

06 Apr

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Releasing data requires approval processes, so I don't have anything hard in that sense. DevBlogs tend to be sources of data for larger topics and they take a while to be created (which is why it doesn't happen very often).

Was there something in particular you were curious about? General answers about common topics are more easy to provide.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Advertising is endless for any product. I would be willing to bet most everyone in the state of Georgia is familiar with Coca-Cola, but there are still constant ads and billboards and sales and whatnot. It's just the nature of staying available and at the forefront as a product.

The natural response to the advertising push is to assume there's an issue. On the other hand, being aggressive with marketing budgets is an indication of a good product that's worth the investment. We see World of Warships as living a long life~

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Moderation of personal attacks locks another spirited debate.

To the inevitable future proposed ship thread:

05 Apr

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I remember the thread you made. You did a comparison and thought we had only half as many battles played in February, which sounded rather scary.

I looked into the battle numbers and found the number of battles played was slightly higher in February than the previous year, so the data method you were using didn't work out.

If I recall, YouSatInGum used pulls from either ProShips or MapleSyrup? The goal was to compare overall from previous year to overall from current year, but the result wasn't correct.

I can inquire if I can present some basic data to you under the CC NDA. Please reach out to me and we'll loop in some folks to see what's possible.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Congrats on a new Personal Best! <3

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Portal Chips are an in-game tracking resource that can be linked to out-of-client events. One of the better known events which used them was the Easter Egg Hunt.

I wrote an explainer for that event a while ago: https://forum.worldofwarships.com/topic/253784-easter-egg-hunt-explainer-updated-with-sprint-1-reward-timing/

Resetting the Portal Chips resource allows us to be ready to start a new portal event <3

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't think we've released that information, but it's on the calendar to appear in a future update <3

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The commander will only provide the voiceover when they are the commander attached to the ship.

You can select any voiceover you' have and would like to hear via sound settings without needing the commander to be attached to the ship, though.

03 Apr

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Amount of data is very helpful. If it happens every day, please report it every day.

The more information I have to pass along the better the case for getting it addressed.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Asym_KShas also spoken about this problem, but I haven't received a lot of reporting on it overall. Whenever you encounter 3 or more of an Operation in a row, or maybe 4 times over 5 or 6 presses of the Battle Button, please take a screenshot of your matches played and pass it along to me!

Also, Happy Birthday~

Happy Birthday to you, too!

01 Apr

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you can pull examples, it would be helpful actually. I don't recall any off the top of my head, so it'd be good to have a reminder of anything that's slipping my memory.

As for the "4-5 times is too many", you should realize that we responded to a request from Co-Op Mains to make absolutely sure that the mode is included in main/side missions. Previously, we made events as we saw fit and the modes were reflective of the idea or theme that mission creator was making. We did have an internal push prior to my joining the team to be more inclusive, but the Co-Op Compatibility review was a process to make sure Co-Op saw more entrenched compatibility. Co-Op and Randoms are very different and Randoms is the core gamemode for us, but Co-Op is a viable play experience and the requests for greater inclusion were understandable and doable, so we adjusted our processes for that.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our game doesn't "target lock" for planes. You place the reticle and there is an attack delay as the bombs are dropped and take time to reach the water.

This is a video which is slightly outdated (the Rockets fire differently now and the torpedo damage was reduced on the Langley) but covers how Carriers work and How Planes Attack. This will probably answer many of your questions as the Hybrid ships use Carrier Plane mechanics when attacking.

If you need more specific information, he is a "Compendium" which holds video lessons about specific CV/Plane-related topics:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't believe the "occurs on fairly regular basis" is correct. There are times where we add additional modes by community request or concern, but overall that is rather rare. I think it's needed to happen maybe 4 or 5 times in the past year, and I'm not sure it's needed to happen at all across the past several months?

One of the more recurring issues last year was the lack of Co-Op Compatibility. That means a mission chain might require Achievements and be a hard blocker for a Co-Op Only player, or may not even have the mode listed at all which would also be exclusionary. As a response for our large Co-Op main population on NA, I personally check each update prior to release with a Co-Op Compatibility Review. Basically, "Can this be done in Co-Op?". Main and Side Events need to have a path to completion which is typically a grind path for an achievable reward as Co-Op is more conducive to grinds as opposed to "one-shots"/"challenges" ("In a single battle, do ...

Read more

31 Mar

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Clan Battles and KotS are not the same. This DevBlog is about including the Lousiana in the remainder of the current Clan Battle season.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not a joke! Louisana has been out for some time now so we have more data on how she plays.

Also, part of her restriction was around Early Access concerns as she was a significant investment due to being a Tier 10. We wanted to avoid "pay-to-win style concerns" because she provides unique gameplay for the Tier but was behind a paywall at the time.

We'll be able to see how much she shakes up the situation for the remaining several days of the current season.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


Not including Operations on the 42k FreeXP section was indeed a mistake. They were included on the earlier 27k FreeXP section and should have been extended to the other.

We are now 20+ days into the event, so we aren't going to be able to change the coding. Many players have interacted with the event and there is always a risk when altering something on live server. Previous "mode additions" were caught fairly early after the event went live, so participation was much lower/less-invested at time of coding-interaction.

Green FreeXP Bonuses are fairly common and are great to use for this task. Blue bonuses are less common, but the rewards for the event are quite cool (19 point commander with voiceover or a Tier 10 Ship) so that does make use of them more worthwhile if you value the offerings at the end of the chain.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Brawls Matchmaker does have a basic form of Skill-Based Matchmaker in that it matches off a "# of Wins" in the current Brawl. IE: Someone with 10 Wins and 0 Losses could be matched against someone with 10 Win and 10 Losses because the number of Wins are the same.

As players play more and win more, they can expect to see other players who have put more time into the mode as well.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please provide a Replay as well as a WGCheck.