

15 Nov


Originally posted by 1Dynamoon

Without going into the origins of the SS13 clown as that is far from my area of expertise, I would now like to be the dev that addresses this for the purposes of Barotrauma: clowns are not Nazis in disguise and the Honkmother is not associated with Hitler (and neither are we). You may quote me saying this, too. I realise I'm probably just biting the hand that trolls here, but I feel like this is important to address: The clowns and the mother of honks are there because they are funny and as homage to Space Station 13, Barotrauma's spiritual ancestor, nothing more and nothing less.

As for trolling our subreddit with jokes in this vein: please don't, it's not actually funny.


Originally posted by ScrotiusRex

Some time ago Neo Nazis coopted clown world and clowns as a weird sort of secret nod to each other. SS13 had a Nazi community as a result.

Honk Honk/ heil honkler is code for Heil Hitler.

Barotrauma then introduced clowns to their game, after it had been established there was a neo Nazi community involved with the clowns.

The devs have never addressed this despite this l being established before the development of this game which I find telling. I usually get downvoted for bringing this up but it's f**king real.


Without going into the origins of the SS13 clown as that is far from my area of expertise, I would now like to be the dev that addresses this for the purposes of Barotrauma: clowns are not Nazis in disguise and the Honkmother is not associated with Hitler (and neither are we). You may quote me saying this, too. I realise I'm probably just biting the hand that trolls here, but I feel like this is important to address: The clowns and the mother of honks are there because they are funny and as homage to Space Station 13, Barotrauma's spiritual ancestor, nothing more and nothing less.

11 Nov

27 Oct

22 Oct

15 Oct

06 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


That these details about OP have been available elsewhere, even through resources shared in their post, is no excuse for anyone to shine any additional light on them – as you have now done a second time, so I have also deleted your post again for the same reason. Furthermore, arguing with me about applying the rules of this subreddit exactly as they are written is not a fruitful use of either one's time. I am not a fan of swinging the hammer, but this rule, like the others, exists for a reason, so you will have to excuse me for enforcing it on everyone equally (:

04 Oct


Originally posted by Terragen

I'm not outing him, he's OP who made the entire post about the sub/game mode.

Had he been a competent admin and discussed the matter with me rather than throwing a tantrum and rage-banning me for the unforgivable crime of beating him at his own game the first time I played it, then yes we could have had direct communication.

Perhaps if I had cared even a fraction as much as he did I'd have found another way to message him but incompetent server admins are a dime a dozen (in any context not just BT) so I didn't really care. It's not like I made the reddit post, lol!!

I only brought it up because he mentioned posted about it and I figured it was worth warning other people before they get griefed what kind of server admin they're dealing with.

To be clear, what I took issue with was particularly the bit where you named the host by three different aliases. I might be tempted to intervene even if it had been just about dropping by the host's post to warn others about them, because even that is questionable in my opinion – it is after all just your opinion against someone else's, and debating who was right is not something our public, official community platforms are there for. Writing another person's screen names and calling them out on the other hand is simply unkind and hugely drama prone, so messages like that are categorically deleted wherever we see them. This is also clearly stated in the subreddit rules.

01 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


Don't out individuals or groups of individuals, no matter how badly you think they have wronged you.

If you have feedback to give to a host, it's best to take it straight to them (and always be polite about it).

If it's related to something that moderators or developers can help with (subreddit/discord/steam forums) report posts, send a modmail or otherwise directly contact without creating a post about it.

17 Sep

25 Aug

17 Jun

11 Jun

04 Jun

12 May


Originally posted by busteroo12

Yup! Thats the one.

Hello! Upon joining the server that was linked here, I decided to delete the invite link. While the server actually seems to have some pretty good rules and may be a perfectly nice community, it is overtly sexualised, starting with the server icon and even much of the language used in the rules. While I appreciate a wide variety of personal expression and it makes me very happy to see people make art based on Barotrauma (including the picture in this post – I do not find it too racy, by itself and as a single post, but I would be bothered if we saw this kind of thing very often), it is not the purpose of any of our official channels to take on a markedly suggestive atmosphere. Thus, unless the server's appearance in this sense is toned down a lot, please refrain from linking it here or on any of our official platforms. This is to ensure everyone feels welcome and comfortable in our community. Thank you for understanding! :)

22 Apr

19 Apr


Originally posted by TorokFremen

Amazing! Do we have to make a new campaign though to enjoy the updated abyss and stuff?

We always aim for backwards compatibility with existing saves. With this update however, the radiation feature will only kick in once you start a new campaign, and additionally, we are aware that old campaigns may not correctly spawn missions for abandoned outposts – this latter one is an issue which we are still hoping to fix before the update though. Aside from these two exceptions, you should not need to restart to get the new features!

16 Apr

02 Apr