

10 Jul


I took a look at your bug report. In fact, the response was that your graphics card DRIVER was two years out of date and this may be related to your problem. You can download an updated driver for your 1070 at ...

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I took a look at your report. It was closed because it appears you’re running the game under Linux using Wine, which while it may work, isn’t a configuration we support, and we weren’t able to reproduce the problem running on Windows with a similar GPU.

09 Jul


Can you please submit an in-game bug report about this, by pressing F12, clicking Report Bug, and filling out the form? Your exact hardware, driver versions, etc. which get automatically submitted with such a report would be helpful to let us attempt to reproduce it on our end.

Also, try setting Interval One in your graphics settings if it’s not already. That in itself might account for the issue you’re seeing.

03 Jul


Yes, these changes are present in both 32- and 64-bit clients on all platforms.

01 Jul


Currently, the new idles are used in the character customization screen, the character naming screen, the character sheet avatar header, the and character 3D full-body view.

The exception is the portrait screen, which kept the existing system for consistency and because it would not share much animation with the other screens, due to how portrait posing works.


The actual animation in these scenes is new, but we were shooting for the look and feel of what we had before.

25 Jun


Here’s some detail regarding the character systems changes in the patch notes:

For various parts of our graphics systems, we use 3rd-party middleware libraries. One of those libraries, about a year and a half ago, was blocking our move to a 64-bit client, so it had to go. As it turns out, it was software for layering and sequencing animation. Captain’s Quarters depended on it heavily, but it was also used in the character creator, and while we could (and did) remove Captain’s Quarters, the character creator is a necessary system in our game.

So, in mid-2017, leading...

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17 Jun


If you have a driver that sets display settings on launch based on the binary that’s running, it’s possible that you may have to reset those settings for the 64-bit client, since it’s a different binary file than you have been using to launch Eve in the past.


Can you file a bug report, preferably in-game? (Press F12 and then click Report Bug.) Include screenshots if you can. Then, post back here with the EBR number of your bug. I’ll make sure that the graphics team takes a look.

23 May


Hi! In picking up a laptop, I’d just keep in mind our recommended specifications. A system that meets those will be pretty good for a long time. (Note that you can get by with less powerful hardware than our recommended spec, so don’t feel bad if you need to compromise on specs to save some money.)

Here’s the page with the info you need:

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