Me tomorrow morning:
Me tomorrow morning:
Hmm since he's so active lately, would this be a job for u/DE_Killerkarpfen ?
All Liset holes are fixed already but unfortunately not on public yet and won't be for a little while! :( Please try to duct tape a little longer, thank you!
Hey, any luck?
Yep, improvements for some Lua tiles should go out with the next hot fixes.
Yes. And also thanks for sharing his name. It's a hard one to Google for when you don't have the first clue where to start guessing.
renaming to Kilkerpuffin intensifies
If you have happened to take an ingame screenshot (f6, not hosted in imgur so metadata is intact) on this run I can take a look.
For real you're one of the bests. And is becoming the only reason for me to spend money with Warframe.
Haha thank you, I'll fwd this to Scott when we talk about next raise! ;)
Thank you, genuinely.
Is there a better method of reporting these than support ticket + attached WF screenshot?
That is the most efficient way for sure, those are directly fed to me (if they are LD issues). If a thread grabs traction, like this one, and I see it here, that also works of course.
I'll take a look Monday.
Technically those lamps are in dojo as decoration too, but they lack of the same light. Can we have a fix so the dojo one look like the one in teshins room?
I can take a look for sure, if the scene allows for the extra lights they could be added.
It's been a bit since I looked, but I think there was something off about the volumetric lighting from the board over near Eudico as well.
Edit : you guys do great work.
I am somewhat positive it will be solved in the same breath as these lights but I'll double check there.
On the fixing pile for Monday morning it goes!
I see problem, I'll fix Monday, too late today and is long Easter weekend.
Oh BTW bug reports through zendesk basically just sends tickets to their respective departments, right?
Can't be arsed to make forum posts for tons of small map/gameplay bugs but I might use zendesk instead
Support ticket with bugs def are a good way.
Now let's talk about that little sideways barrel in the corpus crashed ship tileset right as you try to run through the first door but no you're stuck
Send me a screenshot, preferably in game with exif data, then I can take a look.
Hey while you're fixing holes in tilesets, can you fix the lip on the hole in the shortcut for the rescue room in the Grineer Galleon tileset?
If you send me a screenshot, preferably in game with exif data, then yes.
You can now.
Sorry to try to hijack you here, but with the remaster can we have all of those beautiful cave doors unlocked perminantly? There's so many cool sights to see in there and great caves that it's just a shame to not be able to get into those areas.
That is the plan, yes.
Done a quick test in remaster PoE just now and shrubbery doesn't stop operator dash anymore.
What about this happy Grineer goof?
Also shoutout to /r/Pareidolia LDs love that.
One wallpaper as requested! Let us know if that works for you!
Amazing, thank you! :D