

06 May

On 2019-05-05 at 3:50 AM, texrei said:

This skin again gets no approval https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552756160 And this is heartbreaking how long this guy polishes this skin (don't look at the posting date, it was readded), how flawless it looks and it is still neglected. I can't imaging how demotivating it should be.


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On 2019-05-05 at 1:24 AM, zephyrbutt said:

Does anyone know why it can take weeks or in some cases even months to release Tennogen waves, even when DE show them off in-game in Devstreams looking pretty much ready to be released alongside or even a little before the forum announcement? I'm not complaining or anything, I assume DE must have something they have to sort out first but I'm just really curious to know what that is, because other than the Hydroid helmet lacking gravity for it's tentacles in their Devstream showoff I can't think of anything. 😐

The test rooms you see are just a very basic set-up for showcasing purposes -- Skyers managed to add some basic rigging to make them look extra fancy, but it takes a lot of work from the team to rig them properly and test them to make sure they look great when in-use. 

03 May

12 minutes ago, Vexhnolyze said:

"but there were some stylistic concerns that would take too much time to fix for this round" That was a bit vague, can you go more in depth in what you mean by that? Is it the fact that the creator used gold at first but changed it? Also, are all the items currently accepted the final result of this round that's going to be implemented into the game?

We only share specific feedback with creators themselves out of respect for their privacy. It's up to them if they want to talk more publicly about it, once they have received it. 



We’re back with another Devstream, featuring a look at the new Disruption gamemode coming with the Jovian Conchord update, news on changes in Nightwave Series 2, some UI QOL changes and so much more!

This overview is a beefy one, so as usual, if you have the time, we recommend watching the full episode for all the nitty gritty details, or just read about the highlights in our overview here: https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-127

15 minutes ago, elire01 said:

Aww i had my hopes up for Loki Jotunheim skin by Mz-3

i understand that we have to give space for new tennogen creators but at the same time single person takes up 3 possible places for it. Shame a real shame.


We think the Loki skin is excellent, but there were some stylistic concerns that would take too much time to fix for this round, unfortunately. Rest assured it'll be getting feedback! 

I do want to make it clear that we don't "save space" for new creators, that's not a practice we have ever done. Including pieces from new creators is always amazing (we have three this round!!), but their acceptance did not affect decisions for any other pieces in a round. 🙂

Who: Rebecca is joined by the usual crew!

What: It’s time to do a lot of housekeeping and catchup! We are going to take you through the changes that will be coming for Nightwave Series 2, check out what Wisp has been up to on Jupiter with a new game mode, and much, much more!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream as well as an Equinox Prime Access Pack AND a Dual Prime Vault.

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/warframe

Twitch Drop: Tune in to find out what you can snag for watching our Devstream!

When: Join us today, May 3rd at 2 p.m. EDT!

See you there, Tenno!

17 Apr

It’s time to put some spring into your step, Tenno!

Visit the in-game Market to get the new Spring Step Ephemera to leave a trail of colorful Easter eggs that are sure to delight! Pick up this seasonal cosmetic for only 5,000 Credits. While you’re there, grab the fan-favorite Lepus Headgear for 5,000 Credits and the Easter Color Picker for just a single Credit!

All Event Items:
  • Spring Step Ephemera* - 5,000 Credits
  • Lepus Headgear* - 5,000 Credits
  • Easter Color Picker - 1 Credit
These items are only available until April 24 at 2 p.m. ET. Don’t let them hop away!

Easter Gift of the Lotus Alerts
As an added bonus this year, we’re running three extra Gift of the Lotus Alerts!

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08 Apr

Hi Tenno,

The deadline for TennoGen Round 16 is here: April 15th at 12pm EDT!

We’ll be considering all items updated or submitted since the last round deadline, January 7th. With this round announcement, we’re giving you a little sneak peek of something else we’ve had in the works -- a refresh of our existing TennoGen guides, which can be found here[www.warframe.com].

While we were updating the guides to round out the information found within them to meet current program needs, we also whipped up some pre-submission checklists for each creation type. What better time than now to share them:

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Hi Tenno,

The deadline for TennoGen Round 16 is here: April 15th at 12pm EDT!

