Tagging them in a comment because I don't think it works in a post.
Nice find /u/Peshyy
I sent this along to the skills team to take a look. :)
Tagging them in a comment because I don't think it works in a post.
Nice find /u/Peshyy
I sent this along to the skills team to take a look. :)
I gotta say, I appreciated this so much. I have kept that item in my inventory for a while despite not using it much and now it's been an immense help. I want to high-five whoever thought of making it be able to port people to Sun's Refuge.
That'd be me! I love high-fives! :)
I also have held onto the item for a long time for sentimental purposes. I thought having it appear, especially given the story and Tahlkora's acceptance of Zaeim, made sense. :)
This is a known issue and something we're hoping to add in a future release. Apologies for the inconvenience!
Awesome to hear, other than that give some of your co-workers high-fives for me will you? I haven't tried the raid yet, but the map and story is marvelous in this release and all the collections will keep me busy for a while. This is honestly the best LWS episode to date IMHO.
Much love <3 :)
I'm so glad you're enjoying it! My hand is sore from all those high-fives now, but totally worth it. :)
Thank you for the kind words <3
The portal scroll to Sun's refuge can't be placed in the tome. Doesn't seem intentional.
We're aware of this and are hoping to add it in a future release.
Is it intentional, that you can port to Sun's Refuge with the Spearmarshal's Plea, even though we have a dedicated scroll?
It's a little easter-eggy thing for those who went through the work to get that particular item. :)
I did not even know it kept my progress! What a relief.
The second time it worked fine. I had one pod phase at 66% and one at 33%. On my first run, the second phase started around 50%, and then carried on until the boss' HP dropped to 33%.
I'm glad to hear that. Is there anything in particular you did differently when it worked? Did you maybe have any bubbles up that reflect missiles? Any details you can remember helps.
Thank you!
Hey, thank you for the report. Is this happening every time you attempt the fight? And it's always at 33%?
This is for anyone on the team if you could eat one food from in-game what would you pick and why?
Gotta go with winterberry pie, simply because pie is delicious and the icon makes it look great :D
Just finished playing the story for this patch, you guys have done a great job as usual.
What was the best part of your job this patch (favourite thing you worked on for example or really anything you enjoyed) ?
Also, how many different voice recording for any character (ennemy, friendly npc, player character, really any character) do you have saying "Praise joko" ?
My favorite part of this release was to try and think of what kind of skills the final boss would use given it's situation. Without spoiling anything, a lot of iteration went into that encounter.
I also really enjoyed seeing the open world map come together over time - our map artist did an absolutely fantastic job at bringing Istan forward 250 years.
Domain of Istan is the best living story map so far, gj everyone who worked on it
There are a lot of fine folks who worked hard to bring that map to fruition. I'm glad you like it! <3
I am so excited to start playing! I did not expect for us to go to Istan on the first episode, it seemed too good to be true! You guys are gods. A couple questions:
What made you decide to go to Istan?
Was the name Daybreak indeed an intentional reference to the old campaign Nightfall?
What were some of favorite parts about this release?
I know we aren’t supposed to ask about future items but is there a possibility we will get an Aurene griffon skin in the future? ;-)
You guys are amazing and I can’t wait to see what other parts of Elona we get to visit in the future (me here waiting for Gandara). I spent many a time in Istan in the first game, I can’t wait to see the GW2 version!
I'll answer for the third question... One of my favorite parts of this release was listening to the internal debate of which name would Palawa Joko prefer: Palawadan or Jokodan. #teampalawadan
Hey everyone,
Thanks for bringing this behavior to our attention. We're looking into it.
Little did you know, years of being told that they can be outrun by others really gets to a centaur! ;)
It wasn't uncommon to hear me cackling when we playtested this.
Can confirm.
I won't mention any names but there's a gravestone in the new map. It's in kind of a dead end area among some cliffs. Is it a tribute to anyone?
If you're talking about Soren's Rest, I suggest speaking with a certain NPC in the area for details of recent tragedies. Life in the wilderness is hard!
This one! https://i.imgur.com/9gEctF1.jpg
Huh...imagine that. :)
Hints for that hidden chest in bottom right of map?
What chest? :)
Did one of you finish the new JP without any help?
I've beat the Halloween jumping puzzle countless times, but I can't even make it through the first part of this one. Must practice more...
Oh my God i'm still hyped about the story I just experienced. Aurene was ADORABLE I wish we got to pet her... o-or something. I mean I know it's an all-powerful being that's regarded as a New God but. I mean. so cute.
I didn't experience by far all there is to see on the map (I didn't even see the jumping puzzle! Maybe... I should be... glad...), but what I did see made me so happy. Saving skritt! The enormous robot! The leyline rollercoaster was so much fun! The story having some really unexpected twists and what an epic and intriguing ending!
Who designed the mastery point in the lava lake though... what sadist is responsible for this?
Everyone needs a good lava bath now and then. ;)