Original Post — Direct link

Hi, since one week, my game switched to what seems low graphic settings. The textures and shading seems off, as seen in the screenshot below.

When I go to the graphic settings (both in game/via the bar) and change the settings to preset 'nice', 'very nice' or set custom shader/texture settings, nothing changes after applying the changes and restarting the game. the shader quality setting is back to 'low' for example while the preset says ' very nice' (see screenshot 2) and the graphics are not improved.
Problem persists in different game modes (cotd / campaign etc). I have uninstalled and redownloaded the game, but the problem still persists.
On Windows 11 on a AMD Ryzen 7 4800U on a lenovo yoga slim.

Hope you guys can help!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Perseids - Direct link

@unoclam Hey there! So sorry to see that you are having an issue with the graphics in-game. As a first step, please go through the troubleshooting steps in our guide here. Be sure to verify your game files as this will check if any files may have been corrupted and could be causing this issue. You'll also want to disable background applications because there could be a program using the resources that the game needs to run properly. Since you're also on a laptop, it's possible that the battery options are causing the GPU to not trigger properly, and this could explain the low settings in-game. To fix this, check the battery options/power mode and make sure it's set to at least Balanced, if not High Performance. Please also follow the steps in this guide to check and make sure your graphics drivers are fully up-to-date. We also have this handy guide that helps you make sure the game is running on your dedicated GPU.

I hope these steps help, but if you're still not seeing any improvements, please let me know. Thanks!