

10 Dec


Originally posted by InfiniteVergil

I gave my serious and constructive feedback in the survey and I can only beg the rest of the community to do it in a polite way, too. The things discussed are still no reason to be full of hatred for hard working people. Or people in general, really

Much appreciated. Looking forward to checking out your feedback.


Originally posted by Hey_You_Asked

Braddock, get the team to wisen up. This is ridiculous, revert and be done with it, so your gamers keep playing. Nobody is buying the game for a more casual experience. This post is you doing your job to show you communicated, now go actually do the WAY more important shit you should be doing to fix this mess y'all created.

I'm curious.

What do you think I should be doing that I haven't already?
I've written reports. I've been on conference calls/meetings. Freeman and I have shared the feedback from the community - he's even just published a new survey to add more weight to the information we've been sharing since last week.

Should I go "rough someone up"? Please, tell me what you expect me to do.


Originally posted by Thats-bk

Surprising they wouldnt have a CM in on a conference call or something...

PartWelsh is based in the Stockholm studio. No need to have him in a call when he’s in the room for the meeting. (And if they scheduled a call, I probably wouldn’t be on it because it would be around 4am my time.)


Originally posted by Kittensblitzed

Are the community game options going to be expanded on more than just conquest and breakthrough? Was really disappointed on not being able to play rush again 😣

You can play all BFV modes except Fortress and Grind. The server size/player count you set determines which modes can be applied.


Originally posted by Edgelands

This new spotting is the main thing that makes me not want to play. I turn on the game and play for 5 minutes and turn it off, I'm not having a good time at all. BF games are the ONLY games I play, so I'm not saying, "I'm going to go play something else," I just don't play at all because it's not enjoyable. I've stuck through all the other terrible moments this game has gone through from the beta til now, but this is the first time where I'm just not bothering to even turn it back on til this spotting thing is reverted and the TTK is fixed much closer to what it used to be. The only change I liked from 5.2 was getting points for destroying flares. I don't want to know I'm spotted, the enemy shouldn't know they're spotted either. I shouldn't know which way enemies are facing on the minimap. I shouldn't be able to see enemies through smoke. I shouldn't automatically spot them just by passively looking at them, it's just bad. I see, "you are spotted," and I just turn the game off.


The spotting feature is very much something the team has discussed addressing. PartWelsh has a blog/Community Broadcast on deck (getting final bits added to it) that will share next steps in correcting this.


Originally posted by angryoldgamer18

Excellent, thanks for the update Jeff.

Quick update - they’re testing the issue and working on a fix. No ETA yet, but I’ll keep y’all posted as I recover new info.


Originally posted by WldFyre94

Just to add onto this since I haven't seen anyone mention it, the throwing knives for the Japanese faction are also locked for me since the change to make them Kukri (sp?) knives.

Thanks for being so involved and positive here, seems like it's never easy being in your position throughout the Battlefield games.

They should be unlocked now. Restart your game and check. Let me know.


Originally posted by omay33

I think you and PartWelsh do a great job but we are at a point where the lead developers need to straight up talk to the community. Honestly speak to us on what the changes are and how they believe it will affect the game. Take questions and answer honestly. You and PartWelsh can take the questions and ask them for us.

I believe that’s in the works, actually.


Originally posted by SkySweeper656

Unless you're planning on reverting the weapon rebalancing and the spotting changes, I am afraid this is the end for battlefield V and its veteran players.

I'm (personally) not a fan of the spotting stuff.


Originally posted by OrranVoriel

Are you also going to let us earn Tides of War experience in community games? Because if you stay steadfast on refusing to let us earn ToW experience in private games, no one is going to play them because it will mean playing on private servers is a waste of time.

I know I won't touch 'community games' if I can't get ToW experience in them. What do I stand to gain by playing a private game if I can't progress my Chapter Rank? I have all my classes at rank 20 now and all weapons unlocked. The only motive I have to play at this point is to try and get all the ToW Chapter rewards.

I'm pushing VERY hard for that because I know it's the "hook" that keeps folks playing - that and Chapter XP. I've sent emails this morning to the team and hopefully we'll have some info along with the details PartWelsh is getting about the tweaks/adjustments to the weapon changes.


Originally posted by HelmutKahlid

Can you go over what some of the plans are to fix it with us first and let the community have a say before you do make any changes? It seems as if Dice would have done that first before 5.2 went live, we wouldn't be at this juncture. I would like for Dice to be more proactive when it comes to listening to feedback rather than reactive. You said the team spoke this morning so what did Dice actually have to say today during the meeting?

I want at the meeting (I’m in LA, they’re in Stockholm), but PartWelsh was and is working on a Community Broadcast/Community blog to have more info when the team finalizes the tweaks/adjustments.


