

16 Nov


Originally posted by HoomsOnlyGoUppppp

Can confirm.

u/chryztos At 5pm EST I finished running Plankerton Endurance, all 30 waves. Did not get a single XP award for BR. (I had restarted my game after the XP change took affect in case someone thinks that could make a difference)

Hey thanks for the tag. Currently collecting reports and looking into it.


Originally posted by T_manYT

Might be alot to ask, but would it be possible for us to get the battle pass menu in save the world?

I definitely agree that is a simple QOL that should be added. Might feel a little better once STW is officially in the Discovery tab, but I will ask around about seeing some BP progress bar representation in STW itself.


Originally posted by igornist

Hi chryztos, is there suppose to be accolades for endurance? I did a plankerton and didn't receive one.

You should receive accolades based on how many Endurance waves were successfully passed. Let me know if you still aren't getting accolades after trying it again.


Ayyy. Nice work Commander!

21 Oct


Hey Commanders!

Our mission to upgrade underutilized and underused Hero abilities continues!

Thank you for providing feedback on the changes to Goin’ Constructor. We feel that it’s in a much better spot than before and we’re ready to move onto our next ability, R.O.S.I.E!

We would like to take this opportunity to pick the brain of fellow Commanders and see what you would like to see improved on R.O.S.I.E. It must be noted that none of the ideas presented by the community are guaranteed to be implemented into the game.

Please keep the conversation constructive (pun intended)! We’re looking for actionable feedback and this can include things like weapon falloff, overheating, alternative fire, “it would be cool if it did this!”. Also when providing feedback, try thinking of situations in which you would like to use R.O.S.I.E. or how a new and improved R.O.S.I.E. could patch up some weaknesses in your Constructor loadout.


Read more External link →

14 Oct


Originally posted by _S_H_A_D_0_W

Thank you for looking into this. You guys are awesome

NP! Looks like this is a known issue within the team, and a fix is planned in the next patch update.

13 Oct


Really beautiful work!

11 Oct

29 Sep


Originally posted by ahmeda9a

Hey! Brought this up to the team. Added to the list of perks and abilities that may need change/updates.


Originally posted by Bradsmum69

Are you aware that BR gold bars are appearing in STW inventories? They dont do anything and you cant drop them but you know.

I am. That issue is on the radar as well, all though as of right now it appears to be causing no major problems; just some confusion.

28 Sep


Originally posted by MeleeForte

u/magyst u/chryztos

This is kind of an urgent issue. I have seen quite a few people reporting this bug and it is happening to me too. Any time I join a lobby and leave (whether I leave while still in the lobby or if I leave after I hit launch and go into the mission), I am hit by the FTLP bug and have to wait.

No one wants to wait a few minutes every single time they leave a mission to be able to start a new one.

Definitely a very bad issue. Working on getting engineering eyes on it now.

27 Sep


From a player perspective this sounds awesome, form a dev POV I'm afraid they might think it would tip the scale of PLV too much as survivor squad quality is so tied into that. I will definitely bring this up with the team once they have a little less off their plate in the near future. I'll provide on update on this topic if possible.


Originally posted by gentlecat2210

I attempted this with the same load out and couldn't get this bug to trigger. Sorry

Hey no problem at all, thanks for trying. Will keep this bug in mind and if you or anyone else runs into this problem again, please report it to me.

26 Sep


Thanks for calling this out. Is this the first time you have noticed this bug, or has it occurred during other play throughs? If this has happened before, were you using the same Hero Loadout?

18 Aug


Hey /u/XylicSTW thanks for the feedback!

Brought up this thread with the Dev team, and they have responded very positively to a lot of your ideas.

As Magyst said before, we cannot guarantee any of these changes will be implemented into the game but will definitely be having further conversations about them.

Thanks again, always love getting this productive feedback!

10 Aug


Originally posted by Wu_Wei_STW

The Neds glitch out sometimes if you destroy certain things in his shelter before you try interacting with him. Once he is glitched there is nothing you can do to fix it.

As for the DBNO survivor, you can’t interact with him because husks were attacking him at some point and moved him from his original spot. You can still interact and request the medbot but you will just have to search around the immediate area to try and find where the survivor originally was. That is where the interact box will pop up.

These bugs have been in the game forever and will never be fixed because it is Epic.

Thanks for listing out possible leads to this bug. Being able to reproduce this issue will be a big step forward for our dev teams, and help them solve this bug sooner!

06 Aug


The Bear hug emote seemed to have issues in all modes, so it has been temporarily disabled and removed from the Item Shop.

If you have clips or pictures of other broken synced emotes, please message them to me or link them here, and I will bring them to the team!

03 Aug


Originally posted by lala005614

On further testing the following are not working: (so forest biome are a lot harder to finish resupply in).

  • can-o-meat
  • bolt and nutz
  • herbs
  • plants in forest biomes (but not flower or cactus herbs)
  • ammo loots
  • metal bars

Thanks, very helpful!


Thank you for the reports on this, will get it to the team ASAP. From what I am seeing, only plants are affected by this bug?