[Fatshark] Quickpaw

[Fatshark] Quickpaw

04 Oct

Can any of you check if restarting the game fixes the issue?

20 Sep

Originally posted by Darklight: I very much doubt V2 will get anything besides the Sienna DLC. Honestly, there efforts are better spent improving Darktide.
Necromancer career won't be the final piece of content for Vermintide 2! Can't say anything yet, but there's more stuff coming afterwards!

18 Sep

Q cancelling or QQ cancelling or block cancelling isn't considered cheating on our side, at least, if that helps!

Using macros to spam light attacks also gets a pass, but perhaps using macros to do your QQ cancelling for you is a bit much and we'd rather you didn't, but unless it becomes some sort of wide spread problem we're not looking to step in.

08 Sep

Indeed, it's just as Duckyweather said, so you should still find all of your gear and progression after you skip or finish the prologue.

04 Sep

As Zoli said, we have our own backend where we store your player profile with all of your progression. Your steam cloud save, if you had it, would contain your local storage which is essentially just your user config files like keybinds, preferences, graphics settings, etc.

Also the game will try to make you play the Prologue, but you can just skip it by quitting out of it as soon as it starts.

31 Aug

Originally posted by Sandyclawz:
Originally posted by Fatshark Quickpaw:
In case you don't find a solution, I can confirm that you should be able to buy these items normally once the sale ends.

When does the sale end? I couldn't buy it after steam summer sale ended.
September 9!

30 Aug

Originally posted by Fire Head: I just dunno why the dont make into a steam soundtrack
When V2 originally came out, I don't think that was a feature Steam had. We did do that for Darktide, though, so I'll see if we can't go ahead and add that feature for Vermintide as well.
Originally posted by Mehmet: I figured out what the problem is "https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/7651055563293--PC-Unable-to-purchase-DLC-in-Türkiye-or-Argentina-"

Is there a way for me to buy all DLC's so they are not under the minimum price threshold limit ?

In case you don't find a solution, I can confirm that you should be able to buy these items normally once the sale ends.

29 Aug

So I asked the developers, on Steam the matchmaking and proximity checking is done by Steam itself, so I'm afraid if there is an issue it is not something we can apparently tinker with, or at least not easily.

28 Aug

Originally posted by _galaxy: the Community Manager has also said there will be more content after that too, but who knows if it'll be another free update or another paid DLC
Yup, as Aqshy has mentioned, Necromancer Sienna isn't the last piece of content we're putting out for V2!

22 Aug

If you're still having this issue, I suggest you make a post in our Technical Support section to get assistance from devs.

16 Aug

The option to bypass the launcher that Pungent is pointing out can be found by using the steam feature to opt into betas.
VT2 -> Properties -> Betas -> look for the 'Bypass Launcher' option.

14 Aug

Originally posted by Emilia Tempest: Use armor piercing attacks (usually heavy attacks for most weapons).

Blunt weapons (maces, hammers) do usually well against armor. greathammer does it with light attacks, maces and greatmaces do it with heavy attacks
Axe weapons (1h-axe, greataxe, crowbil, elven axe, axe&shield) do well against armor on nearly all attacks, light or heavy.

And all other weapons usually do well against armor with heavy attacks.
However, weapons that do stabs (rapier, spears) usually arent that great against body-armor and rely more on headshots.

And for ranged, handguns (kruber/bardin) work well against armor.
Repeater handgun (kruber) works well against armored rats (doesnt work well o...
Read more

10 Aug

Here are the notes for Hotfix 1.1.21 that just went live on Steam and will be out shortly on the Microsoft Store.
  • Fixed an issue where the server could crash when running a mission with the high/low resistance ventilation purge conditions.
  • Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to load into a mission that has already completed.
  • Removed outdated voicelines pertaining to Auric Level Operatives.
  • Fixed missing blessing description for Roaring Advance.

08 Aug

Here are the Patch notes for Patch #12 - Into the Maelstrom. As part of this patch there will be a maintenance period in which you will be unable to log in into the game. We expect this to last around 3 hours, commencing from 07:00 UTC.

Updated Features
Mission Board With this patch, the Mission Board will now primarily utilise its Dynamic System. This means that the conditions chosen to be available on the mission board will cycle much more frequently through all released conditions available.

We want new players to have a smoother experience in the early game, while still adding challenges for advanced players with harder conditions. As an example, you will see much less frequent occurrences of Low Intensity conditions on Damnation, while lower difficulties like Uprising will have less frequent occurrences of High Intensity conditions. ... Read more

28 Jun

Here are the patch notes for patch #11 that just went live on Steam, and will be available shortly on the Microsoft Store!

New Feature: CrossPlay With this update Darktide introduces Cross Play between Steam and MS Store! We will rollout CrossPlay soon after the update goes Live, and closely monitor our servers for a couple of days. If we detect any needed improvements, we may disable it temporarily to further work on it. Please find more details in our CrossPlay FAQ[forums.fatsharkgames.com]

New Condition: Elite Resistance With Elite Resistance, fewer but stronger enemies are spawned. It also changes Specialists' spawns to be more opportunistic and makes ho... Read more

15 Jun

This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update! We established these comm-links to answer some of the community’s questions and to give information about upcoming patches.

Patch #11: Cross-play, Blessing Balancing and New Condition
Our next patch (1.1.10), which we will deploy at the end of June - early July, will include a few blessing balancing changes as well as a new condition dubbed “Elite Resistance” which will spawn fewer but tougher enemies. Throneside missions (Enclavum Baross & Comms Plex 154/2f) will also be affected by the Power Supply Interruption condition.

In addition, we are preparing to roll out cross-play between the Microsoft Store and Steam, which should align with Patch #11’s release or shortly thereafter. We will be monitoring closely how cross-play fares in stability an... Read more

29 May

Here are the patch notes for Patch #10 Rejects Unite, which just went live on Steam and will be available shortly on the Microsoft Store.
New Features
Archivum Sycorax

We are sending you into Habzone HL-19-24, "Throneside," to break into Archivum Sycorax. We suspect the Heretics have been getting help from inside the hive, and we believe there's sensitive information in there that could prove that.

Ascension Riser 31

The Heretics are transferring a consignment of Prismata Crystals to their allies in the Hive. Head into the bowels of the Transit Hub HL-16-11, "Chasm Terminus," to intercept and seize the shipment before they can complete the transfer.

Chaos Spawn
Say hello to an ol... Read more

26 May

This is Catfish, Darktide Community Manager, here with another comm-link update! We established these comm-links to answer some of the community’s questions and to give information about upcoming patches. (For clarification, this Comm-link was posted on the 25th May on our forums[forums.fatsharkgames.com] - hence the incorrect date in the title and the graphics!)

Our next update ‘Rejects Unite’ will feature both a patch and a content drop, which we will release during the Warhammer Skulls Event, stay tuned for the release date!
Here is some of what you can expect from it:

We will release 2 new missio... Read more