

12 Apr


Originally posted by JonnyMohawk

Anyone having a problem with their home portal stone?

It seems to be busted and leaves the message when used below:



Heya! I'm sorry, but I can't help with this kind of problem and the best way to call attention to it is to file an in-game bug report (Options menu > Support).

10 Apr


Originally posted by Neofalcon2

Do you, by chance, have the ORIGINAL versions of these tools, which are soulbound, rather than the old updated versions that were account bound? Cause there's a way to update them, too.

For anyone who needs to do this, the soulbound tools can be exchanged for account bound tools from most Black Lion Weapons Specialists (as opposed to the exchange specialists).


Originally posted by Nebbii

Isn't possible to get this tech for trinkets too? I would love to have some specific flavor trinkets transmuted instead of the ugly ember bay ones. That also would fix the conundrum of some people who wants the legendary trinkets but not their auras.

I have no insight into that, sorry!


Originally posted by Coeniasty

Just a PSA.

Not sure if it is a bug or "feature", but... Glyphs cannot be applied to: - Consortium Harvesting Sickle (Unlimited) - Chop-It-All Logging Axe (Unlimited) - Molten Alliance Mining Pick (Unlimited)

Those harvesting tools are marked as red when I try to apply Glyph of the Leatherworker.

UPDATE! You can trade them for account bound versions in Trader's Forum in LA. Thank you all for the help! :)

To the best of my knowledge, if a tool has a slot you should be able to apply any glyph to it. I was able to apply Glyph of the Leatherworker to the Chop-It-All Axe just now--if it persists I'd recommend filing a bug report in game.

30 Mar


Originally posted by Abyssalstar

No Sylvari chairs? You fail, Evon. No wonder you lost the election.

We had one, but they look just like flowers, and...well...

Can I interest you in some SEIMUR ice cream with hand-crafted organic petal sauce?


Originally posted by skarpak

well, its your job to communicate with the players if you are in charge of the promotion.
if the statement still stands as you said, you communicate on behalf of the dev team with us. no need to talk arround that fact.

or do you want to say you have no idea what your dev team is thinking / doing?
i am pretty sure you got some plan on what and how to communicate to the outside...or am i wrong?

I'm posting on Reddit as myself, not engaging in official communication as the voice of the studio or any other team. Rubi linked a blog written by Josh Foreman in which he gave solid information about plans for Super Adventure Festival in his own words.

What I don't want is for my comments to be taken as "the devs feel a way about this" because I'm not delivering messaging from them unless we count recirculating what's already been said. And that's not because I'm trying to put people off or discourage anyone, but because I have no other information to give.

29 Mar


Originally posted by Kyouji

Reading the dev comments here makes me sad. No W3, no new rewards(4 food items is a joke), lack of AP achievements. I know it takes time to update festivals but its important to do so. GW2 has set itself apart from other MMOs by doing making events fresh and new. With each festival we get it feels like they either become more lazy or lack the $$ to invest in updating them. You can definitely tell this dev team isn't the same we had at the launch of the game.

I don't want my comments here to be interpreted as statements on behalf of the dev team. My team promotes the festival, and we want to clarify the statements that have already been put out so people don't feel like there's no solid information.


Originally posted by Tostitokid

Extra-weird question: is Mina in the game based on an asura Moto knows?

I'm not sure! My knowledge of Super Adventure Lore is limited to what's been released in the game.


Originally posted by Angry_Concrete

Where did lord vanquish's twitter account go? That was solid gold.

The account is still there, but I'm not actually sure who was behind it! It wasn't an official promotion by us or anything. :D


Originally posted by Tostitokid

Is that what Mina looks like in real Tyria? Wait, is Mina a real asura and not just some made-up facade worn by Moto???

