

21 Dec

We're continuing our series of interviews with community streamers by publishing an interview with KittenCatNoodle who is well-known not only as a streamer but also as a creator of Path of Exile lore videos.

Hi KittenCatNoodle, thank you for taking part in the interview! Please introduce yourself. Hey! Thanks for the opportunity! I’m KittenCatNoodle, but I go by Noodle. The name’s a pun for the “whole kit and kaboodle,” the KittenCatNoodle. I grew up on Nintendo games, mostly every Zelda game, particularly Majora’s Mask. I’m a big fan of great stories in games, like Witcher, Divinity, and of course Path of Exile. I grew up in Washington State, now in Oregon, just living the dream as a nerdy cat lady who gets to play video games all day.

How long have you been streaming for? How did you get into it? I’ve been streaming for just over 4 years now! Which is pretty crazy. I got into it because I had an IRL friend who would stream. I didn’t even know what it was, but I... Read more