

27 Nov


Originally posted by ObitoUchiha10f

“Do soMEthiNg!” Haven’t we told you f**kers to stop paying them since a year ago? Instead all I see is people saying “buy the battle pass for Silver Surfer” “oh this deal is pretty good compare to the usual ones” “the whales keep the game running”, no, you guys are stupid, that’s why the game gets worse and worse and worse every patch

This 100%


Originally posted by WinningChungus

I cannot believe that on Thanksgiving, you were all being so ungrateful.

Not enjoying your small gold drops and useless resources?

Not enjoying being blindfolded and not knowing what odds are?

Shame on you all. I cannot believe you are trying to hold this amazing company to higher standards..........

I give you a 1/10 for comedic effort.


I’m drinking slushies.


You should by a ton of the thanosgiving Orbs fragments so you can get 1-2 basic orbs.

26 Nov


Oh they’ll have an event. And watch it’ll be really good. And you will all be back!


Originally posted by wikked-com


You actually gain money instead of losing it (if you don't invest in shitcoins).

I need to create a slushie coin


Originally posted by DaaddyMercury

I went through and am having every cent I can refunded. f**k them.

How’s that work?

Asking for a friend.


Originally posted by SouthernPie4836

Well played sir

Ya know. I wish it wasn’t. ……


Originally posted by NasRenegade

I thought the first one was fixMSF and then saveMSF a year later?

Dw, theres just been so many that I get confused too.

I’m a fan of DrinkMSF


Hey sober Cerebro. At what point do you grow a set of ethics and morals and go work for a better company or are you just as bad as management is?


Originally posted by Ballamjp88

It was free stuff so part of me doesn’t want to complain but WOW! Might as well have done nothing because less than 100k gold, 2 basic orbs, 100 t1s, 30 t2s and 100 overall training mats… literally helps me in no significant way. More of a slap in the face.

Even with RNG, shouldn’t I have gotten maybe one good pull of something when opening about 75 orbs?

I feel bad for anyone who spent money on those orbs. DON’T pay for RNG, RNG is in the game and should be for the F2P, paying should be when players don’t have time to wait for things and should get certainty when paying money.

What a joke of a thankful holiday event.


Hah. Twist. You did get good RNG commander!


Originally posted by HospitalVegetable

Best part of the whole event is they gave out bundles with 999 purchase attempts to incentivize more purchases and sell more orbs that give you 0% of getting nothing! Outstanding move MSF! Can't wait to see how will they explain this :D

It’s like they were drunk when they dreamed up this offer!


Originally posted by BigDaddyStone315

He wouldn't say this. At most he would say he will bring it up with the team.

And I thought I drank a lot!


Originally posted by no-name-ideas-

Step 1: Make these orbs worth less than the time it takes to open them

Step 2: Make them 5x as expensive as regular orbs in fragments

Step 3: Watch people be upset

Step 4: Change nothing

Scopely's business plan

This why I stopped all spending months ago!

24 Nov


Originally posted by Wcitsatrapx

Lol cerebro doesn’t know wtf is going on, our sensitive little buddy will read a corporate lawyer approved statement when him and the rest of the team get back from a nice longggggg break

little durnk righ now


Happy Thanosgiving to you /u/player1mtl Enjoy your slushies!

19 Nov


I once got 125 arena energy as compensation for a crash during a raid. It was awesome.

Change my mind

Good luck krakens!


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