[Fatshark] Quickpaw

[Fatshark] Quickpaw

06 Mar

Heroes! Another year has passed and Vermintide 2 celebrates its 7th anniversary! It’s time to party and go out drinking with our heroes across the ruined streets of Helmgart looking for that one last casket of Bugman’s, and fight whatever nasty Skaven or Rotblood dares to interrupt!

The event will last from today until March 16!

A Quiet Drink & new Portrait Frame As always, head over to the Weekly Event game mode in the Adventure mission selection menu to enter the event mission, ‘A Quiet Drink’. Completing the event with any difficulty will reward you with a brand-new anniversary portrait frame!

Make sure to check the Event tab in Okri’s Challenges!

Double XP For the duration of the anniversary event, all XP gains will be doubled! Time to max out those Heroes, get extra levels, and grind Versus Ranks!

New Versus ... Read more

03 Mar

Heroes! We’ve just pushed a patch that swaps our old version of Easy Anti-Cheat for the newest version. The previous version is scheduled to shut down on March 4, which would’ve meant no protection to the game from cheats or tampering unless we did this upgrade.

A couple of things to note about this change:
  • For normal gameplay, there should be no notable difference. The game will continue to run normally in both Official and Modded realms, and no extra actions need to be taken from you as players to continue playing.
  • Operating Systems that had incompatibility issues with our EAC may find those issues gone with this update. We still can only officially support Windows 10 & 11, but nonetheless there might be one barrier less in that aspect.
  • The system necessary to support Sanctioned Mods is changing. This means that until sanctioned mods are updated by their authors, they might ...
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28 Feb

Heroes and Pactsworn! As mentioned in our previous announcement, another Vermintide 2 level has been adapted and added to the pool of playable Versus maps: A Grudge Served Cold!

We thought you might be curious about why or how a map is turned into a Versus level, so we interviewed one of our level designers, Pål, who redesigned the level...

Why was A Grudge Served Cold picked to be the next Versus map? What features or aspects of it made it seem like a good fit for Versus?
“The level was built in a way that converting it to Versus would be quite a fast process, compared to other levels. The layout is open to water on the left-hand side and mountain ranges to the right and it doesn’t have too many empty backfaces or “half-built” structures like many other levels have.”

Areas that Heroes never get to look at in normal gamepla... Read more

21 Feb

Heroes! The Onslaught Series will be hosting a Charity Tournament in the name of APOPO ( https://apopo.org/ ).

APOPO is a social enterprise that researches, develops and implements detection rats technology for humanitarian purposes such as Mine Action and Tuberculosis detection. APOPO is a Belgian NGO, with headquarters in Tanzania and operations in Mozambique, Thailand, Angola and Cambodia.

The sign ups are open NOW for the Tiers:
  • Tier 1 - C1DWONS and LEGEND DWONS
  • Tier 2 - C3DWONS
  • Tier 3 - C3DWONS+
  • Tier 4 - C3DWUTCH
The event itself consists of two tournament days:
  • 8th March 2025 Teams in Tier 1 and Tier 2
  • ...
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20 Feb

Heroes! Another year has gone by and it’s another year to celebrate the launch of Vermintide 2, with much merry, drinking, and rat slaying! Join us from March 6 to March 16 for our Seventh anniversary as we open the floodgates of the anniversary map ‘A Quiet Drink’ once more!

A Quiet Drink Celebrate with our Heroes by taking them on a bar crawl across what’s left of Helmgart in this returning, limited-time mission! There will also be challenges related to completing the mission and rewards, including a brand-new portrait frame!

In addition, Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders will once again open the Event section for the duration of the event, allowing you to purchase old rewards from previous anniversaries for shillings in case you missed them!

