

15 Jul


Originally posted by ThisIsSnake

I personally really liked this video. It felt really polished way to get across a small bite sized dev thought, not to mention the hype it gave for Asol CGU.

We really need more dev content like this. League is a massive game, it deserves to shine this way, the devs deserve to be better represented in the work they're doing.

Thanks! We're experimenting with some new video formats. Glad you like this one!

We definitely want the devs to speak more, and this is one way of doing that!


Originally posted by bz6

Oh shit Riot wide eh? That's crazy to be fair. Knowing the communities for each game and what comes with that (the memes, language, game knowledge etc...) must be a cool challenge. Prior to you telling me that there is one team handling comms/content for Riots' Games holistically, one could've safely deduced that each game has their own "localized" team.

It's a fun challenge! I play all of Riot's games, though. And our team does as well for the most part.

So each game/product has their own mini community team, with a lead, community managers, social media folks, influencer managers, etc. You get the idea. But the team that actively creates this content is central because our work is super niche!


Originally posted by BarackProbama

/u/Cashmiir Do the next one at noms. I want someone to explain a new syndra ultimate using meatballs as props.


do you even work here anymore???


Originally posted by bz6

I love content like this. The behind the scenes Irelia, Morde, & Panth rework videos were amazing. Would love a more consistent strategy when it comes to pushing out content of this nature.

Thanks! So to pull the curtain back a little (get outta here RiotAether don't DM me on Slack ty), the team that handles this type of video content (the team I'm on, which also includes written content like Champ Insights) has ramped up a lot in terms of size and scalability. But we are a Riot-wide team, meaning we handle all of Riot's games and products like music.

All of this is to say, we're working on itTM

But we also need to work on other games ;)


Originally posted by GrandMasterOfCool

I thought Stashu was working on this rework though?

Rob is ASol's producer!


Originally posted by BeyondNetorare



jk I'm sorry Rob


Originally posted by TheeOmegaPi

Cashmiir whoever came up with the title is SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE.


It was a joint effort, but our visual designer Tee (y'all might remember her as Mom Cat from patch notes past) came up with the final!


Originally posted by Extension-Bicycle-57

This same Rioter was playing around with an Asol rework years ago as a personal project. I wonder if it will be somewhat similar.

Passive: Something like his current E active that activates after moving straight for a while kind of like Taliyah? Except you have full control of him like Kayn wall walking.

Q: Stand in one spot and breath fire. It follows your cursor and costs mana per second to continue spewing fire. Leaves a burning trail in its wake. Idk what that trail does yet. BTW you can use this ability on towers because star fire melts them in my head and A Sol has a line or something about not caring about them.

W: Live R but resized and re-balanced to be a basic ability. So basically ...

Read more

This is that Rioter in the video πŸ˜‰

He is an ASol lover

22 Jun


Originally posted by r_lucasite

and Bel’Veth, the monstrous manta mommy Void Empress.

Riot is as horny as it's fanbase


20 Jun


Originally posted by TabaCh1

So thats why you guys dont publish concept art anymore

We still publish it!

19 Jun


Originally posted by No_Patience2667

Never forget Darkin Sett

Y'all going to make me live to regret publishing that concept art.

13 Jun


Originally posted by DelBringo

Better Rioter Wins

It wasn't me, ya goob

12 Jun


Originally posted by MartyMcNinja

Been playing since Caitlyn's release, never played with a Rioter.

Then in 2019, became a Rioter. So uh that's how I fixed that problem I guess!

(Hi Marty!)

Yeah I also had never played with a Rioter and have been playing since Season 2. Then in my first few weeks as a Rioter I got one on my team.

And since then I've been matched against coworkers. I like to sh*t talk them in slack as the game happens.

09 Jun


Originally posted by Spirit-Rush

I heard that Reav3 wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. I can only dream to one day be half the man he is.

do you need me to write anything else? πŸ˜¦πŸ”«

Some say he has a 10-foot vertical leap, but I've never seen it.


Originally posted by lolyoda

Are you perhaps also a connoisseur of sweaters as well?

Nah LA too hot


Originally posted by Thor_bjornLoL

Looks like you are at gun point m8, blink twice if you need help..

lmao nah legit I have nothing but respect for the man and I've enjoyed working with him over the years. He's passionate about the community and about League, and he's a true delight to work with.

We also have similar senses of humor so his jokes always get me


Originally posted by Gwapollicious

May I ask if you are Lexical? and who will continue the champ roadmaps?

I'm not. I'm Riot Cashmiir and sometimes I write cursed Shaco fan fiction with Riot Phlox.

I work with folks like Reav3, Lexical, and other devs to help make their words good.


Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

Oh i meant insight as in communication in reddit threads. Like how he told us about Belveth not being a monster and other stuff.

And we now have two new writers which means more content!


We are continuing to work with Reav3 in his new role. So don't worry!

No worries here. I believe you and other rioters are also very open with communicating with fans and answering their doubts. Your efforts are all appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to reply and ease doubts, you all are probably the most open devs(idunno term) ive ever seen in any gaming community.

Again you don't have to worry. I'm sure Reav3 will still be on Reddit. The man loves champions


Originally posted by PikaTheWolf

f**k yeah Warwick gaming

The best boi


Originally posted by Oreo-and-Fly

Nooo my champion insights and possessed man speaking purple lines.

Come back.

Gratz reav3.

Champion Insights are continuing! They're owned by the team I'm on (we also work on the dev videos). And we now have two new writers which means more content!

We are continuing to work with Reav3 in his new role. So don't worry!