Princess Miya is just a character inside Super Adventure Box, but the design for the release page was inspired by old video game ads that marketed simple 8-bit games with detailed fantasy art and "lore" that...really isn't reflected in the game itself and was probably made up by the advertising agency. :D


Originally posted by TheBandicoot

Thanks alot for the answer, however i did know about that past blog entry and its almost two years old now. I am such a huge fan of the SAb that i just can't let this stand as it is - the SAB still has the unreachable upgrade in W2-2, it still has the W3 and W4 doors in the lobby, it still has an unsaved damsel in distress... the entire design still screams theres more to come, and to put it bluntly, that is what makes it unfair - i can't rest until Miya is saved :S

Rubi and I aren't on the development team; we're part of the content marketing team. We don't have an impact on the kind of content that gets made, but we do love SAB and we want to have fun with the festival content.

When we do goofy stuff around SAF, we try really hard to make sure we're not accidentally getting players' hopes up in a way that won't pay off, or coming to a point where new promotions around the festival will be more disappointing and upsetting than fun. That's why we want to be very clear that while we know SAB fans would really enjoy more content, the statement in the blog is still accurate.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Third paragraph down: "Guild Wars 2 is a huge game, and keeping it strong means making tough decisions about where to spend our time to best serve the most players. We decided we couldn’t justify the sacrifice to Guild Wars 2 to make more new worlds for SAB."

I hope at the very least it's still on the table.

No one is asking for it right now, but maybe next year, or the year after.

We've been waiting patiently for years, and many of us still haven't given up hope.

We appreciate how much you love SAB, but the blog post Rubi linked is the information we have on plans for the content. None of us on the content marketing team are aware of any changes, and it's probably safe to take it as the definitive answer.


Originally posted by RandommUser

I have a sneaky secret: I linked to the small version because there were some weird artifacts in the full sized one I didn't have time to fix. :)

I can't get anything past you!


Originally posted by xiiliea

I'm expecting a surprise in 2 days!

All of the SAF content we're releasing this year went live today. :D However, I can't promise that you won't be surprised in two days by April Fools' Day hijinks in general, including but not limited to: fake crop circles, unbelievable celebrity stunts, the shocking renewal of that canceled show you like, the shocking renewal of that canceled show you hate, or those plastic ducks that sound like the chorus of the damned when you squeak fifty of them at a time.


Originally posted by billypowergamer



Originally posted by billypowergamer

thanks for the heads up. also can you please send kudos on to whoever did the design for that site please. It's hitting my nostalgia button hard.

That would be the TOTALLY RADICAL Joey Marin!


Originally posted by Linuky

That's some effort for the SAB page , they just want people to keep hoping for World 3

We go a little wild on the SAF release highlights because usually those pages have to be Serious Business. :D That's about as deep as it goes.

20 Mar


So! We're not actually sure why this happened and it might be an issue with our CMS. It's been re-published, but the changes haven't shown up yet.

Edit: Good news! It is now no longer Literally Unreadable (if you don't know German):

14 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


You are actually spot on with this comment and it's unfortunate that the conclusions being jumped to in the rest of the thread made you rethink it.

We cannot and will not give further personal information about players we've spotlighted, but when we chose them it wasn't based on incomplete information we pulled from the internet. They're people we've been aware of in some cases for years, whose stories we'd heard before; we wanted to share them with the community because we hoped it would be a positive experience. And for the most part, it has been.

What I'd hope for from this community is the basic understanding that nobody's life is immediately readable to total strangers, that no one is entitled to further context just because they watched a video about someone, and that nobody here would want to be under this kind of hostile scrutiny.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Godnaz

Chances are that it was a candidate of a few dagger skins where those not chosen will become Gem Store skins.

Side Note: While I think the legendary rifle HMS Divinity is a neat looking rifle skin, the Arcane Marksman rifle was probably a legendary rifle finalist and didn't make the cut, hence became a gem store skin, which fully fleshed out, would have been a more desirable weapon for me to obtain in-game had it been the Legendary they chose.

Items sold in the gem store are created specifically for sale. Legendaries are designed and created as legendaries by a different team. :)