

24 Apr

19 Apr

05 Apr

04 Mar


Hi! We've made some changes to the bots' behaviour which should make them much less likely to OD you with opiates. I've also forwarded the point about bots trying to treat the poison you're using to cure a husk, so we'll keep an eye out to see if any issues come up related to that.

01 Mar

14 Dec

08 Dec

19 Oct

13 Oct

29 Sep

01 Sep

30 Jun

15 Jun

09 Jun

15 May


Please don't call out individuals or groups of individuals in public, no matter how badly they've treated you. The drama potential is immense and we don't want that!

If you have feedback to give to a host, it's best to take it straight to them (and always be polite about it).

If it's related to something that moderators or developers can help with (subreddit/Discord/Steam forums), use the report function, send a modmail or otherwise directly contact without creating a public post.

10 May


Hi! In case anyone is wondering: we previously talked about a 1.1 patch, but that version numbering was erroneous (1.1 will be a bigger update, not a patch). In other words, this is the patch that we posted a preview of, a little over a week ago :)

13 Mar

10 Mar

03 Mar