

21 Sep


Hello, just wanted to direct you to the known issues thread where the above concerns have been listed and are currently being worked on :slight_smile:

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Hey there. The in-launcher network diagnostics that you’re speaking of were obsolete and the CS team has replaced it with a tool that provides more information. If you, or anyone, suspect that you have a network related issue I encourage you to file a support ticket and the team will direct you to the new tool.


20 Sep



Just want to chime in and say

  • Child Slaves were never an in-game item, and as such weren’t renamed to “Little Helpers” (which are their own, unrelated item)
  • There was never a point where you could contract contraband
  • Slaves were always considered contraband

Hope that solves your query!


Submit your best EVE-inspired memes, badly drawn art, propaganda, or anything else you can think of in this thread.

Winners will be chosen based on number of likes. Submissions must be in PDF, PNG, or JPEG format, with a max size of 1920x1080. The winning entries will be displayed as backgrounds in the meeting rooms at CCP’s HQ!

16 Sep


Mer1920×1164 126 KB

o7 Economic Enthusiasts!

The Economic report for the month of August is now available for your viewing pleasure! As always, the raw data can be downloaded by clicking on this l...

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14 Sep


Good news! Corp skill plans are in fact coming in a future iteration later this year, along with some particularly nifty features.


Hello! We’ve seen some cases where people have accidentally injected skills because they had previously suppressed the messages for directly injecting skills.

If you find yourself inadvertently injecting a skill, please file a support ticket and you will be reimbursed. The team has also flagged this as an issue and will be adding more information such that it’s harder to accidentally buy an unwanted skill.

11 Aug


The Alliance Tournament has a long and storied history woven throughout EVE Online. Through this period, there have been some pointed dark marks that carried with them lifetime bans for certain groups and individuals. With Alliance Tournament XVII just around the corner, we’d like to take the time to address these bans with a special focus on our Capsuleer Redemption Policy, a policy which came into being after Alliance Tournament XVI.

In 2014, ...

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29 Jul


Just want to chime in and say that players have indeed been finding the keys, and the first few reserve bank heists have taken place.

There were a few updates to the ESS Key sites, reducing the reset timer, and adding more clear text for when certain gates are unlocked.

26 Jul


I don’t want to speak for CCP Rattati, but I don’t believe that’s what he was saying. Likewise, having a broader view of the direction of the game is something that is valuable and doesn’t remove from the sense of discovery.

16 Jul


You’re absolutely right on the values, the initial values on the test server were from a previous testing phase. They’ve been adjusted to better reflect the intended values


The initial values were much lower due to testing. The values you see on the keys now should better reflect the intended figures.

That being said, we’re still gathering feedback and the values may change before the update is live on Tranquility


The Alliance Tournament is traditionally an alliance-level event, however this year there are some interesting new mechanics to allow the unaffiliated to compete. The exact mechanics of the “Mercenary Rule” will be posted on Monday, July 19th, with the rest of the Tournament rules.

15 Jul


The Alliance Tournament actually involves a deceptive amount of work to put on well, and when we decided to put the AT on hiatus it was because there was not enough manpower to put on a show up to the standards that the players and competitors had come to expect.

This past year CCP Aurora has been unearthing and updating the tech involved in the tournament, as well as putting together a plan to broadcast it year-after-year in a sustainable fashion. This is the culmination of months of work and preparation.


We have some very robust anti-collusion rules. Both the IGC and the Mordu’s Legion put a high value on competitive play


I believe in you


The plans are to have coverage from the incredibly talented community (along with some CCP guests) in our new studio.


The full rule-set with points will be listed Monday the 19th. But I have bad news, I don’t think ORE ships made the cut :cry:

14 Jul


The tournament format may be similar to previous years, however we feel like the updated point system and the exact rules (to be posted on Monday the 19th) will inspire teams to create fresh setups and broaden the potential Tournament archetypes.


We love seeing the most skilled pilots and theorycrafters that New Eden has to offer duking it out on a grid.

There have been some amazing player-led initiatives since the hiatus of the AT, and it has demonstrated the level of interest that this type of event holds. Alliance Tournament is one of the projects we always wanted to resume, and acquisition of new talent gave us the opportunity to realize this crave this year.

After months of planning and organizing, we were finally able to share that information with the community today. We know that there are conversations on different topics related to EVE Online’s ecosystem, game changes and overall health that are at the forefronts of your minds. We hear you loud and clear. These subjects are continuously talked about internally and we are in the process of preparing a communication piece that will touch on some of the hot topics you want more visibility on. Expect to see it hitting ...

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