

01 Sep


Originally posted by ClayWatney

Well, you tried at least. Please make it optional. It's really, really bad.

Can you confirm what is bad? Is it the rotation of the actual model or just the hand visual?


Originally posted by Blubbpaule

The problem with movement oriented stuff is that your speed is somehow bound to up and down orientation which is not needed at all. Ie: why do i move slower when i look upwards and have to look exactly 90° straight to have my full movement speed?

Making movement in vr always at full speed no matter where we look or hold our hands would fix this problem and wouldn't need awkward positioned items.

I've just tested the flashlights again and they all feel like they are in a natural position except for the actual hand models on the strong flashlight.


Originally posted by x_Reign

Well it’s mimicking the new hand placement for the non-VR flashlight users (lens facing bottom of hand), so the idea is that you hold it in VR like they do in game (which isn’t actually ideal and only aesthetics).

Another issue I have is with the video cameras, they’re pretty broken in VR atm. I love the updated versions of them; using them as in form of a flashlight and playing like it’s Outlast adds some serious immersion and spooks. But the cameras stop working after a little bit, and half the time in order to get the screen to open on the side you have to take them in to the truck and walk back out.

Just a bit frustrating.

Hey, the camera bug you mention has been fixed in the previous patch


Originally posted by AidenFelixis

Also in VR: I wish I could bind sprint to a button instead of it being auto'd to the joystick.

Hey, sorry about that. It is only a problem with the Index controllers at the moment and should be able to be fixed by changing your controller bindings in SteamVR

31 Aug


Hey, I have set up the new equipment grab angles to be as natural as possible when playing. This way you can move and use the flashlight at the same time without slowing down if you are using controller based rotation for movement.

The hand is set up for where the button is on the model which works well for Non-VR but VR it can't be where your actual hand is unfortunately without having to hold the flashlight near your head which isn't great for long play sessions.

30 Aug

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Beschuotzen: I found out the bug, whenever you hover over an item that you are not a high enough level for it locks all of the other items in the buy menu

Thanks, I'll try and get this fixes tomorrow
    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you able to buy the default items such as a flashlight or video camera? Also what level are you?

28 Aug


Originally posted by shadowalchemy101

I’m not too sure. It was a game where the ghost of was Goryo and had a super high amount of interactions. I think over 50 in a 16 minute game. Maybe that had something to do with it? It only happened when I was holding the camera, too. Not when it was placed down on a desk or on a tripod. The map was Tanglewood and the ghost was in the Boy’s bedroom if that helps at all.

I've fixed this now. I'll get an update out later today with the fix.


Originally posted by shadowalchemy101

Hello! I was running into a bug earlier, after the patch today, where my video camera would just shut off and not show anything. I had to cycle through inventory to get it working again, but it was happening frequently.

I am looking into this at the moment, do you know what might have caused it?

27 Aug


Originally posted by Dmarrick6667

The most recent one from yesterday yes

There was a more recent update so it should be fixed now although there are some other bugs with the cameras now but this one should be fixed.

26 Aug


Originally posted by fittytuckz

Love your game! Can you just clarify the vr journal being in the left hand? Can I swap it? As a left handed person I always been it with my right

We had to change it due to the new teleport movement effect however we will look into a new solution tomorrow so that you can grab it with both hands again


Originally posted by dakodeh

Thank you for replying. But I REALLY hope I’m reading that wrong. Are they saying now in order to “sprint” they are forcing us to teleport? Hopefully I’m wrong because that seems like a terrible immersion breaking design choice. Why on Earth wouldn’t they just increase the movement speed on sprint, just like flat?

Hey, you need to press the joystick/ trackpad in to sprint in VR with smooth locomotion.

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please restart steam to get the update quicker

02 Aug


Hey, please try reinstalling. It will make sure you have all of the correct windows audio files to be able to use the new voice chat.

If it doesn't work after that you probably need to update your motherboard audio driver.

25 Jul

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pandapop: Still having this issue.

Please try downloading and installing this:

Let me know if it works.

23 Jul

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, it was already explained that duplicate posts are removed and this is one of the most common suggestions.

22 Jul

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pandapop: Having push-to-talk enabled or disabled does not work for me, either.

It's not the volume, as it's at max.

I'm having the same issue - people in-game can't hear me, but the game itself can.

Hey, what headset/ microphone are you using?

21 Jul

    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Zyuina:
Originally posted by Dknighter: Hey, can you please try with and without push to talk on.
Hey there, thanks for the fast response!
I've tried it with push to talk on and it seemed to work, then turning it off again with people still being able to hear me.
Weird thing is, both the Ouija board and Spirit Box barely detect my voice now.

It is likely that your microphone input volume is too quiet. Try increasing it outside of the game in ei... Read more
    Dknighter on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey, can you please try with and without push to talk on.