Double XP For the duration of the event, all experience earned while playing Vermintide will be doubled! Time to finish leveling up those Heroes, or getting a chunky boost in Versus ranks!
... Read more

23 Jan

Hotfix 6.3.3 - 11th of February
  • Solved 3 crashes
Hotfix 6.3.2 - 6th of February
Features & Tweaks
  • (Versus) Added Custom Game Settings for:
    • Toggling Hero Rescue points.
    • Setting the round time limit.
  • (Versus) Turned the Pactsworn Health settings in Custom Games into a slider. Also, redesigned how the Custom Settings sliders look.
  • Sound cooldown when pinging the same target or placing a new world marker increased from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Sound cooldown when pinging unique targets increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.7 seconds.
  • Tower of Treachery - Fixed a guaranteed crash when leaving...
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20 Jan

Heroes! We hope you enjoyed the Holidays and are itching for more Vermintide! In early December last year, we released a brand new map ‘The Forsaken Temple’, and it’s already time for another.

‘Devious Delvings’ is the second installment of the Verminous Dreams campaign and picks up where the last mission left off. Our Heroes have successfully infiltrated the ruined Elven temple that Skaven has taken over; it’s now time to investigate what they’re up to.

This new map will arrive on January 23rd, FREE for all owners of Vermintide 2!

17 Dec

Hotfix 6.2.1 - 18th of December Fixes
  • Fixed a crash and other potential issues when the game reaches the main menu on startup before all necessary resources are loaded.
  • Patched up issues with screen effects in the Neuter Ult Effects mod from our end. (Offical realm only)
  • Fixed a lobby browser crash when using the deprecated old menu layout.
  • Fixed edge case crash in Weaves related to Versus custom games
  • Fixed a crash when claiming Gift of the Wolf Father reward if the game failed to fetch steam inventory when starting up.
  • Fixed a crash if someone in the party starts a game vote while the player is claiming Gift of the Wolf Father rewards.
  • (Versus) Rat Ogre fixes
    • Fixed the Rat Ogre's animation getting stuck when not having a valid postion to jump ...
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12 Dec

Heroes and Pactsworn!
Welcome to the last out of five weekends of the Versus Spotlight events. Every week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven, and do it all while having fun. This week's spotlight will be on the hearty Bardin and the nasty Warpfire Thrower!

Previous Spotlight's Rewards As said in the the previous post, we changed the end date for the event from Sunday to Wednesday, which was more than enough to reach and beat the new ambitious target of 250K kills!

The rewards for the previous spotlight were delivered yesterday, so check your inventory! As a note, the Hero Pose might take a few restarts before it applies properly to your account. Sorry about that!

Congrats to everyone fo... Read more

09 Dec

Today we bring you a brand new mission: The Forsaken Temple! This FREE mission is the first of three maps in the brand new ‘Verminous Dreams’ campaign.


Tipped off by an otherworldly visit, Lohner’s investigations have led to the discovery of Skaven around the ruins of an anc... Read more

06 Dec

"I don't know what they want with it, but if even half the stories of Athel Lithri are true, you better go up there and stop them."

Heroes! We've been teasing it for a while now, but it's finally time to reveal the next step in the Ubersreik 5's adventure! The first of three missions in the new Verminous Dreams campaign, 'The Forsaken Temple' is coming out next week, free on all platforms!

The Forsaken Temple Devoted readers of Lohner's Chronicles (spying on someone's personal journal is very rude, by the way) would know that dear Franz was recently visited by an Elf of the Divine persuasion, who gave him a cryptic warning of things to come.

While he never spoke a word about this to our Heroes, his investigations nonetheless led him to uncover hints of Skaven presence in the ruins of what could be an ancient and even mythical Elven temple: Athel Lithri.

Whatever it is that the Pactsworn plan to do with that temple, it can't be ... Read more

05 Dec

Heroes and Pactsworn!
Welcome to the fourth out of five weekends of the Versus Spotlight events. Every week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven, and do it all while having fun. This week's spotlight will be on good ol' One Eye Saltzpyre and the cruel Packmaster!

Previous Spotlight's Rewards An update on the way the rewards are handed out:
Due to feedback from the community, as well as some technical issues on our end regarding this, we've decided to change how rewards for the Spotlight are given out.

All rewards for the spotlight will now be earned upon completion of the kill counter. That means all of the currency, portrait frames and Hero poses will be unlocked for the community (alongside the Pactsworn skin, as before).

