Just a heads up, not all of these might be the usual kind of bugs, some of them are suggestions and minor detail mistakes, still, these are the anomalies I have spotted. Sorry, can't edit title, I shouldn't have been this vague.
Edited: Figured this bug out: https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...-medals-Forums
[If you open the settings while loading a track the menus can flicker, they might be on the same level. (Only got this once on launch day)]
You need to press the interface on/off button twice to go from Interface-off to Interface-on.
You can enter more than 3 characters into Trigram text in the settings, but it will change back to 3.
Location: Hungary -> Csongrád is actually called Csongrád-Csanád.
[Unclickable menu options: Automatically log me in at launch, Lock currently loaded title, Enable chat on multiplayer servers, Show player avatars,
and the whole Title Settings section.]
After leaving an online server, the server I was just on is displayed in the Local->Local Network menu.
If you try to enter from Local->Local Network: https://i.imgur.com/WcGnjvO.png (the server is still online ofc)
Interface-off + Menu button pauses/locks the game completely. - Fixed
If mapping while shadows uncalculated sometimes when placing a block down basically the whole graphics and all shadows whole shadows will do a flash.
See it in action: https://streamable.com/zymgpu
Edited: Figured this bug out: https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthrea...-medals-Forums
[If you open the settings while loading a track the menus can flicker, they might be on the same level. (Only got this once on launch day)]
You need to press the interface on/off button twice to go from Interface-off to Interface-on.
You can enter more than 3 characters into Trigram text in the settings, but it will change back to 3.
Location: Hungary -> Csongrád is actually called Csongrád-Csanád.
[Unclickable menu options: Automatically log me in at launch, Lock currently loaded title, Enable chat on multiplayer servers, Show player avatars,
and the whole Title Settings section.]
After leaving an online server, the server I was just on is displayed in the Local->Local Network menu.
If you try to enter from Local->Local Network: https://i.imgur.com/WcGnjvO.png (the server is still online ofc)
Interface-off + Menu button pauses/locks the game completely. - Fixed
If mapping while shadows uncalculated sometimes when placing a block down basically the whole graphics and all shadows whole shadows will do a flash.
See it in action: https://streamable.com/zymgpu