

21 Oct


Originally posted by HastaKalistaBaby

How about giving an okay at specific functionalities?

I get you cannot allow 3rd party software for the reasons you said, but maybe you can say if a 3rd party build template is fine. Or if parsing game data to determine DPS is fine.

Then users can check a 3rd party software and see if it's "fine" in its current state.

side eyes

At your own risk. Always. Functionalities can be changed as much as the whole package. I will not OK any third party tool, or any part of it.


Originally posted by Nebbii

Thank you for taking your time to address all this reddit shitshow Dorn, every time this happens you are forced to come out and then we around and go and just forget all the other times it happened.

I just pray the people who shared accounts to wintrade will be also punished harshly because if we just keep tapping their wrists, then people like this guy who had this many accounts will just keep doing it with new ones while getting more clients.

's all good. I don't like users being spooked by rumours, that's all.

If anything,. I hope the message of: Do Not Share Your Accounts gets out. That's all I can hope for.


Originally posted by FreedomPanic

so none of the bannings were for the hacked version of build templates? Now I feel like a BAFOON arenanet. I posted an entire angry comment. I threw the baby out with the bathwater but it turns out the bathwater was perfectly fine!

Just make sure that poor baby is safe, y'hear? 's all good.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Heh, I wish you could give us a "use whatever, it's cool".

This is however a very specific case: the unmodified template functionality of specifically and only ArcDPS.

Hope I'm not coming on too strong. I know this is a difficult topic for you, to put it mildly. Have the guy who hacked the .dll put in some hidden gearcheck functionality and boom, you got a reason to ban and people will get pissy as always about everything since the dawn of time.

If that's still not phrased exact enough, I'll give up stop bothering you with that hot mess.

Edit: Oh wow, that conversation triggered so many people.

At your own risk. That's all I can ever, ever say to third party software.


Originally posted by [deleted]

Aw man, you know how wishy-washy that is. Just tell us if we need to f**k off of that or if it's fine, like the rest of ArcDPS.

That is the policy. Third party software may be changed by whoever makes or uses it to lead to severe breach of the terms of use for the game. As such, I cannot give you a "use whatever you please, it's cool" - because we have no control over it or the changes that may be made to it. What looks fine today could be modified in the next hour to break the rules, and then if users get banned, they would point at my statement.

So, third party tools, tools we cannot control and have no say over what they may do in the future, cannot be OKed by me or anyone.

As such, they are "use at your own risk".


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hey Dornsinger, thanks for the update!

Out of personal interest, what's your/Anet's stance on the reverse engineered, hacked .dll that keeps the ArcDPS template functionality running?

And can you tell us how much additional template slots are going to cost?

As with all third party tools, it is : Use at your own risk. Always.


Good morning and happy Monday, everyone.

As you can possibly guess, there's not a ton I can say, as I am sure there will be users in the mix who would highly prefer to not have their actions put forward to the public and who have kept mum since their accounts were closed.

However, I can give a few points.

Firstly, there was no ban for ArcDPS. Not sure how that rumour started, but it seems to come up every time a padlock is placed and so far each time it was brought up, that was not the core issue. That folks spoke up who never used it could have been a tip-off, too.

And with that addressed, I can only go into general things here.

Last week, a user was actioned for very, very blatant cheating in PvP (which is why the meme thread is kind of funny to me right now...). The user in question had a bunch of other violations piled in as we investigation the situation and we actioned his accounts and the accounts used to cheat with.

In doing s...

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20 Aug


Originally posted by Blumentopf_Vampir

Are you f**king kidding me? Do you even know how raid selling works?

You guys are only fine with the whole raid selling spiel, because you get people paying real money for gems.

At least be honest you muppet.

I have no idea why any kind of personal attacks are needed here. I was hoping to show the difference - which is indeed between group content to be cleared and that which is not. Clearing any group instance which requires grouping is the goal. Thus - Looking for Group.

In the case of the OP, 'clearing' was not the goal, as a home instance does not have a group goal to achieve.

However, as this is now the level we have reached, I'll respectfully remove myself from this conversation. :3

19 Aug


Originally posted by Exit-Here

so would making a group like:

<LFG exploring home instance 1g>

be fine? as the 1g is my requirement for forming the group

or if that isn't 'instanced content', why not just make it

<LFM roleplaying in homeinstance with mining picks, 1g>

Since there is a roleplaying tab in lfg, I assume roleplaying is 'content'

C'mon. That's still a sale of a home instance, which is not group content. And I am very sure you know that, too, right? :3


Originally posted by scitomniares

While the intent behind this rule is very clear and well motivated, the distinction between raid selling and home instance selling seems to be somewhat arbitrary/unclear to me.

