[Fatshark] Quickpaw

[Fatshark] Quickpaw

07 Mar

Odd that you haven't found a match yet! It should at most take 15 minutes if you're in an area with very low population, normally it should only be a couple of minutes.

Just to confirm, are you on the live realm? NOT the Modded realm?
Live realm, access the mission by opening matchmaking in Adventure Mode and heading to the 'Weekly Event' tab!
Versus currently does not support controllers/gamepads, so I'm afraid that there will be issues when playing pactsworn if you try. Rest assured that there will be controller support for the full release of Versus, just as the base game!
Originally posted by WaykiWayki:
Originally posted by Kishorn Commando:
you found out how to swap if you get put into a part-way-through game? i cant even work out if you can swap the heroes subclass let alone class itself ?
If you join mid game I'm pretty sure you're stuck with what you got.
Aye, known issue! Hotjoining results in a random hero. But joining a match when it begins should correctly let you pick your hero and career.
We have a hotfix being cooked up to fix some issues, including several crashes!
This is not currently possible, I'm afraid, but it's something that's being looked into for the future, maybe!
Patch notes for the hotfixes after this patch can be found in our Hotfix 5.3.X Megathread

It’s time! The Sixth Anniversary event for Vermintide 2 has started and is now live on all platforms! It will run from today March 7th to March 18th, so make sure to enjoy it while it lasts!

Six years, huh? That’s quite a while! We said this before, but we really wanna hammer it home: We are SO grateful to you guys that this community is still going strong after all this time, having fun and enjoying the shenanigans of the Ubersreik Five. Here’s to many more years, here’s to all of the content coming in the future! There’s still a lot in the works, and not just the Versus Game Mode!

Developer Stream: 16:30 CET / 10:30 EST We’ll be hosting a stream with Joakim our Design Director, and Erik our Pr... Read more

04 Mar

Heroes, It’s been six years! You’ve been slaying rats, northlanders, goats, and sometimes each other (More on that later, eh?) and we couldn’t be more grateful that you’re still around, having fun with our game. At the end of the day, this game wouldn’t be worth making if it wasn’t for you guys, so from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being part of this great community!

The 6-year anniversary event will start on all platforms on March 7 and finish on March 17. As always, our heroes will be able to celebrate by having a proper night out in the ‘A Quiet Drink’ map, which will be enabled alongside the event. There’s also a brand-new portrait frame to go along with it, as well as double XP!

But that’s not all! We’re doing something special to go along with this particular celebration…!

Versus Alpha Test, open to all owners of Vermintide 2 on PC! You probably know this if you saw last week’s dev blog, but we’re holding another Alpha Test... Read more

01 Mar

Greetings Heroes and Pactsworn alike,
My name is Joakim and I’m the Design Director for Vermintide 2. In this dev blog, I want to look at some findings from the Versus Closed Alpha Test and give you an update on the state of Versus.

To kick this off I want to extend our deepest gratitude to all of you who participated in the Closed Alpha Test. From a developer standpoint, it is always a scary feeling putting things out to you players for initial impressions, but we came out of this with the feeling of overwhelming success. You seemed to have a good time, we got a ton of good feedback, the servers were fairly stable and we did not see any overly alarming crashes or issues preventing play. In short, we couldn’t have hoped for anything more.

Now, on to some stats!

The Closed Alpha Test saw slightly over 3600 players on PC participating in a total of 6056 rounds across 2093 games. The overall majority of those ended up with a clear winner, with 7% en... Read more

27 Feb

Originally posted by XIX Victorious Aut Mortis: Nope. won't happen as it is filled with other stuff also depending on when V2 is set wether or not Mordheimw as cleaned up already or not or completely leveled. deepening on Source.
Vermintide is set on the beginnings of the End Times, long after Mordheim was leveled by Magnus the Pious. I agree that the setting is really cool, though, wish we could explore it proper.

14 Feb

Provided you play on the official realm, your progress will be saved normally. Upon reinstalling the game you might be put into the prologue when you boot up the first time, but you can just quit out of it to skip it.

