Original Post — Direct link

I have an F310 controller from Logitech, and I've noticed that when the game will respond to input from the controller when minimized, in the background, or not focused (basically all the time). There doesn't appear to be any way to fix this issue or any workarounds apart from physically unplugging the controller, even unbinding controller input (XInput Pad) doesn't prevent this, as menus will still work without any inputs set. This can be quite the problem as I've found myself in a Ranked match before after minimizing Trackmania at the main menu.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Chiral - Direct link

Hey @I-AM-HAM!

That's certainly an odd issue, I've not encountered that one! Out of curiosity, do you have any other controllers you can test to see if they have the same issue? If so, please let me know what controllers you've tested and if they act the same way or not.

I'd also advise trying the following general steps to narrow down the cause of the issue.