... Read more

03 Dec

You can ask for more info about your ban through our support portal here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us

Most likely it is not a permanent ban, those are reserved for extreme and/or repeated offenses.

28 Nov

Heroes and Pactsworn!
Welcome to the third out of five weekends of the Versus Spotlight events. Every week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven, and do it all while having fun.

Previous Spotlight's Rewards You guys continue to smash through these! The target for the Community Challenge was surpassed in no time and so the community as a whole has unlocked the Ratling Gunner skin.

For everyone who played during the last spotlight, you've earned these goodies, depending on your playtime:

The rewards for the previous spotlight have just been delivered, so check your inventory! As a note, the He... Read more

27 Nov

Few things are constant among the Skaven, but their scheming and plotting is one of them. While our Heroes may have foiled Rasknitt, there’s plenty other vermin are eager to hatch their own devious plans. The farsqueaker, a verminous piece of Skryre engineering, allows some of these would-be masterminds to instantly communicate across vast distances with their networks of agents and spies.

Skaven Chronicles: Part 3
Good news, master!

The warlocks have devised a new means of powering the farsqueaker. It runs now on warp energy harnessed directly from the collapsed Skittergate, with only the tiniest of chances of an explosion. Less than one in five! It is better than the scamper wheel they used before, they say, and I am mi... Read more

21 Nov

Hotfix 6.0.6 - 26th of November
Features & Tweaks
  • (Versus) Capture points now displays a flag that lowers and raises as the Heroes capture it.
  • Fixed bug where pre level 30 level up chests didn't play sound when opened up.
  • Fixed a crash when selecting a random map in VS player hosted lobbies.
  • Fixed a crash that happened when a handbook popup was forcefully destroyed.

Heroes and Pactsworn!
Welcome to the second out of five weekends of the Versus Spotlight events. Every week, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven, and do it all while having fun.

Previous Spotlight's Rewards But first, congr... Read more

14 Nov

Heroes and Pactsworn!
Welcome to the first out of five weekends of the Versus Spotlight events. Every week, starting today, we’ll take a closer look at one of the Ubersreik 5 and one of the Pactsworn Specials. Unlock unique time-limited rewards, learn more about the spotlight Hero and Skaven, and do it all while having fun. 

Weekly Rewards There are unique rewards to unlock weekly through the Kill-Counter and personal rewards to unlock through a small ‘win-track’. There are currency rewards, portrait frames, skins, and weapon poses to be earned.

Kerillian & Gutter Runner Spotlight rewards will be earnable between November 14 - November 17. All rewards will be granted the following week... Read more

13 Nov

Heroes and Pactsworn! After several rounds of testing, it’s finally time! Versus has officially been released! This free new update includes the Versus game mode itself, available to all owners of Vermintide 2, as well as balance changes, a Progression Rework for the entire base game, the introduction of The Handbook, tons of new cosmetics, and lots of bug fixes!

What is Versus? Versus is a free new Game mode for Warhammer: Vermintide 2! It’s an asymmetrical PvP+E experience pitting up to 4 Heroes against our AI enemies and up to 4 Special players, what we call Pactsworn. A match will take place over several rounds, with each team swapping places between playing the Heroes and the Pactsworn each round. To simplify, each round consists of the Hero team playing a regular game akin to Adventure mode, while the Pactsw... Read more
Originally posted by Mörkö: Nerfing can be pretty fun since some classes like OE and BW ruin the fun in a "pve" game yes. Especially if the nerfs are accompanied by buffs to the stuff long overdue.

Now where are the patch notes though?
Patch notes & announcement will go live later tonight! We just figured we'd let you guys have fun with the patch early with a stealth update :D
Originally posted by ThinkOn:
Originally posted by Damage Inc.: this update is mostly about pvp right? so i have my own experiences i didn't pay money for pvp i think big ego people are already ruining the experience enough. I don't like the icon i see people having constant connection issues, i can't join the games through lobby the game is filled with returning players who only ride hype trains. There's better games for pvp why do i need to do it here for some ugly ass skins this is content that will m...
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