

13 Jan


Originally posted by Zoexycian

Oh thank you!

And then of course all of the Champion Insights articles, which often don't have video, unfortunately. It's just much easier for me to get 3 devs in a room and interview them for an hour and then write something than it is to do an entire interview. Especially during COVID! :D

12 Jan


Originally posted by Zoexycian

Please do it 🥺 Im very curious on the champion design developments you guys made.

We have released shorter ones in the past! But doing one over time might be tricky since some champion design stuff takes years and years. Definitely something to pitch though! :D

07 Jan


Originally posted by Runmanrun41

One of these days I need to Riot record a bunch of footage of them doing champ design stuff and release a full on documentary.

It would never happen, but being able to follow a full new champion through start to finish devolpment sounds nerdy and great.

This would be a dream! Time to pitch it to the Editorial team lead. :D

06 Jan


Originally posted by Papaya_Dreaming

I'm not legally allowed to work in the United States.

I had a job at Foot Locker, floor sales. Got news of a shipment of new shoes coming in that's rather irregular. Only seen once by each manager, it was so irregular. Usually, shoe supplies are provided on a basis. But light-up sneakers... they sell so rarely that they just refill all at once. 150 pairs, all in one truck.

I learned how to design an RFID spoofer from Google. I called in sick from work one day. Dressed up as an elderly man, makeup and everything. Went into the store, nervous as hell, and used my best rehearsed rasp to demand my manager, who did not recognize me. As he helped me slip on some shoes, holding me close to support me and my "shaky joints," I got the spoofer close enough to his clearance pass.

Then, I asked my manager to go fetch a pair of shoes from the back. While he did so, I furtively put on latex gloves and pulled some old shoes out of my bag. Sometimes, when customers buy n...

Read more

Man... What a truly blessed day. A Papaya response.

I have so many questions.


Originally posted by Aquillifer

Nah, you using internet explorer? Turbo Mode is old news, we going Ultra Mode now.

f*ck my age is showing


Originally posted by -Gaka-

That joke went up in flames.

Don't all of them?


Originally posted by XoXeLo

The easy route is, 2 years ago it was 200 years of experience. If everything is the same, 2 more years should be +40. So 240 years.

I just write bad jokes, the match checks out here


Originally posted by NetSraC1306

Hey man you still counting?

Bruh I gotta go to the gym! I'll be back in an hour after I get some engineer to do math for me


Originally posted by 100tinka

2 years in our time, but how much is that in collective years of game design

Ooooh actually that's a good point. Lemme count how many game designers we have and figure out


Originally posted by freekymayonaise

how did you know?

Just a lucky guess


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

Can I ask, why post comments on Reddit? Do you find the feedback helpful here? Or just for fun? That little white fist is like a target on your back

Y'all play and care about League enough to spend your time on a subreddit dedicated to it. If we completely ignore feedback from some of the most dedicated players in the English-speaking community then what's the point of even doing anything we do?

I do enjoy engaging though. It's fun


Originally posted by Astray

Is this like a binding statement because of how many of your coworkers will see this?

If only


Originally posted by JesusHipsterChrist

Does u/Papaya_Dreaming get your job via highlander rules?

Honestly if Papaya wanted my job no one at Riot would question it


Originally posted by DogAteMyCPU

riot might have over 200 years, but all 5.5 million of us challenjours together can accomplish the real changes players are asking for

It's been at least 2 years since the 200 years of experience thing. At least keep it accurate and say 202 years


Originally posted by rishinuwu

boy oh boy do we have someone to fill in for you

Is it the Hessaire MC37V 3 100 CFM Evaporator Cooler with Turbo Mode?

02 Jan


Originally posted by nihilisthicc

Glad to push the odds in the right direction and make it 51/49 today!

Thank you for speaking up, I’m sure it required a lot of courage!

I used to be very afraid of losing my job, but now I'm one of the more senior women in my craft and it's my job to speak out to make the newer ones' lives better.

Thanks for supporting us! And never stop pushing for games/Riot to be better. We wouldn't be able to do this without the support from y'all! <3


Originally posted by ConscienceNot

Yeah absolutely. It's a toss up. It's about 50% positive interactions and 50% negative. My favorite is when people assume my gender and assume I'm a man and tell me to stop sexually harassing women and pay them better. And then when I tell them that I am, in fact, a woman who spoke at the walk out against gender-based discrimination they make some sort of sexist remark to me. (:

Lmao. I cant... I just had to laught. I mean its just... what ppl do is very often questionable and when I hear it like that its funny to me. Its like one of the stories.

Anyway respect for thick skin.

It's wild for sure. I don't know what possesses some people to be mean, but whatever lol


Originally posted by ConscienceNot

Do you get a lot of hate for being Rioter? For design and balance teams.

Yeah absolutely. It's a toss up. It's about 50% positive interactions and 50% negative. My favorite is when people assume my gender and assume I'm a man and tell me to stop sexually harassing women and pay them better. And then when I tell them that I am, in fact, a woman who spoke at the walk out against gender-based discrimination they make some sort of sexist remark to me. (:

But whatever, at least the vitriol is going to me and not some poor person trying to play the game.

01 Jan


Originally posted by PeckishPizza

I think zac is well designed, I just miss the iteration of his ult where he could kidnap people. My buddy and I would duo bot lane as zac/nunu and just have a blast E + R kidnapping people into the charged nunu ult.

I, too, desperately miss this ult. I mained Zac after his rework and had an absolute blast one-tricking him for a while. When he was reverted I played one game and didn't feel like his old/new ult worked well with his updated kit anymore, and I've never played him since.

I know Zac mains everywhere will be upset with a Rioter for saying that, but man, I really miss the kidnap ult.