

04 Aug

    Ev1n_NA on Forums - Thread - Direct

So you want that Mayhem skin with choppers instead of planes... i see right through you! (and approve)

I also wanted to comment briefly on collaborating with "historical" franchises, since there are some comments around this topic. Collaborations and IP licensing are complicated endeavors and many factors need to align for the deal to be worth it for both parties. Over the years we've had many more licensing discussions and pitches that failed than those that ended up in a deal being signed. As was mentioned before a prohibitive cost is usually the first and most common barrier we cannot breach - the value received from the partner would simply not be worth the investment. Sometimes it's also shifting time frames and release windows that will mean we either can't complete a full production cycle (bear in mind that deal negotiations usually last many months before a deal is signed by both sides and we can even begin working on content - looks at Greyhound >__>) or we ...

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28 Jul

    Ev1n_NA on Forums - Thread - Direct

It would be logical to assume that if you see us releasing collaboration content consistently then that means there is a big enough demand for it and that the benefits outweigh the risks (including sentiment like yours). This might sound cold, but it's a reality of running a f2p online game that we are not immune from - we need to cater to the widest audience we can, while balancing the content released so that it does not change the game too much for too many people (in each separate audience group). Therefore, you may assume that alongside the "vanilla" WoWS content we release with a fairly regular cadence we will also continue to bring out collaboration content of various flavors.

If in that process it is revealed that some type of content has not been very popular then the reasons for that underperformance will be evaluated and that content might not appear in the game again.

[EDIT] Forgot to mention that aside from APAC, weeb content is most pop...

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20 Jul

    Ev1n_NA on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mine is from a moderately successful online naval combat game which i worked on as a producer, so they put my face in as a commander when we negotiated with the Polish Navy Museum to put the Błyskawica in the game.

07 Jul

    Ev1n_NA on Forums - Thread - Direct

test post

07 Feb

    Ev1n_NA on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to clarify, because you guys are writing about Phil as if he quit his job. This is not the case.

He is just taking time away from the salt mines of Reddit and the community in general. Some are also under the impression that communicating with the community is his only job - this is also not the case. He is a producer, has a team to lead and many tasks that are invisible to the average Joe Cmdr - all connected with making the game better for everyone (on average, you sealclubbing GC owners).

So don't make this an obituary - he'll be back eventually.
