

17 Jun


Thanks for the report! This is currently being discussed by our team.


Thanks for pointing this out, u/tokyotapes! I've made our QA team aware and it's being investigated.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've made our team aware.


Thanks for the report, u/PricklyAssassin. I've forwarded this to our QA team so they can investigate and teach our Llamas to swim.

16 Jun


I've flagged this for the team to investigate. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, u/UnfortunatelyUnkn0wn!


Thanks for pointing this out, u/AledOnMaPasteuriser. Our team is investigating.

11 Jun


Congrats on your graduation, u/Flashpdv! I wish you nothing but the best on your future adventures!


That's just quick maths right there, honestly.


I bet you can hear a loud "EEE OOOO BBLLUUHHH" when their stocks aren't doing too well.


This came out so well! I don't know that I agree with it not being worth it. Incredible job, u/SilverWolf1865!



For the remainder of the Season, players now have access to all Tech in Spy Games modes.

Please Note: Spy Games Tech levels displayed on the Battle Pass tab may not appear correctly.



For the remainder of the Season, players now have access to all Tech in Spy Games modes.

Please Note: Spy Games Tech levels displayed on the Battle Pass tab may not appear correctly.

10 Jun

04 Jun


Originally posted by Deyruu

Unfortunately, anybody currently using the Team Perk can open them, regardless of who actually generated the Stashes.

It's a problem much like other players stealing materials from a Constructor's B.A.S.E. running the Recycle Team Perk, for some reason Epic refuses to simply lock user-generated items to their internal User IDs. Despite it being a common complaint for over a year (multiple years in the case of B.A.S.E. thieves).

Every single account has its own inventory, and when one account picks something up it disappears for everyone. Obviously each account is already internally tracked and identified individually, so it's certainly possible.

But for some reason, despite a massive portion of the playerbase being upset by other people stealing much needed resources from their Team Perks for years, we have never been able to even get this problem acknowledged.

Try try again, right? u/Magyst...

Read more

Thanks for pointing this out. This is the first I've personally seen of this but I haven't been around for very long. I will sync with the team about this issue.

30 May


I'm willing to bet he has a pretty solid meow!


Apologies for this frustrating experience, u/theminer325. Our team is aware of this issue and it's currently being investigated.

If anyone runs into this issue in any future matches, please report it using the in-game Feedback tool. If you do, send me a DM so I can get some information from you.

27 May


I've flagged this for our team to investigate. Thanks for the report!

I'm going to reach out to you in a DM to get some information from you.


Hey! Our team is currently investigating this issue. If you run into this issue during any future matches, please report it in-game using the Feedback button and reach out to me in a DM so I can get some information from you.


Originally posted by _blondey

Hello, any update on when will this be fixed?

This should be fixed in the next major update!


Originally posted by the-upvoter-guy

Oh sorry I meant it works fine in matches but it doesn’t work properly in the lobby

Thanks for following up. I've made our QA team aware so they can look into it!