

19 Mar


Hey! Founder's pack is not meant to be out today - the release date for it will be announced to the general public by HiRez later on :)

11 Mar


Hey yall! Wanted to elaborate more as to why this was removed, as I don't feel like the automated response was giving it justice.

First of all, I want to make it abundantly clear this is absolutely not an appropriate thing to say. Racism of ANY FORM is strictly unacceptable and should be dealt with immediately.

The problem, however, is the fact as others have pointed out is that the account posting this is extremely unverifiable (as it was made a day ago), and there's no evidence of the messages in any of the discords. If there's a statement made by either of the parties, or if there's a verifiable way of confirming this situation, it is welcome to be properly discussed.

The second problem with this post is that the title is more designed to create outrage rather than an actual attempt at addressing this. Calling them "HIREZ caster" instead of what they go by in their social medias does nobody justice. "Recent racist statements made by X" or something simila...

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06 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]


As others have already pointed out, your message could've been almost identical but without name calling and it would've been a useful, meaningful contribution. This way, it just gets removed.

I've warned you already for this a week ago, please don't engage in needless name calling.

29 Feb


Originally posted by eclaessy

So much for typing up a helpful comment, thanks automod



This post was removed by Automod as it has been identified by reddit under "spam" category. While it's not spam, it will not be reinstated as you violate our rules.

You're welcome to discuss the issue you're facing, and I highly recommend you check out similar posts that have been made recently, as it is a type of thing we allow. However, what we don't allow is this.

26 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not only is this a super pointless argument in the first place, becoming vulgar/rude is just not allowed. Take this as a warning.

24 Feb


I would give my blood for HiRez to return Rat's old 2 lmao. IIRC it was scrapped in the first place due to performance issues, which should definitely not be at play anymore. However, to do that they need to make the dash go through gods again, as that was the entire design of the ability.

23 Feb


We already have a pinned Slash discussion thread here.

22 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Literally 0 reasons to be rude.

18 Jan


Originally posted by Gboon

Incorrect automoderation.

The automod incorrectly flagged this post, but it will remain removed due to violations of our rules no.2 and no.3, which relate to witch-hunting and rants.

17 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


Using Down's Syndrome as an insult is completely inappropriate.

24 Jun

22 Jul


Originally posted by gamingxvixen

I’m about to block you, sorry, you need a life.

Crediting artists is in fact one of our rules here, and not doing so is really unfair to the person who spent so much of their own time creating this art. I'll remove the post on that basis.

09 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


Literally 0 reason to be a dick

20 May


Hello u/GodOfSeasalt, thanks for your submission, but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s):

RULE 9 - Meme Monday

Memes and joke posts are only allowed on Meme Monday, which can be indicated by a stickied post on the subreddit.

You may post memes any time on ...

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10 May


Originally posted by [deleted]


Really unnecessary


Originally posted by [deleted]


03 May


We don't allow rants like these on the sub so I'll remove the post.

Not sure what the point of it is as you clearly admit you responded in the same way hence making the ban justified in every way.

01 May

21 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]


Using disabilities as an insult is some bad 3rd-grade stuff that you should leave there. Please be mindful of what you write as you were warned for exactly this in the past already.