

28 Sep


Thanks for pointing this out, u/Nebula_Starry_. I've sent this clip to our QA team so they can investigate.

27 Sep


Thanks for pointing this out, u/RealFuntimeGamerFred. I'll pass this along so it can be looked into.

24 Sep


Originally posted by stasharena16

This happens to me as well. Might as well ping u/EpicBoaty and see if he can pass this issue to the Team.

Description: Everytime you respawn. Your items get mixed up.


Thanks for the tag! I'm going to forward this thread to our QA team so they can investigate.


Hey all!
Would anyone happen to have a video clip of this issue that they could share with me?


Hey u/Pedrinn1Todynho2!

Thanks for reporting this. Our team is currently looking into this issue.


Hello u/cameron6692!

Our team is aware of this bug and it's being investigated. Feel free to check the following Trello card for more info: https://trello.com/c/M0moDF7B


Passed this along to our QA team so they can look into it. Thanks for reporting this, u/lukeskayy!


Thanks for pointing this out, u/Erfan_is_Sad! I've sent this thread to our QA team so this issue can be investigated.


Thanks for the report, u/aquaslicer360! I've flagged this to our QA team so they can investigate.


Hello u/FragFlurryAwesome!

Our team is aware of this issue and it is currently being investigated. Apologies for the inconvenience.


Thanks for reporting this, u/AetherIke! Our QA team is aware of this bug and a fix is being investigated.


Hello and thanks for the report, u/NitroDameGaming! I let our QA team know that players are running into this bug again and they're going to investigate.

Please let me know what weapons you've seen cause this if you have run into it while playing.


Thanks for the report, u/sleemaylol! I've sent this thread directly to our QA team so they can investigate.

15 Sep


Originally posted by TheVSRF

u/EpicBoaty please check it :-)

Sending this off to the team. Thanks for the tag!

14 Sep


You protected him well! I'm sending this bug over to our QA team so we can get to the bottom of this issue. Thanks for sharing, u/DefectiveBoat.


I've forwarded this thread to our QA team so they can look into this. Thanks for posting, u/Zou93!


Thanks for reporting this, u/okurrridk! Does anyone happen to have a video clip of this issue that they could share with me?


Thanks for posting this, u/RustyCage21. Our QA team is looking into it.

For those that are experiencing this, are you also playing on Xbox?

27 Aug


Thanks for reporting this and sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Our team is aware of and investigating this issue.