When will the passive skill tree be updated?
We have updated the Passive Skill Tree data on github to make it accessible to tool creators. The Passive Skill Tree on the website gets updated alongside the expansion launch.
" Patterick wrote: Hi, this is a repeat of question in the patch notes thread, please just a small statement :)?Read more
in the patchnotes GGG writes:
" For example, the one that used to grant Flammability effect now allows your Flammability Hex to apply to hexproof enemies and also causes your ignites on cursed enemies to deal damage faster
but in the specifics it says:
" otinanai2 wrote: Completing challenges is harder in ruthless.
For some reason this is a problem for GGG (why?)
For some insane reason the solution to this "problem" is to just remove the ability to complete challenges in ruthless (why?)
" After 3.20 ends, will my Softcore Ruthless Sanctum character migrate into Softcore Ruthless Standard or will it get deleted permanently?
I'm worried because they said hardcore ruthless chars will be deleted instead of migrated...
" Katsu wrote: Any word on rotating the "Strike Skills which target additional Enemies can do so from 30% further away" mastery back to attack mastery?
" anusmaster3000 wrote: tldr: yes we are nerfing altars but lets not talk about that.
We're investigating! I will update this comment when I have more info.
Edit: Looks like there was a backend network error that should now be resolved. We've also run a command that should have fixed the "Error League" issue that was happening for some people.
" Waxeed wrote: is Replica Conqueror's Efficiency -mana mod going to be on rares?
" otinanai2 wrote:
What's the deal with "Challenges will not be enabled in Ruthless in 3.20."? It's significantly harder than normal mode, why not let us complete challenges?
" zeroniss1 wrote: I appreciate this is being released alongside the December expansion.
However please can you confirm it is a parallel feature being released and is not instead taking the place of ordinary content slated for release as part of the expansion?
" thor777 wrote: Sounds exciting! How will stash tabs work this mode? If existing stash tabs can be used, someone with extra tabs might have an advantage over those that don't.
" Ahzr wrote: I love everything about this. The only drawback I see is the following quote:
" Ruthless uses separate item filter files which must be created specifically for it. If players used regular Path of Exile ones then they would filter out items that are actually very useful in Ruthless.
Ideally, item filters wouldn't be necessary because items are so scarce :)
" SageMac wrote: Ruthless should have been a November event for testing purposes.