

09 Aug


Thanks for posting this, u/LoneWolfPld. I reported this to our QA team to ensure it is investigated.


Thanks for the detailed report, u/syousef1975. I've sent this off to our QA team to make sure it's being investigated.


Thanks for the report, u/FadezV2. I've sent this over to our QA team for them to investigate.


Originally posted by SlappyHei

Thanks for the link, I will now look at the beautiful cat.

Edit: The cat was beautiful /u/EpicBoaty

Thank you! <3


Originally posted by RedSith5

He’s only the community coordinator, nothing special

Edit: No, he's actually really important

Sadness. Nothing but sadness.


Originally posted by iwasherenotyou

Having the same issues. My accounts are linked and I finished the beta and still haven't gotten the pickaxe. I play on both PC and PS4 if that helps.

We now have teams currently investigating this. I'll be sure to update everyone as soon as we know more!

Thanks for the patience and not Hulk smashing me in the meantime.

08 Aug


It looks so good! Is this an addition to a collection? If so, I would love to see your full collection!


This is an absolute emergency. Someone help Kit back up or I will be sad.


Our team is aware of this issue and it's being investigated. Thanks for posting!


Originally posted by jsergo1026

my son is having the same problem

Thanks for letting me know! Does he play Fortnite on PS4 as well?


Thanks for posting this for me to see. I am going to begin investigating.

u/anonymousgoat777 I'm going to be reaching out via DM to collect some info from you.

16 Jul


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. If you are encountering this issue, please let me know which platform you play on.

28 Jun

27 Jun


I forwarded this thread to the team to assist with their investigation. This clip is extremely helpful, u/AledOnMaPasteuriser. Thanks for posting.

26 Jun


Hi, all!
This is a visual issue our team is aware of. The XP displayed in a match is visually off and is being investigated. Please reference your XP bar in the Lobby for an accurate representation.

Feel free to follow this Trello card for updates!

25 Jun


Thank you u/icecoldcoke319 and everyone else who contributed to this thread. I'm currently going through now and making sure we are tracking each issue mentioned.


Hey all! I flagged this for our QA team to investigate. I was sure to mention that this seems to be occurring on all platforms. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

22 Jun


I'm just speechless. Thank you so much for sharing this incredible art, u/RuffianSFM!


Originally posted by GEBULAR

u/EpicBoaty it’s only certain areas of the map but makes for some really bad stuttering when you run into it. Seems to be the worst at fortilla, trash islands, and sweaty sands.

Sorry to see yourself and others are running into this problem. I'll make sure our QA team is looking into this.


Thanks for the report, u/Pigginatti. Our team is aware of this and it's being investigated.