

14 Oct


I am almost certain i saw that someone fixed that internally, ill double check but i believe this will be in a patch soon.


Originally posted by BrizzleC

I was doing the Taskmaster takedown in the snow level. This is one of the 2 extra rooms (? as a chest or special enemy) you can go to before taking the elevator, after the big open room fight where the enemies teleport in. There is a large container that gives the prompt to zipline to it if you look up at it, but if you contine to look right slowly, the prompt will sort of continue onto nothing. Pressing X and ziplining to it results in this.

The container I'm talking about is the thing on the left side of the picture.

Thank you, well get someone to look into this.

13 Oct


If you don't mind me asking, where were you when this happened? Just the mission and general area is good enough.

Thank you for bringing it to our attention!


There are plans for Cerise but not of the supervillain variety. Nothing earth shattering but the team is working on something!

12 Oct


Originally posted by frobones

I’ve had this happen before. If an enemy recaptures the point, then I was able to capture it.

Key is the enemy needs to flip it first before I can.

Yeah that does seem to be related, we are digging into it now.


Originally posted by AktivRAlman

Well, didn't see that coming. First of all thanks for your response. Some people already wrote in the comments how this happend. I died in the Mega Hive and then I spawned in as Cap but the capture zones didn't work at all after that. This sometimes also happens randomly I think. Just to clarify, even though this post is quite negative, I really do enjoy this game, but the bugs and the lack of endgame content really hurt the overall experience. So I'm really looking foward to the upcoming patch this week!

I understand where you are coming from, best thing i can tell you is that we are working on bugs but we also have some people working on new content. We will have official communications soon, we are doing our best to test these things out as thoroughly as possible before releasing new things.

EDIT and thanks for the details, this will help!


It looks like the activity got into a really bad state, we just recently fixed a couple of issues with this objective but i'm not sure we caught this one. Ill get someone to figure out how its happening and get a fix going. Thank you for reporting! If you have any extra information, it would certainly be appreciated.

11 Oct


There's an active conversation about that, we are seeing what's possible. To be honest there just have been more pressing things to handle for things related to gear however.


Originally posted by pr0t0cl0wn

“Looking into that” probably translates to “no f**king chance it happens”

I get where you are coming from, best thing i can tell you is that for my part if i say something i mean it. If i say its being reported, i do it and if its a feature we are looking into you can assume it means we actively are. I am hoping that with time you can learn to trust but like i said, i understand why you feel that way.


Originally posted by CD_PhilT

Going to look into this, not sure if its her fist or that opening being too narrow. On it!

We think we know what the issue is, someone is working on it.

10 Oct


We are looking into that, that feedback was absolutely received.


Will be fixed in the upcoming patch


Originally posted by Derrick067

I encourage you do that. He's carrying the torch for the game

Sounds good ill reach out!


Originally posted by Symej

Will these be actual dev streams or is it going to be like you've done in the past with Arekkz and ItmeJP?

actual dev streams but i'm not against doing more stuff with streamers either.


Originally posted by MericasAss

Probably can't confirm, but is there any reason not to dismantle these bugged pieces. Will a patch ever make the low stats better on gear in our inventories?

I am looking into that, will update when i get an answer.

*EDIT* The answer is no. These items won't be retroactively fixed when the patch drops, we wish it was possible but the way the loot is created it needs to be rolled to get its values. You can safely dismantle these. Sorry about that, wish it was a better answer.


Going to look into this, not sure if its her fist or that opening being too narrow. On it!

09 Oct


Originally posted by Laajune

Devs livestreams is a BIG W

I am looking forward to these!


Originally posted by FelledWolf

Holy shit they do check out the sub. If you can find time to reply to this, was curious if you guys only see the most upvoted stuff, or if you guys browse the sub for issues players are having en masse (like the posts that don't receive any votes but do still highlight issues)

We see everything and i personally escalate issues constantly based on what you guys are reporting. I don't have the time to reply to everything but i can tell you that i document and escalate a LOT of issues to make sure they get to someone to get fixed. I just want to say that i greatly appreciate everyone reporting things, i get that sometimes its out of frustration but i respect the time and effort and least i can do is make sure it does some good.


Originally posted by Drifter_Stu

Phil - can the reddit community get maybe a post about where everything is at, what type of activities are upcoming? We didn't even get a weekly blog this week? Honestly - that might have taken two hours tops of someone's time to put together. What's going on? I know you guys are busy but the lack of communication makes me want to move onto a new game.

Its not a lack of time to write it, we are trying to get confirmations on things so we can communicate. I understand you guys want more communications, truly I do. Doing everything we can to get that going as fast as possible.