

18 Mar

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I believe the idea is that if you cut 2,000 players (low population hours) 4 ways than a difference of one team having 100 more than the other can be massive.

Team 1 - 600
Team 2 - 500
Team 3 - 450
Team 4 - 450

During high population, our player count is more around 14k, so 100 peoples in not team defining.

Team 1 - 4100
Team 2 - 3600
Team 3 - 3450
Team 4 - 3250

While there may still be a Team with notably more players than the other, it's more lost in the overall numbers as opposed to one or two clans that decide to wake up at 4am to grind out wins for their team. You might think, "Why would someone care about their team winning a bunch at 4am?" The answer is, because there are some extremely competitive folks that will go to massive lengths to win at anything.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our events are designed with the expectation that X amount of Tokens is going to unlock certain things.

The Prime Gaming stuff gives you access to interesting things that aren't available in other ways at the time. The fact that you got the ship through Prime means you've been able to play it for longer than non-Prime recipients, and that you'll get a Compensation reward when you purchase the ship which should be measured in Credits in this case.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I actually trained on how to use CVs by playing Co-Op for... I'm not really sure how many hours each day. I made a point of trying to land every bomb/torpedo/rocket every time.

Yes, a player will maneuver or juke in ways a bot never will, but learning how to lead and attack correctly gives you a great foundation for extrapolating how to deal with those that do sail in tricky ways. It's like learning how to swing a bat is important before you worry about trying figure out curveball and sliders and all the other high-level stuff that a batter can face.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have events which are grinds and we have other events which are competitive-minded. Our playerbase is diverse and enjoys both, though that has the side-effect of making some events land outside the comfort zones of other players.

I've had some discussions where most events are simply regarded as grinds. It's a functional viewpoint to have in a pragmatic sense but it doesn't always capture the essence of the events that we do to keep things lively.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

That'll be released when the next event rolls around, so it'll be a while before that question gets answered.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The challenge is regarding who gets the most kills, base xp, and damage. Making a number so unachievably high just means you have an easy way to view your current progress.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are a lot of games where you reach the highest level and then that's where you play. There's no concept of a "de-leveling" mechanic as nobody wants to go backwards.

We design our ships to a Tier-base level of capability, then make sure that the capability of that Tier is compatible to seeing other Tiers above and below them. Because of that, we have fully functionally games across a large variety of Tiers which both new and experienced players are playing on each and every day. Part of allowing our non-standard formula to exist does require that we try to encourage folks to diversify their ship selection across Nations, Types, and Tiers.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

What method of limiting play would you feel fits your dream economy concept while also getting people to do something other than just play Superships all day?

Would you hard limit "uses" per day? Make it so that Superships do not earn any credits/commander xp/free xp? What form of restriction would you create that avoids the repetitive nature of spamming out games on a single section of our game when we provide a large variety of tiers which can yield good gameplay?

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've made a recommendation that the Team Points earned during the low population times be reduced heavily, but still allow the Players to earn toward their rewards.

The biggest concern is that during low population times just a few dozen players could single-handedly swing the contest to their team repeatedly, whereas during high population times it would take thousands of players simply because so many people are playing. So, if the Team Points earned during those times are made very small because of the lower population, then that could address that problem.

This is not the way the event is set up currently and would require coding, so there won't be any changes for this current event. Still, this might be able to be addressed in the future if we find a way to make it all work out while preserving the general competitive atmosphere.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The event needs to be planned out in such a way that participation is needed to attain the highest team reward. If we extend the hours, then the point requirement would be moved out further and be harder to attain if there's a team which happens to have an abnormally low amount of "overnight/downtime" players. If there is one team which cannot place during each significant window, then it's possible the team may be unable to get the ultimate reward even with strong "daily/uptime" participation.

There may be different methods of balancing used to try and circumvent this issue, but we don't have a resolution available at present.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have no expectation of players actually buying credits to live on Superships. While it's a big world with a lot of people in it, so lord knows it might happen somewhere... most people are just going to play them a few times and then play other ships for a while. This is the expected play pattern.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

These Combat Missions are unlocked when entering the Wastelander Hall of Fame Event for Rogue Wave. These missions will track the Base XP you've earned, kills you've gotten, and damage you've done~

We have the ability to pull this data from our system after an event is concluded, but giving players these missions can allow you to easily see how much you've accumulated if you chose the "Quantity" path.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Each team accumulates points during the time window. The teams get different amounts of points depending on how they place in competition with each other. In order to try and keep the teams having a competitive chance, the time windows are there to utilize the more populated times of the day so that each team should have a significant representation of players on the server.

We are aware that this format does have the issue of being not available for players who do not log in during our prime players windows :\ At current, we haven't determined a different way to be able to run this event to accommodate that issue.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Because we're moving to version shortly. The extension of the PTS was to final check the additional code.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This isn't actually a bug. Rockets are shot in a straight line which continues still to this day. While it can make for a fun twitch highlight, it was never a method used with consistency because it's hard to pull off and requires a ship to be showing the correct angle to an island X distance away. With the introduction of the machine-gun delay, it makes it even harder though it's still technically do-able.

Correct. I started playing around late-April 2019.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, Captains!

A new DevBlog has been posted here: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/297

Please leave any feedback you have here <3

Thank you!

17 Mar

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The difference isn't really something humans tend to perceive (which is why it was undiagnosed for so long).

The change implemented means that the server will recognize and shoot with less than or equal to a .142 second delay instead of a .284 second delay.


For comparison purposes, let's use sound to help measure the amount of time being discussed.

Here's the old amount of time. Each sound in the video represents 2/7ths of a second. That was the old amount of time added because it took "2 ticks for set and shoot". (Video Link)

and here's the new amount of time. Each sound in the video represents 1/7ths of a second. This is the new amount of time added because it now only takes "1 tick to set and shoot". (Video Link)


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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Article has been updated. Poosh tha Buton!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Nope, not running the Unique on Midway.

I went into a training room this morning to compare and confirmed your belief that they are the same:


United States

I went back to the stream where I played her and clipped the reticle from that. I already closed the Pruessen comparisons, but they were the same as well.

This was from the drop on a Khaba on stream.


In short, it must have been a perception issue. I haven't played the Midway much as I've gravitated to German CVs as my primary choice. It felt thinner, but it seems I just misremembered the Midway reticle.

There was a short conversation from Reimu and Yuzorah about the US reticles having an inconsistency on the CC Discord back around the time I first played the United States to prepare for the stream, but that was in relation to HVARs.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've said before that the hardest part of WoWs is picking a Tier to play.

I can mention this as a suggestion but I have no idea on the outcome. Typically anything that requires coding/dev time has to be exceedingly important to even get looked at.