

30 Sep

28 Sep


Ill have someone check out that spot in case there's a bit of collision sticking out, not sure what's going on actually but well look!

25 Sep


Originally posted by JAMESTIK

Can the shades be part of the skin? Please???

I asked, no promises

24 Sep


Thanks for the report, we will look into it.


I'm going to ask some questions and have people look, saw the reports.

*edit* We believe we may have found an issue, just wanted to let you guys know we are on it.


Originally posted by Ancient-Rune

Hey Phil, it isn't just "less vocal', we need it to be less LOUD! I half suspect most people actively dislike how often Jarvis talks to us partially because he is so much louder than he needs to be.

There seems to be some sort of audio mix problem in the game, I suspect that the game audio is premixed for surround sound and offers no options to adjust for those of us without it, but Jarvis and any other NPC speaking "On Comms" or not actually visible on screen are about three times louder than anyone on screen or 'local' in the scene.

Get on a PC with no surround sound and two speakers in front of you and play the game to see this for yourselves, it's frustrating to play at night, and not wake up other people in your home.

It's very difficult to have JARVIS and Maria Hill screaming into my ears from the two speakers in front of me, when i can barely hear my own character banter with the people next to them in an elevator ride.

Why can't we set these...

Read more

Understood! thank you for the additional details.


Originally posted by DrSmook1985

When is the next patch? Im not waiting another 2 weeks. You guys have said nothing for days, except that you're aware of mission chains being locked, but have offered nothing else. Do we have to wait another 2 weeks for a patch? Does that mean, all in all, we've had to wait an entire month after release to play this broken game? Losing interest mate, along with quite a few other people, as you can see from your player base stats.

Patch is going out today, should be available already on some platforms. I sincerely hope you like the changes.


Originally posted by drukhoffman

“Please proceed to the marked location.” Every 30 god damn seconds.

Working on that one as well! We had more pressing issues to deal with but we will be increasing the length between these types of reminders.


That feedback is clear to us, we are looking into ways to make Jarvis less vocal.


Awesome to see you guys already playing with that move, i love it!


Thank you for reporting i'm passing it along!


That one is just a visual bug, well look into fixing that, i can see how that would look like a secret door!


That's one of my favorite spawns to use god blast on!


Those are all great suggestions! I really like a lot of these environments.

21 Sep


Originally posted by Quesadiaz42

Yes, the forest vault I've had it and done it with other hero's before.

Ok thank you, we will be taking a look to see what's going on.