

08 Oct


Originally posted by IsaiahCartwright

... it is...

turn anything off

By anything you mean almost anything with a varying degree of granularity but yes a very awesome system.

07 Mar


Originally posted by SaiyanOfDarkness

So how soon before Warclaw is fixed from being able to Jump directly into structures, like Garrison, or others?

As /u/ChaliElle stated below we are working through the exploits that have been reported. Some of these can take longer than others to fix but we're on it.


Originally posted by [deleted]

I think they nerfed both Battle Maul and Superior Battle Maul, but they forgot to update the tooltips for both. They still say 10 targets. Either that or the update didn't actually go through.

Also, mounts are still disabled in the Borderlands easter eggs.

Can confirm the tooltips weren't updated properly.

03 Oct


Originally posted by isbobreallybob

Next wvw event "falling damage has been removed."

All damage with the exception of fall damage has been removed. :-p

14 Sep


Originally posted by friggarn

Oof. That's way too high man, I'm sorry. I think people would fight over 200 stats even, but 700+? That's.. oof.

Please reconsider lowering it to 5/10/15 :-\

The buff is meant to be high. This isn't a permanent buff to Bloodlust but a crazy change to it for the event week. I really don't think a team is going to be able to hold onto the Major or Superior buffs for very long without committing a large force to hold those buffs.


Originally posted by friggarn

edit - I stand corrected. I am not a fan

Guys you're not getting 30% bonuses to your stats.

Minor Borderlands Bloodlust - currently "30 bonus points to power, precision, toughness, vitality, condition damage, and healing power" // 5% bonus will be 31.5 stats

Major Borderlands Bloodlust - currently "50 bonus points to power, precision, toughness, vitality, condition damage, and healing power" // 15% bonus will be 57.5 stats

Superior Borderlands Bloodlust - currently "60 bonus points to power, precision, toughness, vitality, condition damage, and healing power" // 30% bonus will be 78 stats

u/Anet_Raymond can you confirm? A lot of people are worried we're talking 500-700+ stat bonuses

This IS a 5%, 15% or 30% to your stats. So yes we are talking about some really big bonuses if you can hold onto the Major or Superior buffs.


Originally posted by Grafzzz

Will regular bloodlust (from sigil) also be buffed?

No the sigil is unaffected

12 Sep


Originally posted by Demitrico

I wish I could just ask Mike O'Brian how cold it was in the building. That's a thick jacket/turtle neck.

It can be cold sometimes. The WvW stream room hit 82 last stream though.

26 Jun


Can confirm that there will be a post coming soon. We need to get it finalized and localized and postedized... Its full of a bunch of stuff I've previously talked about in various places but this will get all the info into one location for easy discussion. Not sure on the exact date of the post but it will be soon.

15 Jun

23 Mar


Originally posted by Enshakushanna

theyre discovering the wvW game mode for the first time

No I'm just not a very good commander. I don't know how many times I toss the wrong siege down or in the wrong place because I'm not paying attention. When we come to your server make sure to tag up so I don't have to! In all seriousness I really thought that was a destructible wall for some reason. What I should have done is head over to the grave stones shot from there.

I should probably sit down and actually memorize siege placement positions for maps other then desert (my preferred map) instead of relying on my world/guild commanders to do so :).

12 Mar


Originally posted by dzernumbrd

You can basically remove LFG from WvW entirely as I've never seen anyone use it, ever.

I see it's use kind of mixed depending on where you WvW. I suspect that this will be more heavily used once world restructuring is in place to help organize people.

08 Mar


We've disabled LFG listings until a fix can be put in place for this.

07 Mar


Originally posted by BastiatCF

(yeah there are two Rays working on this thing)

thats quite the angle you are taking on this



Originally posted by kay_combinator

Thanks for linking the proposal, I should have done it to begin with. My confusion arose because - according to the Playing with Guild Mates paragraph - both a guild declaring itself as a WvW guild and a player picking their primary WvW guild play a role in the link placement. If I understand you correctly, only the players picking the same WvW guild are guaranteed to end up in the same link, but not necessarily everyone else in the guild, even if the guild has declared itself a WvW guild. Thank you for the clarification, it untangled the knots in my head :-)

P.S. I was trying to come up with some terminology to better distinguish the two cases, but I haven't found anything yet that fits. I know it's still quite a long time until the new linking can be released and that concepts are still changing, but perhaps you could find some simpler description along the way?

There is a two step process and I can see how it can be a little confusing/misleading.

First a guild needs to be registered as a WvW guild by a guild leader (or officer with correct permission levels). This allows the guild leadership to still control how the guild is used and also gives us a registration point for the guild getting into the new system.

Once the guild is a WvW guild in the system guild members will be allowed to more that guild as their wvw guild.

Both of those things need to be done before players from that guild are grouped with each other.


Originally posted by Lachipoo

Any word on if this will not be region locked, I have a guild with both EU and NA players, will we be able to WvW together? Because that would be truly amazing now that region/server transfers cost gems!

There will still be a region restriction. If you are in NA now you will remain with the NA players and if you are in EU you will remain with the EU players. Region transfers will still be a gem expense but I don't have any details on what the cost will be.


Originally posted by morroIan

Any update to the proposed guild alliance system for WvW?

On the topic of World Restructuring: We are currently talking through a lot of the feedback and going over what to do about some of the pain points people brought up. There is progress being made in that front and once I have more solid information on what we'd like to do with some of that I'll update on the forums. Also I know our server programmer raypat (yeah there are two Rays working on this thing) is laying a bunch of the ground work code for things. So there is actual progress but nothing super glamorous.

02 Feb


Hey guys just posted this link on the forums so here you guys go too. Here are all the worlds in NA and EU ordered by size names have been omitted to protect the innocent:

11 Jan


Originally posted by Xanadias

Are gadgets here general doodads, all your triggers and objects, or just specifically the larger structures? If it's the latter, my guess/tip was right and I win a bet! giggles

Also, it's really great that this is finally fixed. Thanks to both you and /u/Anet_Raymond =)

what was your guess/tip?