

22 Oct

    Dejan on Steam - Thread - Direct

Main e1.5.3
  • Fixed the issue of parties without any healthy soldiers existing on the campaign map after battles if an army leader died in a battle.
  • Fixed the issue of Clan Warrior troop of Battania having the wrong default sword in Captain Mode.
  • Fixed Couch Lance bouncing on certain occasions.
  • Fixed an asset packaging issue that caused UI icons to show up in the wrong places.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a player joined a siege server that had an already broken siege tower.
  • Missing main map edit data has been re-added to the modding tools.
Known Issues
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09 Oct

    Dejan on Steam - Thread - Direct

Main e1.5.2
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a save file loaded on village menu and tried to enter the mission in tutorial phase.
  • Fixed a bug that caused villager parties to go to a castle or town while disbanding.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some nobles to talk like the main hero's brother.
  • Fixed the not being able to log in issue which was related to BattlEye.

28 Sep

    Dejan on Steam - Thread - Direct

Main e1.5.2
Latest Changes:
  • Fixed an issue with death cam in battles.
Previous Beta Hotfixes: 25/09/20
  • Fixed a problem with animation sampling.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get captured, lose all troops and companions despite a successful battle.
  • Both player and the bandit camp boss were forced to start the duel or battle without a wielded weapon. Now the boss wields the weapon when the dialogue is over and the player holds his weapon in his hands if he had already had one.
  • Removed the dismounting feature from spear blade parts. Dismounting can now only be applied with spear guard pieces.
  • Various problems with companion and lord deaths were resolved. (Parties that lost their party leader in s...
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    Dejan on Steam - Thread - Direct

Beta e1.5.3
Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when entering a smithy in any town.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the inventory while moving items with the drag function.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when players conquered one of the Scout Enemy Garrison Quest Settlements while having the quest active.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when leaving a kingdom during a siege event.
  • Fixed a crash that happened when players tried to become a vassal while they were in an army.
  • Fixed a hideout crash that occurred when players attacked an empty hideout. It should no longer be possible to attack empty hideouts now.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when peace was declared during simulations.
  • Fi...
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25 Sep

    Dejan on Steam - Thread - Direct

Beta Versions
Native: e1.5.2
SandboxCore: e1.5.2
Sandbox: e1.5.2
Storymode: e1.5.2
CustomBattle: e1.5.2

  • Fixed a problem with animation sampling.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the player to get captured, lose all troops and companions despite a successful battle.
  • Both player and the bandit camp boss were forced to start the duel or battle without a wielded weapon. Now the boss wields the weapon when the dialogue is over and the player holds his weapon in his hands if he had already had one.
  • Removed the dismounting feature from spear blade parts. Dismounting can now only be applied with spear guard pieces.
  • Various problems with companion and lord deaths were resolved. (Parties that lost their party leader in special circums...
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