

28 Jul


Originally posted by throwawaycallmyself

Hi Erika! This is for sure an already answered question, but I can't find the answer: I've got an unopened Herbal Jeweled Chest, but I have not unlocked Torakichi, should I keep the chest closed until I got Torakichi, or if I open it I can get gear for them anyway?

Hi throwawaycallmyself,

As ChakatFirepaw noted, only if you own Torakichi.

Looking at the chest screen, we could probably add that note to the various chest types that have rules about gear drops.

In general, for the weekend buff chests, they only contain gear for the Crusaders you own from the chest at the time you open it.


Originally posted by DragonFuhrer

Thank you for the chests. Also, when you say look out for the Anniversary codes. What methods will they be delivered?

You're welcome for the chests. :)

The first one will be emailed out today, and the others will drop on Facebook or Twitter.

They're generic though, so if you're active in the game chats, the players are pretty good about sharing them.

And once they're all released, I'll update the anniversary blog with all the codes just so it's easier to find.


Originally posted by pdsred56

Just returned to Crusaders after a work-related hiatus so haven't been following the latest development, but wondering if there's any consideration to the implementation of macros/rules for taskmasters. For example, I'd love to be able to set my taskmasters to farm storm rider, but only after they've already triggered magnify, and preferably only after magnify was triggered without an insta-cooldown so the RNG is ever in my favor. Any chance you all will consider trying to implement something of the sort at some point? I don't know how terrible the coding would be, or how to make it so gamers are able to determine the rules they want taskmasters to follow, it was just a thought of "wouldn't this be nice..."

Welcome back to Crusaders. :)

It's come up a few times, to be able to tell taskmasters what order to fire the active abilities, but it's not something we're currently planning on adding. I'll note that it came up again though. :)


Originally posted by GemPro

Congratz on CotLI's 6th Anniversary~! May there be many more to come :-)

Fingers crossed for more indeed!


Originally posted by Patient-Ad7717

Actually maybe it's asked before already, but I came back after a year brake. So about those crusaders I recruited with mission and not during their event, can I get the achivement for them? As best as I remember I can't do the objective when they are already recruited, however I don't get the achivement neither.

Would be nice to get the achive or do the mission when I got them recruited on mission.

If you've unlocked the Crusader from the mission system (or a real money purchase), then when the event comes around again, the recruit achievement will be awarded, as that's when the recruit objective gets marked as completed which is what the achievement is tied to.

Though it would be nice to untangle that at some point. One day maybe, one day.


Originally posted by dobroduh

ok, I'm ready for the GL, thx

Good luck!


Originally posted by Sirson

Thanks for the QA!

You're welcome. :)


Originally posted by pibedetorres

I didn't get a chance to ask during a Twitch stream, so I will try again there later if needed but... is Qadir's appearance a reference to Mikitaka from JoJo's Bizarre Adventures? I would be amazed to see that manga/anime referenced on my favorite idle game XD

Also, thanks for the chest code and the raffle chance, and wish you all a good week!

Neither Kat or I have interacted with Jojo media, so just a coincidence. Though Wilson said this could also be the "is this a Jojo reference?" meme coming forward. ;)

You're welcome. Have a good week yourself. :)


Originally posted by First2016Last

I would like to win Mindy's hat.

We'll see what the RNG says.


Originally posted by Sylexy

Just popped in, more often go to the streams on thursdays but thought maybe id suggest another coloring sheet idea, maybe a fight (real or organized like a wrestling/boxing match) between some of the more traditional fighter types rex, arachno, jason, maybe even emo, was trying to come up with a girl but kind of drawing a blank and natalie was just in the last sheet.

That's a neat idea. I will pass it along to Kat for her to play around with for a future stream. :)


Originally posted by KaleidoscopeIll567

I want the pipette erikaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Good luck with the raffle then. :)


Originally posted by Theonetv

Thanks for the raffle and code!

You're quite welcome.


Originally posted by nostrabowl

thanks for doing this.

You're welcome. :)


Originally posted by CyanMuffin

Congrats on the anniversary!



Originally posted by Ladyabalaa

Congratulations on the 6th Anniversary. Thank you for the code.

You're welcome for the code. :)


Originally posted by AsparaGaspare

No Questions, I am just entering the raffle.

Great Job and Keep Up the Good Work! .😎

Thank you. I'll pass it along to the team. :)


Originally posted by Porphyre1

Are there any plans to monetize Golden Legendaries in a non-random manner?

You have already implemented a way to choose and purchase any crusader. GL's in Flash Sales and Flash Sale Frenzies are random and, if I recall correctly, priced at $4.99, $7.99, and $9.99. Based on the Starter Pack pricing, you could allow users to choose GL's for $9.99 each and probably make more sales.


We have discussed having more Goldens available for money, but haven't settled on the best way to implement it yet. I do think it would be neat to see how it does for sure.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Good luck!


Originally posted by Bungobunce

Happy 6th anniversary

Thank you Bungobounce. :)


Originally posted by Fragerjap

Hello! Can we have a button to jump to level 1 area?

The thing is we can go forward to the last opened area with Auto progress, but to go back you have to press Shift + Left area arrow, which is hard when you have no keyboard at hand.

I use it to set premime forms after sprint, and can't change formations while under attack of last levels.

Hi Fragerjap,

I saw a request for a dialog to enter any area to jump to elsewhere in today's Q&A, but I guess that also doesn't help if you don't have a keyboard nearby.

I'll add the button idea to our suggestion list to consider and we'll see what happens. :)