Original Post — Direct link

I was building a royal map, and started playtesting the green section. As you can see below, there is a slow-mo trigger followed by a finish. (note that the finish wasn't set to be the green finish when I playtested the map, I changed it just before taking the screenshot).After going back in the editor, I noticed that everything was a little blury, and it reminded me of the slow-mo effect.

I think the slow-mo effect has not been properly removed, therefore staying after the playtesting.

Definetly not a priority bug, just a little weird.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @chachouman

Thanks for the screenshot and letting us know what you did before this. Did it resolve itself after doing anything, or would it go back being like this if you backed out and came back in?