Original Post — Direct link

Every Time I start the Game, i'll get a Blak Screen, but I'm hearing the Music.
Every Driver is updated and i have no idea what to do.


I hope someone can help me.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-Pegasus - Direct link

Hello there @Kha-Zi

I'm sorry that you're having some issues loading your game.

Does the loading icon at the bottom right-hand corner still rotate for you as you're able to hear the music?

To try and help with this, I would suggest firstly reinstalling the game completely and making sure you install this, and the Ubisoft Connect launcher, on the same C hard drive. If you haven't already, I also recommend checking this article and trying the steps inside in case they might help.

Does the issue continue, if you could please provide your PC specs (GPU, CPU, OS etc) so we can take a closer look, that would be helpful as well.

Let me know if any of the steps helped at all!