

27 Jul


Originally posted by cschwa179

Hi Erika, I agree with some of the other comments that this season of Dungeon was better. I found it less stressful since after week 2 or so, it was clear that with steady but not crazy effort (i.e., no need to set alarm for the middle of the night) I would make it to level 40. Giving out GL's is a great idea. Keeping my fingers crossed

That's great. Good luck on your season journey. :)


Originally posted by invento_kave

"Gear upgrade" for some of the weaker crusader equipment could be a reward for completing future Tier 5 campaigns...

I've been playing this game practically non-stop since I started, less than 9 months ago. Got my first Tier 6 crusader just yesterday (yay!). Been thoroughly enjoying your six years of good work. Congrats!

Congrats on getting to the Tier 6 Crusader unlocks! :D

I'll add your vote to the item on the suggestion list for improving old Crusaders through objectives somehow.


Originally posted by cschwa179

can't seem to enter an answer but can do replies. Am I in the raffle or do I need to figure this out :)

You've made a comment on the Q&A, so that counts for entering the raffle. :)


Originally posted by MasterDangel

Here for giveaway :)

Thanks for stopping by. :)


Originally posted by Parsa_Khazaei

Happy anniversary!

Thank you! :)


Originally posted by Loquis

I've come back after years, and am barely scratching Tier 2, how long is it going to take me to get to Tier 6?

Welcome back to the game.

Depends on a few things, like the Crusaders you own, the gear on the Crusaders, and how often you're resetting for collecting idols. And the rune system can help as well. We've had new players come in and power through to being able to at least recruit the Tier 6 event Crusaders within a few months of starting, even if they've still got the higher tier permanent campaign objectives to complete.


Originally posted by Cry1ng


Keep rollin, rolllin, rollin.


Originally posted by xyzzex

faster rune merging when?

faster gear upgrading when?

my guess: Soon(TM)

and serious question: why don't you have top players on betatesting game's new things since lately there's been many broken things like zucker, odile, gg t5 kids escort etc? would save both sides time.

Faster rune merging tomorrow actually.


Originally posted by Goran369


Thank you! :)


Originally posted by SnowLov3r

When it became official that Zuczek will get de-buffed/nerfed, I feared the worst. Gotta say I am very happy with the result.

Probably will get asked/ mentioned. But if we do win the raffle, the GE/L item has to be for crusaders we own?

Yeah, Zuczek still has a pretty good chunk of power.

If you win the raffle, it just has to be a Golden Epic/Legendary item that has been released before today. You don't need to own the Crusader, but you won't see the item until you do own them.


Originally posted by WrrlnikSpeturra

Congrats on your 6th anniversary! Thanks for having a raffle!

Thank you. :)


Originally posted by LazerMePapi

In game says 2,094 days played! Here's to many more! Obligatory thanks for the code

Fingers crossed indeed.

You're welcome!


Originally posted by yinyangbeetl

Happy anniversary! Playing from Kongregate during St Patty's day event to now and it seems so crazy

Thank you for being along for the ride. :)


Originally posted by agatb2

raffle pls

Good luck. :)


Originally posted by SanjeepTheJeep

Wow! 250! That's some dedication.

It doesn't feel like that many weeks, but yeah, so many Q&As.


Originally posted by mervinside

Happy birthday

Thank you!


Originally posted by DeaJae

Well done on the 6 years, looking forward to a break between events with Dungeons going on. The last few events seemed to rush our downtime with how quick they came.

Thank you!

Yeah, the normal week break between Hidden Temple and Alien Invasion getting eaten up was unfortunate, but we shouldn't need to squish the upcoming events back to back.


Originally posted by naggygrammy

congrats on 6 and thank you for a great game.

You're welcome. :)


Originally posted by N4meless_King_

In the Zuczek recruitment objective I noticed that there are incredibly few dwarf crusaders. Are there any new dwarfs coming somewhat soon in future events?

We do plan to add more dwarf Crusaders, either through skins or the events, though none are in the next couple of updates.


Originally posted by LockOn117

Raffle hype

Hype hype.