That's me! Checking as we speak, I swear I fixed this millennia ago but apparently not! Thanks for ping.
That's me! Checking as we speak, I swear I fixed this millennia ago but apparently not! Thanks for ping.
Is there a way I could ask you to turn a specific level hole into a feature instead? There's one I've found that's really cool but I fear if I make it known you'll fix it.
It depends on how much effort and resources will be needed to make it work. If I can fix the hole without having to fiddle with lighting or other things that will trigger a bigger rebuild and so a bigger download by millions of people then that will be the way to go.
Oomae wa mou shindeiru. Srsly tho, these were replaced globally all the way back end of May/beginning of June. Turns out an integration hiccup left some relics in the game.
As for a little explanation as this isn't a case of 'y u no fun DE'
Thanks for the shot, fixed. Will be part of one of the next hotfixes!
u/DE_Killerkarpfen Is this in your realm of influence?
It is indeed, I shall take a look, thanks for ping.
Are you German though? With a name like that?
I always wanted to ask…any relation?
/u/DE_Killerkarpfen Your expertise might be helpful here. Any idea what this is?
Thanks fore the ping. A pillar poking out from another tile below this one. Sadly without a metadata screenshot (F6 in game) that is uploaded directly it will be very hard to find where it came from.
I think this counts, right? u/DE_Killerkarpfen
Sure does, I shall fill the hole, thanks for ping.
That was the one where I audibly went 'wow' when I saw him walk by, great job! The fan cosplay quality this year was bananas!
u/DE_Killerkarpfen, summoning thee for another hole!
Thanks for ping, I shall also fix this on Monday.
Thanks for the ping, I'll fix post TennoCon weekend!
I wonder if u/DE_Killerkarpfen is getting tired of me pinging them 🤔
Never! Will fix.
Can you fix this spot on Europa Defense missions too? There's an invisible wall on both sides that you can't shoot or walk through. It's been that way since... checks ...April 2017? Geezus.
I can, thanks for reporting it.
/u/de_killerkarpfen anything you can do here?
I can, thanks for ping. Fetching crowbar as we speak.
Thanks for the ping, I see the issue, will fix!
u/DE_Killerkarpfen - I have become the man in the wall...
During an invasion on Jupiter, vs Grineer.
Thanks for the ping, will be fixed with one of the next hotfixes.
Thanks a lot! Never saw a dev respond Soo quickly in a fansite, you guys are amazing! I have some more weird lighting issues with some other dojo rooms, can I pm you the screnies or something?
Please feel free to pass on more screenshots. However I am pretty confident I have found the underlying issue causing mystery lights in the dojo tiles and passed on my findings to our lighting team. Cheers!