We’ll be considering all items updated or submitted since the last round deadline, January 7th. With this round announcement, we’re giving you a little sneak peek of something else we’ve had in the works -- a refresh of our existing TennoGen guides, which can be found here

While we were updating the guides to round out the information found within them to meet current program needs, we also whipped up some pre-submission checklists for each creation type. What better time than now to share them!

Alt Helmet Checklist


Alt Helmet Checklist.png...

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05 Apr



We’re back with another Devstream, featuring your first look at Wisp (the 40th Warframe’s) kit, as well as some Ephemeras and Deluxe skins in the works!

As usual, if you have the time, we recommend watching the full episode for all the nitty gritty details, or just read about the highlights in our overview: https://www.warframe.com/news/devstream-126-overview


Who: Rebecca is joined by the usual crew!

What: It is time to learn more about Wisp and her powers! What will our 40th Warframe bring to the Origin System? Tune in to find out and more!

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes during the Livestream as well as an Equinox Prime Access Pack!

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

Twitch Drop: No Twitch Drop this week as we work on some maintenance!

When: Join us this today, April 5th at 2 p.m. EDT!

See you there, Tenno!

27 Mar


Those of you reporting issues with colouring Equinox -- we are aware of the issue and are looking to fix! Thank you for the reports. 🙂


26 Mar

15 minutes ago, (NSW)XenobladeBun said:

For me, it's the EOS prime armor chest, and any other chest types I own. Haven't tested others yet. Try rebooting the game too, still stuck on default colors. Copying main colors doesn't even change it, but random colors does, until you click off the menu, then it goes back to default. 

Is this on a new loadout perhaps, or using new content you acquired after the patch? I am able to colour all my chest pieces without any issue on my Switch.

12 minutes ago, (NSW)CounterTheory said:

Thank you for the hot fix. Unfortunately, it seems to have broken the color schemes for all attachments and syandanas and set them all permanently to their default colors with no way of color customization. Just thought I'd let you know!

Hi! Can you please give an example of items you tried to colour? It might be item-specific. Any repro steps would be greatly appreciated. 🙂

On 2019-03-22 at 11:49 AM, iNemeq said:

Is there any news on Garuda's Claws yet? (and whatever else might be missing!) 😄

It was fixed! Since her claws are not exalted, we do not allow you to equip the skin separately. Simply equipping the Successor Skin will give her claws a new coat of paint. 🙂

18 Mar

On 2019-03-15 at 6:04 AM, LunarRush said:

Yep, still no Saryn's helmet and no Garuda's claws. 

Looks like there were a few Tenno missing Saryn's helmet. If this is you, please be sure to submit a support ticket!

Garuda's claws are also being looked into, but I don't have any news on those at the moment. 

14 Mar


Meg seems to have the same issue. Will investigate! Sorry about that!


Hi guys, as [DE]Saske mentioned, we are aware of this issue! The issue has been resolved, and we will be running a script to return the missing helmets.

I'll be posting updates in this thread here: 

Sorry for the mix-up and thanks for your patience!


Hi Tenno,

If you have purchased any TennoGen skins from the recent TennoGen Round 15 update, you might have noticed you're missing the helmets. The team is aware of the issue, and we will rectify the problem ASAP!

Additionally, those of you who purchased the Aures Diadem, it will be fixed to be set up in the Facial Accessory slot instead of the Eye Accessory slot, as the creator intended.

We're so sorry for the mix-up here, thanks for your patience as we get this sorted!

EDIT: We have updated the items to give the helmets as of 5:46PM ET, but if you purchased those items before that time, we are running a script that should return the missing helmets. Please stay tuned to this thread for more information about when that script will run, and when it has been completed.

EDIT 2: The script has run its course, and all skins should be helmet-less no more!

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08 Mar


Hildryn's files are now available on the Steam Workshop!

Like Baruuk, Garuda, and Revenant who came before her, she uses new tech and thus is missing textures in her ZIP file. It’s on you as the creator to make these maps yourself without any reference files.

Below is a list of what is included in the ZIP: 

  • Normal
  • Emissive
  • Tintmask
  • Body and Helmet meshes

To be clear, you are expected to still make the specular, roughness, and diffuse maps -- we simply can’t send you a reference for comparison.

Can't wait to see what you all come up with! :community:...

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