05 Feb

Ready for some mayhem? We're once again ready to go ahead with the previously announced Closed Alpha Test this week! We apologize once again for the previous delay but now we're extra ready!

To reiterate! On February 8th, we will send invites to over 10,000 of you to participate in this alpha; so keep your eyes peeled on your emails (and that pesky pesky spam folder)!

If you weren't selected as part of our alpha test this time, please don't fret; we'll have more opportunities for you all to test in the future!

Join the stream February 7th, 5:15pm CET/11:15am EST/8:15am PST to learn more!
Stay tuned for more details coming this very week, including a stream with Joakim our Design Director, and Erik our Product Owner on February 7th, 5:15pm CET/11:15am EST/8:15am PST! We'll hold a Q&A where we'll be answering many of the questions you've asked throughout these past weeks, alongside questions from the stream and talking about th... Read more

23 Jan

We actually did this as a fun lil thing in 2016. It's not a full fledged game and it was only an experiment, but it was released! And it's free: https://store.steampowered.com/app/410390/Warhammer_Vermintide_VR__Hero_Trials/

15 Jan

Hello heroes,

Unfortunately due to a few technical issues we are going to have to delay the Versus Closed Alpha Test, and thus also delay the Stream that was scheduled for today.

We are sure to still hold a test and will update you all with the new dates as soon as possible!

Versus is a new a player vs player plus enemy game mode for Warhammer: Vermintide 2. Featuring 4 vs 4 gameplay where players can fight as the Ubersreik Five and also join the dark pact as Skaven specials.

We’re super excited to announce our closed alpha will run from January 18-January 21. TBD!

We’re blown away by your support during our closed alpha signup period. In the coming days, we will send invites to over 10,000 of you to participate in this alpha; so keep your eyes peeled on your emails (and that pesky pesky spam folder)!

If you weren't selected as part of our alpha ... Read more

10 Jan

Originally posted by Deadeye Flint:
Originally posted by Sigmar's Chosen: Thanks.

You say "odd series of RNG", mhm, like I believe that chaos dweller.

It was a crazy stroke of luck then, because it happened over 8 times in a row.

I don't like the official response, I think it completely misunderstands OP's question.

If you have the Winds of Magic DLC but have not completed Dark Omens, Beastmen will not spawn outside of Chaos Wastes in games you host. Once yo...
Read more

09 Jan

Originally posted by Sigmar's Chosen: do they increase after Dark Omens?
Nah, no such thing. Spawns also weren't changed recently or anything. Just an odd series of RNG, probably!
Will check with the team whether the lack of infinite cleave is intended or not!
Yup, this is all working as intended: it is correct that ranged crits get the power bonus, but not the infinite cleave.

Generally, when ingame, we try to use 'cleave' for melee attacks and 'ranged penetration' for ranged attacks.

19 Dec

Originally posted by Bib: But after the fatsharkstream today and the revive of the "versus" Project the changes start to make sense in a bigger picture, where a BH Main could with a Pot staggerchain ult a humanplayer controlled Monster without the later one having any means to counteract or react to it. From a designer perspective that might be bad gameplaydesign. Thus some of the Balance changes (ig the sacrificing of the BH mains playerbase) now and in future might be part of the preparation for this big thing memed and named "Versus".

If my assumption is right, then they really should have been honest about their intentions with the Balance Patch and Future Things to come instead of publishing a Patch dev blog, that had some paradoxical statements.
I know we said we wouldn't be responding to any questions for now and leave them all for later, but we'd like to nip this one in the bud, so we'll make an e... Read more
Heyo! That's hotfix 5.2.1, which we just put live.

We know the patches have been abnormally large in size as of late. This is because we've changed our patching structure to one that doesn't bloat the game over time, but we've found that it leads to patches turning into extremely large downloads.

We're currently looking into improving our building and patching process to avoid this issue, but it may take some time. In the meantime, we apologize for the inconvenience of these large patches!