

26 Oct


I am happy you asked. We have been meeting today with the teams to discuss the situation as we saw an increased number of reports about disconnects and lag in the last few days. Our internal metrics are looking healthy and there do not appear to be any irregularities that could explain the poor experience some players have been having.

We are currently looking for patterns to see if there are any external factors that might be causing the issue, similarly as we saw earlier this year with specific ISPs. We would appreciate contact from players reporting these problems by ...

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Nothing exciting this time around, I am afraid. We have a couple of longer running database tasks to perform and our development team needs additional time after maintenance to ensure everything is nice and dandy for you :slight_smile:

I will be getting the patch notes ready for everyone first thing in the morning!



27 October

It seems our hamsters got new superpowers and managed to process all the tasks in a record time! Tranquility is back online accepting connections :slight_smile:

Happy flying, space friends o7

The extended maintenance is underway. You can view the patch notes from today’s deployment here :slight_smile:

26 October

Downtime duration has been reduced from 45 to 25 mins total. We will be working to get TQ back online by 11:25 UTC.


Hello, space friends,

There will be an extended downtime tomorrow, 27 October, that is expected to last for up to 45 minutes. We will start accepting connections as soon as the necessary work at the back end is finished with 11:45 UTC being the latest for all services to resume.

Please plan your online journey accordingly. I will keep you updated on the status here and via EVE Status Twitter.


21 Oct


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20 Oct


Hello, everyone,

Tranquility had a little hiccup when starting up this morning and our daily downtime took a few minutes longer than the standard 15 minutes we allocate. The server is now back online accepting connections but we wanted to let you know the duration was not intended.

I hope this did not cause too much inconvenience!

Fly safe o7

14 Oct


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13 Oct


I posted a response in the secondary thread where the font issues are primarily discussed. Re-posting here for your convenience:

Changes of this nature can be very polarizing as they are subjective to everyone’s personal experience and preferences. Based on what we can see some of you really like the change as it made the font more easily readable in certain situations and high resolution displays, while others are having a hard time bringing it to a comfortable point using the font and UI scaling settings available.

We are closely monitoring your feedback and are going to be tackling specific issues with overlapping text, blurriness of the bold font or spacing of characters that you have been speedily reporting. Please continue sharing your feedback and letting us know exactly what issues you are having with the updated font style, so we can pass it back to the team.


You are right. This is far from ideal and the autopilot filter settings should let you select to avoid either the EDENCOM or Triglavian systems. I am going to take it back and see what can be done. Thanks for bringing this up!


Changes of this nature can be very polarizing as they are subjective to everyone’s personal experience and preferences. Based on what we can see some of you really like the change as it made the font more easily readable in certain situations and high resolution displays, while others are having a hard time bringing it to a comfortable point using the font and UI scaling settings available.

We are closely monitoring your feedback and are going to be tackling specific issues with overlapping text, blurriness of the bold font or spacing of characters that you have been speedily reporting. Please continue sharing your feedback and letting us know exactly what issues you are having with the updated font style, so we can pass it back to the team.


The issue with all wormholes appearing as frigholes should be fixed tomorrow at downtime.


There is an autopilot setting that should let you avoid EDENCOM or Trig Minor Victory systems entirely.


The hotfix to resolve the issue with game client not starting properly has been deployed and should resolve the problem for anyone that was having problems with that since downtime today.



The hotfix to address the reported client issues is currently in testing and we are aiming to have it deployed soon.

We are also working on restoring the services for the affected gates, so that travel across the New Eden can return to normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


We are working on a hotfix to address the issues with the game client as we speak.


The cycle to bring the gates online begun after downtime, however, it seems that some gates have been impacted by the disruption more than others and need a second push to restore the services back.


The functionality of the gates should be returning to normal as we speak. If you are still in the system that has gates offline, please report which system and gate you are trying to use.

As for the issues with launching the game client - we are currently working on a hotfix to address this problem.


The functionality of the gates should be returning to normal as we speak. If you are still in the system that has gates offline, please report which system and gate you are trying to use.


Offline gates are not a bug.