

03 Oct


Originally posted by King_Of_Regret

People love to bitch around here. But for real, the new app is great. Very useful and the potential for it down the line is quite exciting. Don't let the vocal shitty minority on the subreddit get to ya too bad.

Glad you like it!

For those who don't, we're always interested in hearing solid, constructive feedback about what you'd like to see changed or added.

Feel free to shoot ideas our way :)


The original app was built for us by a third party company here in Iceland and had a few issues. It was also built from the ground up by them from what I understand.

The new version is built by a team here at CCP (or more specifically a group of amazing guys and girls over in our Shanghai office) who put it together in Unreal engine so that it can easily be added to, upgraded and expanded upon with the future in mind.

You had to re-add all your accounts because it's an entirely new app - this should just be a one-time thing :)

01 Oct



We’re super happy to announce that due to popular demand, the Skilling Spree is back!

As of today’s daily downtime, pilots will be able to earn up to 50,000 additional skill points per day by taking part in the Skilling Spree and completing challenges.

Pilots across New Eden are eligible for these challenges regardless of clone state, so there’s never been a better time to lock and load, and head on out into space to earn some extra skill points!

If you’d like to discuss this event, feel free to post here!

29 Sep


This ain’t ISD locking your thread for rulebreaking.

Don’t discuss moderation, and don’t troll.

Read the rules before you post again.

28 Sep


This is something that’s been raised with the Dev Team, we don’t need another thread on it.


25 Sep


Originally posted by valiantiam

Are we ever going to see something similar return?

Hope so, but not my call!

I'd buy the sh*t out of new ship models! :D


Still have all four of these on the shelf in my living room - bought them back when the EVE Store was based in the old CCP North America office in Stone Mountain, GA :)

24 Sep


Originally posted by Astriania

These are not decision that I make

Yeah we'd noticed, your manifesto for the future of Eve sounded great though.

Hey, I can dream :)


Originally posted by LeaBastanold

Lmao what the f**k happened to you mate. Used to be a solid dude, now are randomly withholding information on reddit about botting like the rest of these nullsec idiots. Morons that are going around typing with heads up arses that conveniently double as an echo chambers. Replacing facts and logic with straight up drivel inducing accusations they find up there.

Nothing is being withheld.

Quite frankly, how we action rulebreaking with third parties and what we do with other people's accounts is none of your business.


Originally posted by CraftyCrocEVE

Can we get an update on what’s planned next for chaos or is it over?

Summer of eve was the best it’s been in years

These are not decision that I make and i'm not involved in the discussion relating to them.

You'll have to wait to see what's announced next - no time frame for that at present.


Originally posted by Dran_Arcana

Legitimately, I'd be really interested to know why you guys don't want to release that data. From our perspective, it would be really helpful. Suppose I have a rental corp that has bots banned all the time, and the corp leadership lies to me about it. how would I even know if I don't get reports from other players and find them before you do?

If an entire corporation is shut down because it's just an RMT/Botting ring, then fair game.

However, if there are people removed from a corporation or alliance that the majority of players are genuine, law abiding citizens, then it's unfair for CCP to tarnish their reputations by association.

The last thing we want is corporations or alliances being victimised because of the rule breaking behaviour of a few bad eggs.

Bot hunting is about cleaning up EVE and sending the message that this kind of behaviour is not tolerated in our game, it's not about starting witch hunts.


Originally posted by Dran_Arcana

will it include which alliances they were banned from? bonus points if it lists the corp to so the leadership that you want to help you on this gets some kind of usable data to actually help you on this!



The MSR will continue to give monthly updates on any banning that happens.

Next one is due start of October and will deal with September's action taken.


Have brought this to the attention of the relevant team again :)

22 Sep


This should be fixed now after a quick deployment this afternoon :slight_smile:

21 Sep


Originally posted by AnotherWalkingStiff

not reykjavik, but to me this and this is what iceland looks like... well, those and the rest of these

wish i could live there, beautiful country and nice people

Yep, that's pretty much it haha <3

Love living here too, it's amazing :D


Originally posted by lasiusflex

You know, people say Britain has bad weather, but I don't think I've ever seen a photo of Iceland where the streets were dry and the sky wasn't cloudy.

18 Sep


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Check out this guest blog from our friends over at Hadean that looks at EVE: Aether Wars - Phase Two and announces contest winners!

Read all about it here!