Originally posted by Long-Pianist

Is there something wrong with the community games? or is this it? Is the only option going to be choose map rotation?

What about letting us change damage? Turn off minimaps? Turn off third person for vehicles? Set standard issue rifles and/or turn off specific gadgets? Pistol only servers? Bolt Action/Ironsight only servers?

C'mon man, why is it that every new Battlefield seems to have less than the last?

As the Community Broadcast noted last week, this is the first iteration upon which will build out the feature. There’s a whole list of additional features coming that we’ll be talking about after the New Year.


Originally posted by angryoldgamer18

Thanks Jeff. Any news on a backend fix or a hot fix for the EOR “could not fetch report” issue? We’re hearing that new players can’t unlock guns, not a good way for the Xmas noobs to spend the holidays.

It’s a big issue. I’ve asked for an ETA on a fix - hopefully we’ll have some info in the AM to share.


Originally posted by marmite22

I've played quite a few rounds with the new patch and I'm actually not hating it entirely. Some weapons got way over nerfed but the slower TTK has allowed for a lot more interesting skirmishes - every encounter doesn't just end with one person dead after half a second - some times you can fall back, regroup, call out their position to your squad which all adds to the gameplay.

My biggest issue is with predictability and that falls into two parts:

1) the passive spotting means I get shot WAY more when I think I'm either concealed or hidden. Dunno if it's just bugs or what but I basically hate it. I do quite like the health bars in theory but not if they give people away when they are in smoke etc.

2) the guns doing different amounts of damage at different ranges. It makes it super hard to build up a 'feel' for how much damage you are gonna do/are doing when there is such a big variety in damage dealt. I honestly think increasing the ttk slightly wasn't a terr...

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Great constructive feedback. Thank you.


Originally posted by nkonrad

In all honesty, a ttk change of some kind probably wouldn't have gone over this poorly if it had been handled better. 5.2 feels like very little thought and planning went into it. As a lot of people have pointed out, Wake Island's selling point is that it's bigger than it ever was before, but many of the guns are now useless beyond point blank range.

This also doesn't exist in a vacuum. 5v5 was cancelled, Firestorm is abandoned, Combined Arms is a joke, Al Sundan was essentially delayed 3 months, tank body customization is still not present over a year after launch, CC cosmetics are taken out of the store and then re-added for Boins, last years equally poorly received TTK change, updates that consistently break the game and hurt the core experience, team balance doesn't work, anti-cheat doesn't work, etc.

With such a consistent pattern of disappointment, it's hard to really trust that any fix you guys come up with will actually change things in the long run. Even i...

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Even though I can tell by the tone that you are frustrated, this is constructive feedback. And I definitely understand your frustration based on the points you outlined.

Thank you for sharing it.


Originally posted by omay33

Thanks for clarifying this, and I’m disappointed that this is the choice they are going, this is obviously a time consuming fix, one patch won’t fix it. I don’t see why they can’t revert, work on changes and test it over a weekend to see how it plays and what the community thinks. I don’t want to keep playing with broken gunplay.

One thing to note - This isn't like a killswitch. The changes were built into the whole update. It's not super simple to "just revert it". And the team is still looking at data and feedback - of which there ARE two sides - to make appropriate adjustments.


Originally posted by ccars87

i read the broadcast, it just doesnt seem viable or i am not understanding to not release just a few more features.

We have with every BF through desert Combat till bf1 use the rsp to have thousands of players enjoying your game.

We create a unique environment that no other community or tournament league etc is capable of and need certain things like team switching or putting players on certain sides.

if you guys would look at the things we created with these massive games of 12 hour battles. Being let down with this not at release and then waiting a year to get almost negligible features just turned everyone away.

It makes one wonder if the tools are being kept from us for a worse reason, like a kid with all the toys in the sandbox situation.

All we want is to have the ability to control a server in a validated safe and exceptional environment so we can do what we do best. Play the game the actual way its meant to be played.


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We'll have more details on the roadmap for the biggest list of features at the bottom of the Community Broadcast after the New Year.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You cared enough to post, and I thank you.

Have a lovely day.


Originally posted by rivey188

How about the issue where the games won’t start unless there is a full server?

This has been escalated this morning and verified by QA. They're looking at the cause and how to prevent it.


Originally posted by Antaeus1212

Don't revert the TTK please. Game plays much smoother, less instant deaths. Don't pander to the Reddit mob who can't give constructive feedback. People are complaining over very little changes. Yes some guns need to be looked at and adjusted but other than that this is blown way out of proportion.

Our plan isn't to fully revert it. It's to make tweaks and adjustments - and when we have those details we're share them.