Well that's one way of aiming I guess. Will make sure the team sees this. (And thank you for calling out the specific weapon in this bug /u/MadDogLDN)
Well that's one way of aiming I guess. Will make sure the team sees this. (And thank you for calling out the specific weapon in this bug /u/MadDogLDN)
Thanks for calling this out. Will make sure it gets looked at.
u/Chryztos Has this been looked at yet? I’ve checked Trello and there’s no mention of it. I’m experiencing this bug in all missions, not just endurance.
Oh yea. The team has their eyes on it and have a fix planned in a future update. Will get this up on Trello. Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you for calling this out and apologies for the confusion. Completing this quest will still reward you with the the proper Road Trip Event Ticket. Was able to speak with the team on this issue and they are already working on a fix for this UI bug set for a patch in the future. Below is the trello for this issue in case you want to keep up with it.
Honestly I reccomend you take more game breaking bugs to the team first (for example sometimes you can't open mission control on the deliver the bomb mission making it impossible to play)
If possible, can you link me a thread on the mission control issue? Trying to figure out if we have our eyes on it.
👀 That's an interesting looking one.
Will take this clip to the team. Thanks for sharing!
I also got it on PC using a Xbox controller
Whoops, poor wording by me. I should say this issue occurs on all platforms, not just consoles.
You are stuck in a dead lock. Next time that happens swap out the selectable hero. In this case, it would be Jilly the Tea Cup.
u/Chryztos Here is another bug for you to share with the team.
Thanks for pinging me on this! This bug is definitely on our radar, and are currently working on a fix for it. As far as we know, it only affects controller players on any console.
You can keep up with any updates on this bug through our Trello page.
See people, we shouldn't harass Magyst. He's just doing his best to help!
While I haven't been at Epic long, I can certainly attest that Magyst does his best to make sure the STW community is heard!
Welcome u/Chryztos
May we tag you now too (besides Magyst) here and there for important stuff?
Of course! Don't hesitate to tag me for something that should have Epic eyes on it.
And thank you for the warm welcome! 🤗
Big apologies for this! Fortunately the issues causing login problems should be resolved now.
Thanks for the report! Will make sure the team takes a look at it.