

08 Apr


Originally posted by Gameipedia

holy shit please boost this shit, keeping a discourse on your own closed forms is just as/more important to like off sourcing that shit to basically reddit/discords

I very much miss comments on Nexus, and it's something I wish we still had. Being able to speak directly (in all languages) to players on the content was highly beneficial imo and something I desperately want back.

Reddit and other social channels can be scary places for a lot of Rioters (and many more don't go on them!), and there's something more comforting about talking on a platform we own.


Originally posted by Shadowarcher6

No wait wasn’t there another spot where you’d guys this sort of stuff?

Maybe I’m thinking of thosr most commonly asked questions posts


Originally posted by Shadowarcher6

Why did they get rid of it anyways?

2011 when we revamped!


Originally posted by Gradeientt

Please stop using Quick Gameplay Thoughts to talk about things that don't have anything to do with gameplay. I'm sick of getting baited into thinking you'll talk about GAMEPLAY and then it's cosmetic shit which I don't really care about.

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

I don't work on Quick Gameplay Thoughts.


Originally posted by theuwudragon

Yes, it is me. I am the Rioter you've been talking to yesterday. I am locked out of my Slack account, could you please tell me again which upcoming champ we prepping for again? I forgot...

Uhhh don't you know? It's the Hessaire MC37V 3 100 CFM Evaporative Cooler.


Originally posted by chaser676

Yeah am I missing an inside joke or something

I have been talking for years about how much I miss Nexus, as one of the editorial writers whose content lives on that site. I legitimately didn't think players remembered it because no one ever talks about it.

So I was saying that this must be one of the Rioters I regularly talk to about it (because I talk about it at least once a week.)

Edit: Please talk about it more so I can make the case to bring it back :')


Originally posted by JPLangley

I miss the Nexus website. Now they're stuck using Quick Gameplay Thoughts for their weekly blogpost.


01 Apr


Originally posted by NomaiTraveler

if phlox has million number of fans i am one of them. if phlox has ten fans i am one of them. if phlox has no fans. that means i am no more on the earth. if world against plox, i am against the world. i love phlox till my last breath... die hard fan of phlox. Hit like if u think phlox best & smart in the world

if phlox has million number of fans i am one of them. if phlox has ten fans i am one of them. if phlox has no fans. that means i am no more on the earth. if world against plox, i am against the world. i love phlox till my last breath... die hard fan of phlox. Hit like if u think phlox best & smart in the world


Originally posted by profirix

This thread is absolute anarchy.

More please.

More? You want more unhinged gameplay thoughts?

Welcome to Riot Cashmiir's Gold Gameplay Thoughts and Suggestions.

Y'all are out here complaining about new champs being overloaded, but have you ever played against Malphite? Honest-to-god braindead champ. I swear the early champs are the most toxic to play against. Press R delete champs like Malphite and Veigar. But no, Reddit's out here complaining about champions like Viego. That man's perfection. No shirt, simp, abs you could cut diamonds on. Is his passive annoying? Absolutely. But you honestly think I'm thinking about gameplay? Man I'm Gold. I don't even look at the map.

Seriously what's the point of map awareness at my elo? Or even warding. I consistently have Challenger+ warding numbers and sometimes buy 20+ pinks in one game (lol SRT can you please put the pink upgrade item on the side when you're playing support? Thanks). But if you think it matters you're dead wrong. I never look at the map and even...

Read more

Originally posted by GreaterBelugaWhale

I'm a Yummi main

Buff Yuumi

30 Mar


Originally posted by untamedlazyeye

They deserve a raise

He left Riot. :( I'll never forgive him for such a monumental betrayal.

29 Mar


Originally posted by wr3ck_1t

Yeah I'm finally saving my gemstones for a change... looking at that Spirit Blossom Teemo prestige that'll come in with the first wave. Oooh yeah.

The sound designer who worked on that one said he wanted to make "the most annoying sounding Teemo skin ever" and piss off people by making his "flute shredding" back spammable and I'll honestly never forgive him for it.

25 Mar


Originally posted by the_fredblubby

As a ritoer can yuo confirm that this will hlep my ultimate (R) carer goals of becoming in charge of the balance team?

Ye Riot Phlox and Riot Phr0xzon bout to slide in your DMs

02 Mar


Originally posted by rugbyweeb

instead of coffee, I'd like to see better pay and treatment, especially for female staff

Same. Which is why I spoke at the walkout years ago and speak actively on my social media accounts about pay transparency in the games industry. And also am a woman.


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

did someone mention COFFEE?



Originally posted by Floh_the_6th

So you're saying that people that read the tech blog have a slightly higher chance to be hired as engineers? (I can make some very good coffee, just saying)

I wouldn't say it's a higher chance, but transparency in how we create products is certainly something that appeals to a lot of people. My brother is an engineer on Riot Direct (and also wrote this tech blog article about his work) and one of the things that tipped the scales for him to apply to Riot was getting to learn how Riot approaches problem spaces before he worked here.


Originally posted by Floh_the_6th

I'm not sure how popular they are, but man I'm loving those tech blogs. Being informative for both in- and experienced people while still keeping enough humor so the text doesn't get dry. Hope we will see more of those.

They're usually written for a pretty niche audience of engineers who might end up working at Riot some day (please come work here engineers, we have coffee). The woman who ran, wrote, and edited the tech blog left Riot a few months back, which is why there haven't been any posts in a while. I miss her every day :'(

18 Feb


Originally posted by Moifaso

Wow, someone actually made a throwaway account just to shit on this post. Triggered much?

Joke's on them, I don't like bread


Originally posted by Hot_End_834

I can smell daddy jinpings honey covered hands from here. Hows the sexual harassment case going bro?

Looking forward to my settlement 😎


Originally posted by Solash1

Too late bro, I already got Marc on the phone discussing ideas for SilcoCoin.

Btw, he says that all Rioters have to refer to themselves as "Riotmates" now.

SilCoin™️ is an exciting new way to let consumers sheep players invest and own a little piece of League of Legends. Stolen from Crafted by artists and creators, investing in SilCoin™️ will help pay to bring back The Tribunal.