they wish throughout the day, alongside that, we are also adapting and improving the formula around the points you can potentially lose or gain in order to make it fairer but also more stable.
More details about the reset:
0 to 999 -> No reset
1000 to 1499 -> 1000
1500 to 1999 -> 1500
2000 to 2499 -> 2000
2500 to 2999 -> 2500
3000+ -> 3000
Thanks and see you on track!
After a month of matchmaking and thousands of matches you've been playing since, the feature has taught us a lot and made us do some updates and improvements over the course of February.
We are pretty happy with how positive the feature has been received and it's great to see how passionate you were around it. We have communicated on our future plans with it such as bringing the squadding into it, allowing you to invite your friends and give your best to grind the ranks, but we are also thinking about how to improve the current state of matchmaking.
Right now, It's been pretty hard for players that are ranked higher than Master 1 to find a match under an hour, even more sometimes.
Today we've decided to apply a soft reset on the ranks allowing everyone to be able to play and grind as they wish throughout the day, alongside that, we are also adapting and improving the formula around the points you can potentially lose or gain in order to make it fairer but also more stable.
More details about the reset:
0 to 999 -> No reset
1000 to 1499 -> 1000
1500 to 1999 -> 1500
2000 to 2499 -> 2000
2500 to 2999 -> 2500
3000+ -> 3000
Thanks and see you on track!