

12 Sep


Hi Tenno,

Round 17 is here, featuring some brand new TennoGen content and creators! Congratulations to everyone who was accepted. I know we’re all waiting for the list, so let’s just cut to the chase -- more info about this round and feedback for non-accepted items can be found at the bottom of this thread. 


Ash Ryuga Skin by Rekkou

Baruuk Graxx Skin by Faven

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03 Sep

20 hours ago, DaftMeat said:

Still buggy. Watched various streams for over an hour each yesterday and today, some viewers said they got Twitch drops, some like me did not.

I unlinked and relinked my Warframe and Twitch accounts, but still no luck afterwards.

Twitch was not silenced or muted while I was watching, I was even interacting with chat. My activity was set to "Online", and I had "Share my activity" enabled as well.

I also tried watching streams on Mixer, but even there did not receive the palette.

It appears you have multiple accounts linked to your Twitch -- please use the troubleshooting tips in this comment:  ...

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1 hour ago, -----x----- said:

When I get my palette? I'm watching all day, no drop 😞

It appears you have multiple accounts linked to your Twitch -- please use the troubleshooting tips in this comment: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1124360-transmission-palette-twitch-drops-and-mixer-rewards-campaign/?do=findComment&comment=11013067


Hi Tenno,

Thank you for your patience this weekend -- the Drops issues should hopefully be resolved now on our end. If you successfully linked your accounts and watched a Partner for 30 minutes over the weekend, you should have a palette now in your inbox! If not, it is possible that your accounts are not linked correctly.

The main cause of this is having multiple Warframe accounts linked to the same Twitch account. My recommendation? Log in to each Warframe account you have and go to warframe.com/user -- it'll tell you what Twitch account it is linked to. You should not have the same Twitch account show up for multiple Warframe accounts.

If you do, here's how to fix it:

  1. Unlink all Warframe accounts from Twitch at warframe.com/user (this involves logging in to each account and unlinking them)
  2. Relink your intended Warframe account to our Twitch using warframe.com/twitch/link
  3. ...
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On 2019-08-31 at 9:30 AM, CoconutImmigration said:

--After the deadline for #17, is it possible to still submit updates to the tennogen files in the steam workshop/ tennogen program to "qualify" for round 17 or is the last update/submission considered "final" after the deadline?

We review items immediately after the deadline closes, so any additional changes that are made will not be considered. If we are interested in accepting a piece that needs a few final tweaks, we will work with the creator to get those done after the deadline, but that is only handled on a case-by-case basis.

30 Aug

27 minutes ago, DennyPhantom said:

Colors are nice.
But when will you fix ALL of the lighting that you messes up with the new update?

Unrelated, but Steve was tweeting about these issues earlier today -- we're aware and are looking to fix. 🙂





Looking to add a little more color to your Arsenal? Watch any Warframe Partner on Twitch or Mixer and get your very own Transmission Color Palette, featuring a beautiful selection of purples and blues!

WHEN: Starting Friday, August 30 at 2pm ET, until Friday, September 6 at 2pm ET!
HOW: Watch any Warframe Partner on Twitch or Mixer for 30 minutes!
WHO: You can see a full list of our Warframe Partners at our Partner index here: https://www.warframe.com/community/partners#partnerIndex 
WHAT: The new Transmission Color Palette



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26 Aug

On 2019-08-24 at 4:36 PM, Cradicias said:

Any idea if we'll get Sword & Shield melee in the Tennogen? Would love to start seeing some skins for it.

We talked a little bit about this in our panel at TennoCon -- Sword & Shield skins are a little more complicated than regular melee skins because of their collapsible animation. Whips are the first time we've experimented with more complex skin meshes, and we'll be looking at other more complex weapon types once we've smoothed out any wrinkles (if there are any). 

16 Aug



We’re back with another Devstream where we looked as far back as 2012, while also looking into the future with a preview of Grendel’s abilities and more in-depth discussion about Railjack systems. As always, we recommend watching the full livestream, or simply read our recap here: https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-130-overview

Who: Rebecca is joined by (most) of the usual crew!

What: We’re going to go over Warframe past, present, and future! What was happening at DE 7 years ago today? What’s happening at DE now? And what’s happening at DE months from now? From a sneak peek at Grendel to Railjack talk, don’t miss out!

Prizes? Oh yes! We have plenty of Digital Prizes to give out.

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe and mixer.com/playwarframe

Twitch Drop: Tune in to find out what you can snag for watching our Devstream!

When: Today, August 16th at 2 p.m. ET!

Hope to see you there, Tenno!

