We'll take a look at what might be causing this extreme range of motion... Necks definitely aren't supposed to do that
We'll take a look at what might be causing this extreme range of motion... Necks definitely aren't supposed to do that
Submit a support ticket here: https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us
I would definitely put something about being trapped in the quest without a necramech in the ticket title too
They might be able to bounce you out of the quest?
^ Definitely get a ticket into Support
Thanks to player reporting, we’ve noted that the Fomorian Sabotage and/or Razorback Armada are fully constructed and ready for their appearances on all platforms, but haven’t taken place yet. As much as we’d like to say that Vay Hek just has some lingering holiday Turkey brain and forgot, these limited-time events are initiated manually server side and won’t be able to go live until some of our team return from some well deserved vacation.
Sorry for the delay, we expect to launch these in the near future and to also simplify the process for future deployments. We’ll update here with details for their launch when we have them.
Thank you!
January 17th Update: We will see the Fomorian & Razorbacks returning later today! We have also submitted a fix that simplifies the process for future deployments, so we shoul...
Read more External link →Xoris glaive.
I liked it that much that I built my characters around it and I’ve pretty much "completed" the game, playing exclusively solo with the Xoris and Ivana/Octavia/Khora/Wisp. No primary or secondary weapons used; It’s a death machine. It clears entire rooms filled with enemies with a single throw and it obliterates bosses instantly. That coupled with the invisibility abilities of the above mentioned frames, I went trough the whole game dancing while everything died around me without even knowing what hit them. The only problem is that it’s absolutely useless for flying open-world enemies.
And it’s not just the sheer destruction power… the sounds are addictive, the mechanic of timing every catch and re-throw (and the animations of successfully doing so are amazing), the lights, etc. I tried a ton of other things and I’ll always go back to my OP glaive.
After getting some forma on mine for the Granum Void I didn't put it down for a while, it's a satisfying melee through and through
mesmerizing, I've watched this 6 times already
Thanks for reporting this u/TheUberMoose, it'll be fixed in the next update!
Teasonai says not to kill Mergoo though. They’re good luck and a bad omen to kill.
You are correct! ... Cursed delicacy
Absolutely stunning
This bug has been patched on PC only, other platforms are yet to receive the fix.
^^^ u/LambertExe speaks true
when did they add this abnormity??? looks disgusting
The Ostron would call it a delicacy, actually
So smol and magnificent! Amazing
I too would like Brozime to be in my new login screen
hear hear
As someone who always shoots for the shorter window, this gave me a mighty chuckle
My Stepfahn Zaw and Soma Prime. Admittedly, they’re both pretty great anyway. But I love them.
I started with the Soma Prime back in 2018 and haven't been able to let it go... just recently grinded for the Hata-Satya Mod from Father on my Switch account
Cc cd electric riven and then basically build like a sniper
chad Veko
definitely my first time seeing a Warframe get clotheslined
this will now be what runs through my head anytime I get creds and immediately burn them on an alt helm
this hurts my eyes in a good way
The last hotfix bugged the fight best bet is to wait till it’s fixed
we'll have a Hotfix out hopefully soon that should fix this! Hang tight