

23 Mar


That Oro-Crab is fantastic! Love the sneak peek at the other concepts on the side, Corpus Crab does not mess around

22 Mar


Originally posted by Assassinatrix71

It happened today on pc, i verified the cache and then changed languages a few times, then the game optimized and it was fixed

Ah, brilliant! So the fix occurred after swapping languages? Or after manually selecting 'Optimize' under Download Cache in settings in the Launcher


Definitely try and verify the cache, what platform are you on? Do you know if this happened recently or as of the most recent Hotfix?


Originally posted by the-doctor-is-real

professional courtesy, or as the Sniper from TF2 says "Professionals have standards!".



This makes me want to imagine what it would be like if they were all on MSN

21 Mar


Originally posted by shybunnyprincess

well im thinkig of drawing a few warframes and other stuffs, it just never occur to me to that i coul post them here loll

Please do! We need more!


This is absolutely bonkers! It turned out incredible!


ooo yeah we're gonna get em today boys break out into our line just like we practiced

18 Mar


These are quite elegant! Something tells me the Orokin would approve of Nails Prime


Hey u/Professional_Kiwi_40, can't seem to be able to get this bug on Public, what platform are you on?

17 Mar


Actually I think it should say that you have 5 seconds to kill 20 enemies


Thanks for reporting this! We've figured out it's a UI issue in the Nightwave tab (Acts will count for more in the overall NW standing tab vs. what the act is actually worth)

If you re-log, the UI will reset and show the proper amount of standing gained. It's not kicking over to Rank 2 as you don't actually have 10,000 standing, sorry for the confusion!


Originally posted by Sp00D3r-M4n


Somethings still afoot on the Playstation end, we're looking into it and working on a fix as we speak! Thanks again for your patience

You can follow along for any updates here:


Hey there, something still seems to be afoot with PS5 log-ins. It's not a complete lock out but there is something that is still hitching, we're working on a fix as we speak!


Hello Tenno!

Our ambition to enable Nora’s Mix Vol. 1 shortly after the simultaneous launch was met with numerous build and connectivity issues on our end, resulting in where we are now with Nightwave disabled. Before we break down what happened and our next steps, we’d first like to apologize and thank you for your patience today.

First things first:
Nora’s Mix Volume 1 will be going live tomorrow on all Platforms. Unfortunately, due to persisting connectivity issues on PlayStation that require more time to be resolved, we are pushing the start time to Thursday. We will update the thread here and let you know in-game via Red Text when Nora is expected to return!!

As an appreciation for your patience, we’re working on running a special 24 hour Alert on all Platforms for 150x Nora’s Mix Vol.1 Creds that can be used in the Cred Offerings store once Nightwave is enabled! The start date and time will be s...

Read more External link →

16 Mar


We're still working through some technical delays, you can follow along for any updates here! Thanks for your patience


Originally posted by beck_is_back

Tried downloading again, connecting to different WiFi, connecting via cable, restarting router, restarting console... Searched online but only found some old posts and even more people complaining... just bought loads of stuff yesterday and cannot even try it out!

We're still heads down working on a fix, keep your eyes peeled on that thread for any updates - thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by Bridget_Bishop

This right here ^ Keep your eyes peeled there for any updates, Team is working on a fix! Thanks hanging tight


Originally posted by EffectiveChapter6811

I'm on xbox but I don't see the nightwave thing where is it

It hasn't launched yet! We'll need to sync the launch across all platforms, you can check back on this PSA thread for any and all updates:


Originally posted by Hextina

game is saying "unable to connect to warframe install latest update" on ps5 despite me having installed this update :|

We're having some troubles launching the update on PS5, we're on it and should be fixed up shortly!

PSA here: