Original Post — Direct link
Just a heads up, not all of these might be the usual kind of bugs, some of them are suggestions and minor detail mistakes, still, these are the anomalies I have spotted. Sorry, can't edit title, I shouldn't have been this vague.

Edited: Figured this bug out: https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...-medals-Forums

[If you open the settings while loading a track the menus can flicker, they might be on the same level. (Only got this once on launch day)]

You need to press the interface on/off button twice to go from Interface-off to Interface-on.

You can enter more than 3 characters into Trigram text in the settings, but it will change back to 3.

Location: Hungary -> Csongrád is actually called Csongrád-Csanád.

[Unclickable menu options: Automatically log me in at launch, Lock currently loaded title, Enable chat on multiplayer servers, Show player avatars,
and the whole Title Settings section.]

After leaving an online server, the server I was just on is displayed in the Local->Local Network menu.
If you try to enter from Local->Local Network: https://i.imgur.com/WcGnjvO.png (the server is still online ofc)

Interface-off + Menu button pauses/locks the game completely. - Fixed

If mapping while shadows uncalculated sometimes when placing a block down basically the whole graphics and all shadows whole shadows will do a flash.
See it in action: https://streamable.com/zymgpu
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link
Hey DdariQ,

Thanks for reporting these issue to us so far.

I can confirm some of them are known to us and some of them are being escalated to the game team to look at, whilst some appear to be unknown at this time.

We appreciate your help during the early stages of launch and if any other players are experiencing any potential bugs that do not fall into our 'Known Issues' thread we encourage you to post in our forums too!