

18 Sep


Originally posted by Sylvaritius

But you are a former/current player.

Yes, I'm a current player - have been for seventeen years.

I'm also not a Game Designer on EVE Online, so I don't have an opinion on this that I'd like to share :)


Originally posted by Sylvaritius

In your personal opinion. How do you feel about the changes suggested in this post?

I don't have a personal opinion - I'm not a Game Designer :)


Originally posted by lodvib

/u/CCP_Falcon pls respond

Respond to what? I'm not a game designer.

I'll bring it to the attention of our design team, but post here if you'd like to get this in the best position to be seen by our designers.

16 Sep



11:15 UTC

Tranquility is currently offline while we work through several issues. More updates when they’re available.

11:30 UTC

Tranquility is online and in VIP mode for testing.

11:37 UTC

We are online and accepting connections.

11:40 UTC

Tranquility is currently the target of a large scale DDOS attack - we are currently working to mitigate this.

11:50 UTC

Tranquility is now back online and accepting connections.


Post downtime chat issues are now resolved, however, Tranquility is currently being targeted by a substantial DDOS attack.

Please see this thread for further details!

  • F

This is weird.

Not sure if we already have bug reports in on this, but can you file one so the QA team can take a look at it? <3


This thread should have been titled “The Problem With EVE Online When Compared To Diablo III”.

They’re two entirely different games, built for different audiences, with different design principles in mind.

You get “Dank Loot” and huge rewards out of Diablo III constantly because the world effectively resets at the end of each season.

EVE is persistent, those huge rewards never go away. Flooding the market with them will force us further into savage inflation.

Two entirely different games with two completely different design philosophies.

I do have to admit though, I quite like Diablo III.

15 Sep


Originally posted by AneuAng

Look, I respect what you do, its a hard job to try and please people, however, that isn't what you did here. You helped escalate the toxic bullshit that was happening and that, I am fairly confident, is not part of your job and something that I have lost respect for you over. After seeing the drop in players, the absolute decimation of the player-empires in game, its quite apparent blackout was a bad idea. So how about CCP finally engage with the player base and make some good, worth while decisions, rather than maintain your bunker mentality and the arrogance that you know best, because clearly, you don't.

What's above is your opinion on the data points that you have that are publicly available, as is your obsession with toxicity.

It's incorrect in my opinion, and that's where we stand.

Get over it mate, the sooner you move on, the better you'll feel.


There’s already a thread on the blackout here.

Another is not needed, place your feedback and theories there.



Originally posted by AneuAng

Nonsense, removing local was only described by a few people, not a majority of people on this sub. Then you had people like /u/CCP_Falcon jump on board with the whole "im a hunter and its epic" mentality, only to see the toxicity of it shoot through the roof. Now, thankfully, they have been shown their shit doesn't work and their idea was killing the game. Sometimes, you need to think a bit more rather than just rationalise an idea because it would be good for your playstyle, and not others.

I've been very direct on my views with regards to the blackout, but feel free to keep trying to spin it to fit your buttblasted narrative :rollyeyes:


There’s already a thread on the blackout here.

Another is not needed, place your feedback and theories there.



There’s already a thread on the blackout here.

Another is not needed, place your feedback and theories there.



There’s already a thread on the blackout here.

Another is not needed, place your feedback and theories there.



There’s already a thread on the blackout here.

Another is not needed, place your feedback and theories there.



Originally posted by Aerlys

Technically, agreeing or not with changes made to the game IS his prerogative, as it is for every player. What he can do if he disagrees is limited, though.

Literally what I said in the post above.

Whether you agree with the changes or not is your prerogative.

14 Sep


Originally posted by powersv2

Innominate was my mentor in 2011 when I started. He has been the guy I went to for help every time a change came out that I didn’t quite understand. If you’re rolling your eyes at him, then you need to re-evaluate perspectives.

No, I'm not.

I'm rolling my eyes at the guy who I replied to who's angry posting on /r/eve.

I was literally sat down with Innominate during the summit, chatting and drinking with him - he's an awesome guy with an INCREDIBLE amount of knowledge on EVE who I have huge respect for.


Originally posted by StainGuy

/u/ccp_falcon i want to add one thing to this question.
Did CCP consider the fact how big material sink higsec piracy is ?
With the "50% drop" assumption this can be trillion(s)/month.

Yup, we have access to data related to EVE, believe it or not.


Originally posted by Zombie-Lenin

Please, tell me I am wrong. I am literally begging you to tell me that I am wrong, because I have been playing this game for 13 years; and I completely understand that my experiences as a video game developer are both a decade old at this point, and I understand you cannot always generalize even in the insular video game industry.

What I will say, and will argue with you about until my dying breath is these two things:

  1. Your (not you, per se, rather CCP's) deference to r/eve as an EVE community above all others is palpable. Don't take my word for it, go to the official EVE-O forums and actually read what people are saying;
  2. You know, or should know, I am 100% correct about the connection between social networks and retention--this is the very reason CCP changed the war mechanics recently, and whether or not you, or CCP generally, is aware of it, I can see my in-game social network...
Read more

I mean, fundamentally I have nothing to "prove" to you and I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you on /r/eve.

If you want to believe that we only listen to /r/eve when it comes to community feedback, feel free to do so.

On one point we agree - stagnation is bad and we're trying different ways to shake things up. Whether you agree with the changes or not is your prerogative.



Originally posted by JamwaraKenobi

... are you in the right thread?

No, he's just following me around posting garbage because he's mega butt blasted and genuinely believes that CCP only ever listens to /r/eve, which couldn't be further from the truth.