In both cases, there are no goods sold directly, but a service (clearing a raid for you or access to a special area) which rewards goods (raid loot/achievements or materials).

One is to form a group, which is needed, to clear group content. One is not.


Originally posted by Dartwo

So, am I allowed to post on LFG to invite others to a full home instance for free? That is, not selling or buying (including donations or tips), just to be nice to allow others to come and join with me?

No. Home instances are not considered group content.


Originally posted by painstream

I recall at one point (unsourced, so take it for what it's worth), there was a red post on the official forums about this.
LFG selling is accepted for content only, which means raids/dungeons. It was specifically not for trading or home instance access, because those are not "content". You're still allowed to receive tips, but you're not permitted post home node access to LFG. Been like that for a while.

Based on the GM response, if you were to announce in /map or /say that you were selling home access, that might not get you in trouble? But also expect to get shouted down or reported for spam.

All of the above!


Which basicly means everything from buying/selling VIA THE LFG, no matter if you only want to buy decorations for your guildhall, selling raids, or anything else is against the policy.

To clarify on this: LFG is not a sales tool. It is a tool to form groups for events, raids, instanced content and so forth. LFG stands for "Looking for Group" - that needs to be the main goal.

If you are forming a group (like a raid), you may adverse it as it as such. You did not offer to sell a raid - you offered to sell goods. The intent of your LFG posting was not to find other players to explore content with, I reviewed that ticket (as well as the warning that was sent to you via email in ticket 7435456).

Please also note that "raid selling" is rife with scamming, and in most cases, the Customer Support team cannot help if a player is being scammed, as we do not officially allow such 'sales'. They are at a player's own risk.

I fully unde...

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09 Aug


Originally posted by Periproct

Then flag that character so that Support know to never restore it. Let’s not forget that the whole reason why OP is having to contact Support is because of a bug that caused the item to become bound with no confirmation box

We have no means of doing so, as stated previously. Believe me, we'd have a process for that, if it were an option.


Originally posted by Pyroatheist

Sure, but you'd have to go through with a customer service action to restore said deleted character, it's not like a customer can do that unilaterally. Do you not have any kind of flag you can place on an account to provide information in case of further tickets that would avoid that kind of issue?

We do not have a flag to prevent character undeletion.


Originally posted by Pokefreak911

Sorry, didn't mean to act like I knew better. A lot of us see situations like this and because we don't understand how the backend works we make assumptions. Most of us don't mean bad, we just clueless as to what does and doesn't work. In any case though, the OP did make a mistake due to an oversight in the game and it doesn't seem fair that he is punished for that.

You're fine, you're fine. :3

Just wanted to stress that when we say NO, we don't do it for a lark.


Originally posted by Pokefreak911

Does deleting a character with a locked skin on them unlock the skin? I know a worry there is that they could just recover that character through support at some later time, but is there a way to put a mark on that character at all? I have absolutely no idea of your systems just trying to throw ideas out there.

I appreciate you trying to pitch ideas, I really do. I hate to come off as 'rude' to users, but whenever these ideas get thrown, we have indeed already thought about them in the past.

No, we cannot flag a deleted character, as they are in a deleted state. No, there is no way to 'super delete' a character, either. It can be reclaimed, unless it gets corrupted, and there is no way of intentionally corrupting a character.


Originally posted by Skelldy

Wow, its word for word.

'Customer Support does not have the ability to unbind items or remove the item in a way that would not grant you the skins for this weapon.' I'm pretty sure this is false as others have stated in the comments. We can place the bugged weapons on a useless toon and delete it and not unlock the skin, and later have support gift a new version of the weapons.

I understand people wishing things weren't as they said they are, but comments such as "the CS team is lazy" or "they are lying" are not helpful - and in fact untrue.

Deleted characters can be restored, as such, deleting the character with items on it doers not remove the item from the game.


Originally posted by Blackops606

Maybe /u/dornsinger will see this and be able to help you out. Based on what I see, it looks like you and Anet both made mistakes. You made a mistake by clicking something you should have kind of known would screw things up and Anet's technology (not having a warning prompt) should be better.

At this point, the ticket seems to be handled correctly. Deleting items unlock their skins - so that's NOT something that should be done in this case. When we ask a user to throw something away for a replacement, it's stuff that won't give you a skin unlock.

Aside from that, I can only direct to the ticket, this isn't something to solve on reddit.

25 Jul