

26 Feb


Hello u/joan_artigas, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 6 - Art Submissions and God Concepts

Skin concepts must include original artwork. You may NOT find an image of something you like and suggest it as a skin concept.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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24 Feb


Hello u/Blazelwood, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 6 - Art Submissions and God Concepts

Skin concepts must include original artwork. You may NOT find an image of something you like and suggest it as a skin concept.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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22 Feb


Hello u/dswitz, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 3 - No soapboxing or rants

By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk.

Posts, complaints or rants regarding, but not limited to, a few matches, matchmaking, MMR, servers, the balance of specific god(s), players or other general personal problems/issues are not allowed.


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21 Feb


Hello u/Oracle209, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 6 - Art Submissions and God Concepts

Skin concepts must include original artwork. You may NOT find an image of something you like and suggest it as a skin concept.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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20 Feb


Originally posted by NoSurrend3r

I'm going to assume you're talking to the guy who commented on how I have "my nose up hirez's ass". and how others like "getting f**ked by corporations and begging for more" and not the guy who is defending himself. Especially after the first time you banned me because your pride got injured when novakiller was very obviously crawling through my comment history and harassing me.

No, I'm talking to you as I don't talk to users the first time they engage in arguments like these, but I certainly do talk to them after their 6th recorded time.

Idk what you mean by pride tho, you both were arguing and both were told to knock it off. So yes, this is the final "stop being aggressive". If someone's being rude to you, report it.


Originally posted by NoSurrend3r

It takes longer for noobs to get into ranked, therefore they have more experience when they get into ranked you dumb f**k. I can't believe I have to dumb it down this much for this community. You guys just have no ability to think for yourselves.

Final warning, stop resorting to abusive language.

18 Feb


Hello u/Memelord7906, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 8 - Low-Effort Content

One-liners, puns, amusing in-game names, and bait-and-switch titles are not allowed.

Please read ...

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17 Feb


Originally posted by MaraTalone

Take it from a Zeus player. Stay by minions or teammates to let him combo and you shouldnt get 3 charges.then when he has used shield, chain lightning, discharge and you dont think he has his ult, smash him.

Source: diamond, 1 star, zeus player.

This. Positioning yourself around minions is the easiest way you can avoid Zeus without an ult and so many people just don't know it. It effectively allows anyone to close in on him without a problem.

16 Feb


Hello u/Unlimited-Dragonman, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 9 - Meme Monday

Memes and joke posts are only allowed on Meme Monday, which can be indicated by a stickied post on the subreddit.

You may post memes any time on r/gank.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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Hello u/jewboyfresh, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 9 - Meme Monday

Memes and joke posts are only allowed on Meme Monday, which can be indicated by a stickied post on the subreddit.

You may post memes any time on ...

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14 Feb


Hello u/Arsinay, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 8 - Common Issues

Looking for group and clan recruitment posts are not allowed. Try /r/SmiteLFM or ...

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11 Feb


Originally posted by ExaltedCthulhu

Maybe we are having a miscommunication, because if I didn't know any better, I might think you threatened me just now.

You seem to readily ignore said rules when it benefits you, and even persecute people who are victims of said abuse. So don't talk to me about rules when you have a very clear double standard. And if you don't like it, then you should step down, but we both know you won't because you enjoy the power.

In short, you're a dick and you will never command the respect of this community.

You can be petty now and ban me for standing up to a bully.

Okay let's discuss it out in the clear. I don't know where you got the idea of me following people around the site to spam them from, but I've NEVER done that, and it's frankly confusing to me. Furthermore, why would I persecute people for being harassed? Every single one of my bans of active users was because they were abusive to others, I'm putting my word behind it. I don't need you to trust me, but you obviously seem to have a completely different idea of me.

About stepping down... Yea I won't? I'm prepared to leave at any moment if need be, I'm not too attached to my mod spot and it isn't my life, it's just a side thing I do so yes, I could step down and I'd be fine, but I won't because I want to help make /r/Smite a nicer place.

This brings me to my last point. I mod because I wanna clear the ...

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Originally posted by ExaltedCthulhu

No, I think I'll keep doing it. Normal users are not prohibited from doing so, nor are they properly recognized when they do. You don't get special treatment.

I wasn't prohibiting you as a mod, I was asking nicely as a person because it's very annoying to deal with someone following you and spamming.

However, since we're obviously having a miscommunication error here, I'd just like to kindly remind you of Reddit's spam and harassment policies which also prohibit "following someone around the site". Now, I'm sure you definitely didn't want to say that you were doing exactly that with your "No, I think I'll keep doing it" comment given that you care about rules so much, but if you do fail to abide by those same rules, you might receive appropriate penalties due to your breaking of said rules now, and in the past. Have a great day!

10 Feb


Originally posted by ExaltedCthulhu

RULE 8\*

It is in fact, rule 5.

Also, please don't follow me around like this, it's weird.


The new mods are seriously great and I'm so glad to have you guys on the team!

09 Feb


Your boyfriend got really unlucky here because:

a) Sending multiple tickets resets your queue position

b) HiRez is currently revamping their tickets system so it can take up to two weeks more for a response.

Could you reply with your bf's IGN and Platform? I can't promise help but I'll see if there's someone that can do something.

08 Feb


Hello u/Necrofantasian, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 7 - No Excessive Self-Promotion or Spam

You may only post a clip once every 72 hours.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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Hello u/Oweyan, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 6 - Art Submissions and God Concepts

Skin concepts must include original artwork. You may NOT find an image of something you like and suggest it as a skin concept.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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06 Feb


Hello u/marlonball, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

Please wait 72h between art posts. If you'd like to post multiple images, you can create an album.

If you have any questions or concerns, please ...

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