13 Aug


A few creators have been asking if the cord mesh is considered in the total tri count, and it is! The total tri count for whips is 6K including any FX, the cord, and your custom handle/blade.

09 Aug

1 hour ago, JorgeJoestar said:

What's up with the sudden ban on hoods and cloth? Faven's Wisp helmet was full of elements that are already commonly used in-game, a bunch of the skins are pretty hardcore fantasy, hoods are common, even in new concepts like Ash's second deluxe skin, and it was even explicitly stated that tennogen helmets for Wisp would be allowed to get rid of the scarf on the back.

There is no sudden ban on hoods, but they need to fit the Faction aesthetic, and still be abstracted for Warframe. Two very hood-like items exist in the program already and are rooted in the Grineer style, which makes sense for that Faction and also fit the Warframe's theme (Nekros and Harrow). Balancing between having the semblance of clothing while keeping in the Warframe style is tricky but doable, and is something we do work with creators on as much as we can.

Any in-house made items are not ...

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The deadline for Round 17 is here! Get your submissions in before August 26th at 2pm EDT to be considered!

We will be accepting new content and factions in this round, but we understand that there might be a bit of a learning curve before creators get a feel for these new items and styles. With that said, we'll be doing our best to offer feedback to Whip, Chest Armor, or Sentient / Solaris / Ostron-styled pieces that don't get in to the Round, in addition to our regular feedback processes.

All creations must be submitted with the following screenshot guidelines, so we can properly judge your creation. We reserve the right to reject items without proper screenshots, due to our inability to properly review your item.
  • Please make sure to include a tint breakdown.
  • Have at least one well-lit screenshot on a 50% grey background and uncoloured lighting.
  • For Skins and Syandanas, make sure the colour...
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1 hour ago, paul5473 said:

Zaws? I havent read it yet but if so I'm so happy!

Unfortunately not! It's not currently possible due to how they are constructed. We talked about it a little more here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/871893-zaws-skins/?tab=comments#comment-9402800


After almost four years, we are officially expanding the supported Factions in the TennoGen program! 

Our official Faction guide has now been updated to include the following styles:

  • Sentient
  • Solaris
  • Ostron

Find them all here: https://www.warframe.com/steamworkshop/help/index.php?page=content-creator-art-style-guide

These guides are lengthy and very in-depth, so please review them carefully and use this thread for any questions you may have.


On 2019-08-06 at 3:13 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Technical Specs and Restrictions:

  • You cannot edit the cord’s mesh, it can be retextured. 

Just clarifying here, since another creator asked: you can edit the UVs as well as the textures for the cord.

08 Aug



The deadline for Round 17 is here: get your submissions in before August 26th at 2pm EDT to be considered!

We will be accepting new content and factions in this round, but we understand that there might be a bit of a learning curve before creators get a feel for these new items and styles. With that said, we'll be doing our best to offer feedback to Whip, Chest Armor, or Sentient / Solaris / Ostron-styled pieces that don't get in to the Round, in addition to our regular feedback processes. 

You can also use any of the official release threads for questions and advice:

  • Whip Thread: 
  • Chest Armor Thread: 
  • Factions Thread: COMING FRIDAY, AUG 9


All creations must be submitted with the following screenshot guidelines, so we can properly judge your creation. We reserve the right to reject items without proper screenshots,...

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23 hours ago, ozcg888 said:

Screenshots from the back? Warframe back of what?

Back of the item so we can see the peg, and make sure it's textured properly!

06 Aug


You read that right -- whips are officially available in the Steam Workshop. Without further ado, let's dive into technical specifications. The full guide can be found here: http://www.warframe.com/steamworkshop/help/index.php?page=creating-a-whip-skin


With the way our melee weapons are set up, we are able to do complete mesh swaps for them per weapon type! This lets our players use these skins for a variety of melees, unlike our weapon-exclusive primary and secondary skins.

Whips are one of the more complex melee weapon types, and as a result it needs its own guide to make creation and implementation as easy as possible!

Technical Specs and Restrictions:

  • Triangle bud...
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You read that right -- chest armor pieces are officially available in the Steam Workshop. Without further ado, let's dive into technical specifications. The full guide can be found here: http://www.warframe.com/steamworkshop/help/index.php?page=creating-a-chest-armor-piece


Chest Armor Pieces are a great entry point into the TennoGen program -- they let you explore any faction’s art style and give our Tenno community an opportunity to find an individual look for their Warframes. While Chest Armor Pieces offer creators a lot of freedom, there are some technical limitations and tips you’ll need to keep in mind to ensure your design performs well!

Technical Guidelines:

  • Chest...
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