

21 Nov


Originally posted by Moxxie_Kaboom

Is there any chance of dyeable hair accessories by user from their unlocked dye pool? So many hairstyles unused because of limited dyes for that specific use (at least by me with my need for matchy matchy colors)

I'm loving how you guys have handled Aurene from a story and gameplay perspective. Seeing her given more character life by being a baby we comfort and teach is WONDERFUL. So much better than the cliche 'guard this trophy baby until it's useful at adulthood' or the even worse cliche of them simply going unused until adulthood. Thank you so much for giving us a part in her growing up.

Also THE BIG TREES MAKE ME SO HAPPY! OMG. I can't even express how much I love the giant evergreens in this map.

My other requests for 'want this' is storage of the different map currencies we've been introduced to there something in the works for this or will they stay in our bags?

Thanks for the suggestion on having more hair accessory dye colors available, we'll have some internal conversations on this.


Originally posted by Twintale

Does new map have place like Lava Lounge?

No, we did not create a 'Lava Lounge', 'Havock's Heir', 'Royal Terrace' equivalent for this episode release.


Originally posted by DarkLeafz

Thank you for taking this matter serious and taking action guys really appreciated it.

This release is great like the previous onces and i really enjoy playing through encounters with different mechanics - great job there.

I really can't wait to see what you have been cooking for the future and the next expanstion.

Since this is AMA i would like to ask (not sure which one of you): Why we have to type the name of BLACK LION'S CHEST to delete it ?

This sounds like an unexpected change, I'll investigate and see about getting that fixed.


Originally posted by Immortalityv

What was the design choice behind the revamped Black lion chests? I feel rather sad after spending 20 dollars and just getting a few semi good items instead of the outfit i really wanted.

Can you talk about that at all?

We've received a great deal of feedback internally and on our forums that were pointing to it needing to be revitalized. Through those conversations there was a ton of ideas and you'll be seeing some of them through the seasonal updates of the chest. As for the Braham's Wolfblood Outfit this specific outfit is available through the chest and through the Gem Store, and internally at least one person received it on their second roll making it cheaper than it would have been if they had purchased it through the gem store. FWIW, I had similar luck with the Grasping Phantom Glider, I must have used 60 keys before I received it as an unlock and I was getting other rare items. The nice thing about the chest revamp is that you still do receive a guaranteed item, a convenience item, and an account progression item and the chance for other rare items.


Originally posted by Druak12

When can we buy the previous episodes of season 3?

Episodes 1 and 2 are available for purchase in the Story Journal.

01 Nov


When you receive a duplicate Grasping Phantom Glider from the Black Lion Chest you receive two Black Lion Keys and a red game message that states 'Duplicate, account-bound unlock detected. Item has been replaced with free keys.'

22 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]

Just too late for Talk Like a Pirate Day. Sad face =(

I made sure to talk like a pirate on Monday even if the release with skritt pirates wasn't out yet :)

20 Sep


Originally posted by RisingDusk

That's all anyone can ask for. Thanks!! :)

My pleasure! :D


Originally posted by K900_

Hey guys, congrats on the release! Didn't get to play much (sick, so decided it's better to sleep than to stay up all night playing vidya), but what I've seen so far has been super fun. Skritt pirates are officially my favorite pirates in the game now. Also, a question: now that you're doing a native Mac client (and, presumably, a native OpenGL renderer), how about Linux in the future? We Linux players do exist, however rare we may be... Or at least give us an option to use the OpenGL renderer in the Windows version of the game like B***zard did with their games - that way running the game on Wine should be way easier.



Originally posted by DrPeckers

Yay! I have been playing since prophecies, so when y'all added the Stormbow, I instantly bought it and I still love it. To be honest, I am just hoping and praying for some of the obsidian armors :p

It was A LOT of fun to see the GW1 weapons modeled into GW2. Our artists and other team members are just wonderful.


Originally posted by RisingDusk

/u/Anet_Sarah, I'm not sure if this is best suited for you on the commerce team or someone else, but is there any chance that the HoT Ascended Backpieces could be updated to include HoT stat combinations? It's a real bummer that a HoT-exclusive reward omits the stat combinations.

This isn't for me - and I don't have an answer. I'll mention this to the appropriate people and go from there, but I wouldn't want to make a promise without knowing answers.


Originally posted by DrPeckers

Since gw1 weapon skins have been added to the gemstore, is there any chance that y'all could add popular gw1 armors as outfits on the gemstore?

We chose those weapon skins to release around the GW2 anniversary as part of our celebrations. We selected ones with nostalgia or things that we thought would be fun to recreate in GW2. We already have added some popular other GW1 outfits and armor skins such as Chaos Gloves, Gwen's Attire, the White Mantle Outfit and things like Lyssa's Regalia. I'd say we'll continue to find inspiration in the Guild Wars franchise :)


Originally posted by CrAzZyKiLLa

Loving the new Mursaat Outfit and Backpeice, Can we please get an toy to let us float around now to finish it off would be amazing, Thanks! otherwise great work on EP 2, this is shaping up to be an amazing season that is so far more interesting than HoT was and the story writing and voice acting has been superb well done all at arenanet!

Well the Electromagnetic Ascender does that. Shout out to our wiki editors for having this link available for me.


Originally posted by Icdan

Awesome update guys, again. Keep up the good stuff please <3

Thank you /u/Icdan!


Originally posted by alpacalypsical

Oh my God i'm still hyped about the story I just experienced. Aurene was ADORABLE I wish we got to pet her... o-or something. I mean I know it's an all-powerful being that's regarded as a New God but. I mean. so cute.

I didn't experience by far all there is to see on the map (I didn't even see the jumping puzzle! Maybe... I should be... glad...), but what I did see made me so happy. Saving skritt! The enormous robot! The leyline rollercoaster was so much fun! The story having some really unexpected twists and what an epic and intriguing ending!

Who designed the mastery point in the lava lake though... what sadist is responsible for this?


I hear that /u/anet_kirk is the designer for that mastery point.


Originally posted by [deleted]

What's everyone's favorite new feature?

Lava/Fire! Skritt Pirates! and the spoiler ;)


Originally posted by PM_ME_TOOTHLESS_PICS

cough cough seems like you're forgetting a certain dragon

haha! I love that you replied to this /u/PM_ME_TOOTHLESS_PICS


Originally posted by regendo

Just finished the final story instance: Damn, this is how I like my story instances! Not just the story which was amazing, the difficulty was great!

Oh, right, I need a question. Be honest. How many designers died of cuteness overload?

No designers were harmed in the making of this episode - they were all revived successfully ;)


Originally posted by [deleted]

I don't have a question, just a comment. MO, pat your team on the back. You guys have been nothing short of awesome. Been playing GW2 since release and it is the only MMO I've ever stayed with over 2 years.

Thank you /u/Maksyn2!


Originally posted by domesticon

Josh keeps himself immortal by feeding off the tears of players, hopefully this one will keep him going a bit longer!

I don't think I can say anything better than what /u/domesticon has already said. I love the new episode as well!